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  • Posted by: BJackson Age: 41 Posted on: 28 Jan 2014 4 comments
    8 likes 4209 views Category: Masturbation Male Solo Tags: Spankings, masturbation, caught, bathroom, Mother-Son
    Several months ago, after I commented on her spanking stories, Jennifer Barnes suggested I submit a story. I don't know how I missed that, but if you are still reading, Jennifer, I will do it now. Her questions were: How about taking us through your favorite childhood spanking from start to finish. How old were you? Wh...
    I mostly got spanked for two things: bad language and touching myself. My parents were strict about that. Once, we went to visit some friends of my parents and I got soaked playing in the sprinkler. There were two girls and no boys in that family, so the only thing they could give me to wear was a pair of girls shorts,... » Read more

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