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Watching .Just Watching

Posted by: Age: 23 Posted on: 6 comments
10 likes 11 views Category: Masturbation Female Solo Tags: Masturbation, masturbating for girlfriend, watching masturbation, voyeur

Oh, but it’s beauty….pure physical, emotional and spiritual beauty.

Emily has been holding me in her arms and kissing me until I melt. Then, she releases her hold on me and takes a pace backwards although still holding my hand. “Watch me?” 


My heart races. I’ve been asked this before, and been privileged to watch her make love to herself so intimately, so gently, so tenderly, it made me weep. Will this be another demonstration of that? Or will she pass by our sex toy drawer and choose herself something to play with?



There is one inviolable rule to these requests whomsoever of us makes them. ….one masturbates, one watches….and only  watches. No touching of any kind…neither ourselves, or the one masturbating. Emily wants to show me something. 



She reaches the drawer and I think she is  past it, but no….instead, she opens it and pulls out an ordinary common-or-garden vibrator…the type most girls have stashed away. Oh, not a 9 inch monster, in fact, if anything this one barely measures 5”. It. Is totally silent, however. It should be….it cost a fortune. 



Did I mention she’s only in her panties? No matter…now you know. She seems to drift up onto the king-sized bed? (How does she do that?) Sometimes, she doesn’t utter a word…she is locked into a world of her own inside her head. Sometimes she is a font of profanity and filth. But, and Hannibal Lecter would say, “Not today.” 



She settles herself down, and for a moment lies perfectly still, just breathing. Her white panties beg to be sucked, licked, taken off with my teeth….she is….perfect. 



Her hand moves…..her long, delicate fingers stroke her right breast and the nipple rises in approbation. She inhales…..”She touched me here….just like this…..so softly….so desirous, yet so scared. Her first time with another girl.” 



I am to be treated to a recounting of sex with a chambermaid in a hotel. This happens a lot. There are so many young girls from Eastern Europe, away from home, lonely, feeling desperately horny themselves yet not wanting to risk sex with guys here….some turn to other girls for the first time….and Emily couldn’t be a better choice. 



“She cupped my boob….like this. See? I said I would just let her explore me….and that I wouldn’t touch her until or unless she said I could. She was only in her panties too….she smelled sweaty….deliciously sweaty….well, they work these girls so hard.”



She pauses to wet her fingers with her tongue. “And then…..a kiss…..there. And another…..and her tongue….” She gently moves a wet fingertip over her nipple which, by now, was rock-solid….painfully solid. I knew from experience that at this stage, Emily would have been crying out to have that nipple grazed by teeth, or sucked….hard! I could imagine the frustration.



“For all I knew, it could have ended right there, but……” Emily’s fingers stroked down over her toned belly and slipped inside her white panties. “She was surprised, I think, to find me hairless, but she moved further and I parted my legs to allow her access and to convey my consent. She had touched herself before, of course, but never before someone else. She found my clit and her fingers began a delicate ballet with my sensitive bud.”



My insides were screaming! Screaming to masturbate alongside her! Oh God….I’ll never keep it up!. But I must. Rules are rules, and to break them would be a betrayal. 



“Somehow, it felt like her fingers were buzzing.” Emily brought the vibrator gently to her clit. “I told her, of course, that that would make me cum, and……..” she writhes  on the bed, and moans and the crotch of her panties becomes shiny with her dew.



“And then, she took my panties off me.” Emily again achieves that ‘moving without moving’ that she does so well, and her white panties lay crumpled on the floor. She again spreads her legs. 



“I asked her what she would like to do…but before she answered, I told her to be 100% honest, and that I would know if she wasn’t. She said “I…I want fuck you with my fingers.” And so she did this. “ The vibrator disappeared inside her and she begins to fuck herself. “Oh, Anna, her fingers! So long…so delicate…she must have had three inside me, and she fucked me deeply, pressing my g-spot on the way in and out. I pushed down against her. I was aching in my very soul to touch her, but so far, she hadn’t indicated that she wanted that. Sometimes, it happens with these girls…they just want to touch you…then presumably, they scurry off somewhere private and Jill themselves off. But….she said ‘ You suck me?’ I couldn’t resist it. I asked here where I should suck her, and told her to ‘be naughty’. She giggled a little and finally said ‘You suck my….cunt…yes?’



I don’t recall where or when she had taken her own panties off, but she was suddenly stride me and her perfectly trimmed sex was in front of my face. She was holding the back of my left leg while three fingers of her right hand were fucking me….and I licked that delectable, creamy cunt.” I know Em is hovering on the brink. All the signs are there. She’s so excited, she can’t even say the sentences without little breaks in the flow. 



“And then….she…came…..as did….oooohhhh fuuuuuuck….” And my heavenly wife exploded into orgasm….now and then she tries to talk, but not very successfully “Squirted……oooh..lin my….fuuuck…mouth….” 



Finally the orgasm leaves her ravaged on the bed, but with an evil glint in her eye. “I bet you can hardly wait! (Fuccking right.) “Well, go for it then…but you might like these.” She reaches under the pillow and brings out a sealed plastic bag in which are the girl’s panties. I wank myself into obscurity smelling and tasting what my wife smelled and tasted. 



Perfect…..simply perfect.




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