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  • Posted by: Corbby Age: 26 or so Posted on: 30 Mar 2014 1 comments
    2 likes 4778 views Category: Masturbation Male-Female Tags: voyeur, peeping tom
    The next instalment of my peeping tom masturbation stories.
    I mentioned in my previous post about the people that moved in to the apartment after the first woman moved out. This was over three years later, having gone to grad school out of town, moved back and was living in the same neighborhood as my folks. I revisited... » Read more
  • Posted by: Corbby Age: 24 at the time Posted on: 28 Mar 2014 4 comments
    4 likes 4725 views Category: Masturbation Male-Female Tags: voyeur, peeping tom, vibrator, , phone sex
    I was inspired by VeeVendetta's story ( to relate the first time I ever spied a woman masturbating. I've been a peeping tom for years - less so as I get older and less nimble (and maybe smarter?), and I've shared this story on a few voyeur related web...
    Now I had been pretty much a hard-core voyeur since high-school, but had limited myself to mostly watching our next door neighbor and her daughter in their bathroom from the roof of my parent's house. At 24, I was still living at home, going to college and saving money up for grad school, when I started escalating ... » Read more

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