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  • Posted by: Style14 Age: 29 Posted on: 15 Feb 2014 1 comments
    3 likes 3268 views Category: Masturbation Male Solo Tags: Male, solo, cum, first time
    The first time I discovered masturbation...
    Although I had experienced a couple of wet dreams and had boners for quite some time I never actually masturbated to orgasm until I was around 13, as although I remember touching and playing with myself, I always got scared when I approached orgasm or sometimes it would take a... » Read more
  • Posted by: Style14 Posted on: 25 Jan 2014 1 comments
    5 likes 3085 views Category: Masturbation Male-Female Tags: Cum, mutual masturbation, female, male
    Marie and I had always been friends but in one night we became more. Marie was my first proper girlfriend. We had know each other for a few years and were always close, and if I am honest, I always fancied her but never thought for one moment that I would have the chance to ever be more than friends. She always had ...
    It was a Friday evening and we had been out to our local pub meeting up with other friends as was our usual Friday night, she lived fairly close so I used to walk round and meet her, have a drink or two at hers then grab a lift with her step dad who always dropped us off. I arrived just as she was getting ready and as... » Read more

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