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This Story Takes Me Back!

Posted by: Age: 14 then Posted on: 2 comments
8 likes 4 views Category: Masturbation Female Solo Tags: Wetness,

This lovely story took me right back.


In my early/mid teens, I skated in competition ice dance. I loved the training, and I had a brilliant coach. There were some horribly early starts for lessons, but that was ok. I utterly loathed the competitions. Bitchiness doesn’t come close to describing what went on, and watching the older girls (for more reasons than one) I quickly learned that an unattended leotard would likely get a skate blade through it. Or blades on a competitor’s skate might be missing a screw or two. It was viscous, and a world I quickly lost interest in, but oh, the skating! 


I loved it for several reasons. One, I was very good at it. Two, it gave me an opportunity to be stared at, wearing almost nothing and three, some fabulous masturbation sessions followed. 



The size of leotard I wore was like the girl in the link above, ie not adult sized, and therefore no protection in the crotch or nipple area. (I wonder if those who design these things are guys, and think a girl doesn’t get wet until she’s 18 and older?) 



I would choose colours that grew instantly dark in the presence of any moisture. For a while, I even let my pubic hair grow and although I kept it trimmed, I didn’t between my legs. It really turned me on to think some attentive watcher might catch a glimpse of a spider leg. 



Ice dance is vigorous exercise. True, a rink is cold, but you work so hard during a routine that you are sweating by the end. Exercise simply makes a girl wet between her legs, even if she isn’t feeling horny. 



And so I skated, and skated and skated. Dropping out of competition skating lost me my coach, mainly because she only taught competition skaters, but there were plenty of others who taught general skating. For a while, I had a guy called Ian. Flirt? Well, hello! Of course I did. He got the whole, pointy-nipple, spider-leg, moist crotch exhibition. 



But it was the cool downs I really enjoyed, just skating around relaxing and taking stock. By now, my crotch was a mess and I could feel that leotard firmly producing a camel toe and therefore moving over my clit with each step. As I skated around, I’d wonder where Ian was right now. Was he in the restroom beating one out? I’d certainly given him enough eye candy and I was sure he had smelled me too. 



By now, cooled down or not, I simply couldn’t wait any more, so off to the restroom with my bag. The restroom cubicles were wide enough to function as individual changing rooms too which was helpful. One thing I’ll tell you, I was far from the only girl to have a quick cum in those rooms. Now and then, I would hear a girl going for it and the suppressed moans as she came. Sometimes they would be accompanied by a trickle into the bowl too, which really turned me on! 



My favourite method was to masturbate in my leotard, but with it pulled down at the top to accentuate (what little) boob I had. I would flick my bean until I was almost there, then let the material cover me again until I came wetly unto the crotch. 



Other times, perhaps when I was 15/16 I’d strip naked. I’d imagine another girl was in there with me, and I’d use my own scent to fuel the fantasy that I was licking another girl through her leotard. The thing is, the scent of fabric softener affected my own scent just enough to make it believable that it was another girl. If I was feeling really dirty, I might flip the crotch over and lick my cream from the crotch. 



Being naked there….oh, how I hoped someone would peer over the top of the cubicle, or perhaps push a phone camera under it. 



I’ve always been an exhibitionist, ever since I had anything to exhibit. I adore feeling eyes roving over my body, and I get off on the thoughts of the people staring at me. I wonder (and probably amplify) what they might be thinking.



Even now, sometimes I get asked how old I am, and I always turn the question back with a “How old do you think I am.” Sometimes, I get a hopeful “18?” But now and then someone might cheekily add “but you look 15.”




Oh, on a side note, Dani is growing out her pubic hair. She has no choice really, as she developed a nasty case of razor rash. Right now she has the pubes of a 14year old, and she looks amazing. 




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