Search Results for: rickers4255

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  • Posted by: Magnolia618 Age: 70s Posted on: 12 Feb 2024 10 comments
    18 likes 30 views Category: Sex Stories Group Co-ed Tags: Numerius, lapdog2, rickers4255, threesome, sexting

    My story is about adults enjoying sex as a threesome after meeting online first. 
    It’s about satisfying sex with friends that had never met. 
    Its purpose is to help others have fun with and hopefully cum as they read. 
    I hope to write about other experiences as time goes on ...

    This is my first story. My sexual experiences were very limited until I was older and my partner wasn’t interested in sex anymore. I wasn’t ready to give it up.    Therefore I searched for ways to satisfy my needs. I started with an online sexting partner. We had sexted and become friends fo... » Read more

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