This lovely story took me right back.
In my early/mid teens, I skated in competition ice dance. I loved the training, and I had a bri... » Read more
This lovely story took me right back.
There is so much more to sex than touching.
Alison and I went from sexually distant to being insatiable for one another almost instantly during the lockdowns. I learned that I had to let her lead the way and initiate sex, but once that was done, she was desperate to try everything and anything we could think of between us.
One has to share ones good fortune…however frustrating that may be!
Listening to my parents having sex made me wonder…how many of my friends have heard something similar? As I started to ask around and I had no idea just what a powder keg I was applying a match to!
Christmas decorations must come down.
Well, I had to have a go!
The power of focused concentration should not be underestimated.
I’m a quarter of a century old today! Maybe I should start to calm down? Nah!
A large country hotel. Idyllic setting of woodland, snow, and inside crackling log fires and the scent of pine cones. Waitresses in black dresses and white aprons holding trays of champagne and expensive nibbles, and one in particular who just resonated with me for absolutely no reason I could articulate.
...Nudity is just a normal part of this household. We used to have ‘formal’ naked days, but they have morphed into something far more relaxed and spontaneous. One of us might want to be naked, and the others may join in…or not….it must be as each person feels.
I am something of a soft soul really…an old romantic.
In-class cum(s)
And still, it snows. Not as heavily as initially, but enough to fill in and blur the edges of yesterday’s footprints. Enough to cover the bird tracks, and enough to give the world a fresh untouched feel to it.
I’ve been asked to write this particular contribution, but it needs some context…and a brief dip into ancient human history too.
I told her not to go out. The snow is so thick, and the road outside our drive is listed as ‘unpassable’, yet still she insisted.