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  • Posted by: Wetgirl2 Age: 21 Posted on: 18 Jun 2021 5 comments
    5 likes 32 views Category: Masturbation Female Techniques Tags: Touching

    Sorry….I realised my last “techniques” was more about fantasies than anything else. 

    Fantasies are terribly important. A sexy image to go with a sexy feeling which leads to a satisfying cum. But let’s talk about touch.Vibrators and dildos. I have a Lelu vibrator. It’s almost silent, beauti... » Read more
  • Posted by: Wetgirl2 Age: 21 Posted on: 15 Jun 2021 7 comments
    11 likes 27 views Category: Masturbation Female Techniques Tags: Masturbation

    I wouldn’t dream of listing all the techniques I use to get myself off. Anyway, they have changed so much over the years From the days when I was way too scared to put even a finger inside myself, to the kinds of things I do now.

    That said, I suppose there are multiple variations that could loosely be...

    To take them in reverse order….The quickie.This happened when I’ve been wet all day, and get to a point when I simply must cum. Unfortunately, the moment when I really want to cum often coincides with a situation where there are other people around me, or I can only grab a few minutes of privacy. It also coincides with... » Read more

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