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Innocent Days?

Posted by: Age: 23 Posted on: 9 comments
15 likes 23 views Category: Masturbation Female Solo Tags: Masturbation, incest, incest fantasies, Preteen, clit, orgasm, my good girls club, Family, Gym, first time

Sometimes, my mind drifts back to my pubertal youth. Puberty is exciting for girls on the whole, I think. Boobs development. That thicker vaginal discharge, periods, feeling sexy, and of course, doing something about it. But there is, or rather was for me, a back between feeling sexy and doing something about it, and doing something about it with someone else. I call this my ‘innocent time.’ 

Like most girls in adolescence, a daily, if not hourly boob check was in order….I’d look down at my little buds, desperately hoping to detect even the slightest increase in size. Looking at myself naked in the bathroom was strange….I was staring at something new…something I didn’t immediately recognise as me. 


Then, when I found my clit, and got over the ‘I’m going to pee’ feeling most girls get before their first orgasm, I realised what an immense source of pleasure by body was capable of. 



You know, I’m not sure I fantasised a great deal to begin with. I just touched myself because it felt nice. Now and then though it coincided with mum and dad having sex. Maybe they got louder, or maybe I just noticed it and knew it for what it was. 



I knew how people had sex….well….as far as Convent School sex Ed classes went. “The woman must submit to her husband. She will lie on her back and open her legs. He will mount her and place his seed inside her, and if God wills, there will be a child.” 



So, for a short while, when I heard these sounds ,I pictured mum on her back with her legs spread….so I copied her. But not for long. When I caught sight of myself in the mirror, I realised that legs open, flat on the bed didn’t look at all like I was making myself available. So I worked out for myself that if I brought my feet to my bum and let my knees open, that really exposed my sex. A slight modification of widening my feet position and my entire sex was on display….and I liked that a lot. 



So I’d listen to them fucking, and masturbate in time. Sometimes mum would get very loud and demanding. ‘Fuck me faster….ram it in me.” I realise now, looking back, that more often than not, I’d cum at the same time mum did. 



Only yesterday, however, did I consider that there may have been a darker side to it. Was I imagining dad doing it to me? I certainly tried to envisage what ‘ram it up me’ might feel like, and after I’d removed the barrier of my hymen, and would use my lovely candle in time with their fucking. I definitely imagined the moment he came inside mum by pushing the candle in deep and just holding it there while I came on it. I learned cumming with something inside you is a whole different game to cumming ‘empty’, so to speak. 



But was I? Was I getting off on the sounds of sex, or was I getting off on the idea of dad fucking me? 



The long summer of lockdown did make me look at, well, all my family differently. That was when Alison and I first had a sexual experience watching a cheesy ‘D’ movie that just happened to have an exquisitely well-shot sex scene in it. Ali started to masturbate under her jeans, and I joined in. Soon after, we were having sex regularly, which, naturally, mum and dad knew about. 



They too became more chilled. Nakedness in and around the home became the norm, and mum and dad would have sex as and when they wanted to. It never held any attraction for Alison but sometimes I’d stay and watch, getting very horny at the same time to the extent that I would sometimes masturbate while watching them. I loved it when dad would pull out at the last minute and spray his cum on mum’s body, or better still, her face. 



Ali and I would have sex too, and mum or dad would see us, although they never stayed overtly to watch. 



All of which led to that ridiculous opposite of playing tennis with dad. Believe me, a naked man running for a tennis ball is definitely not sexy….comic, certainly, but hardly the stuff sex is made of. And then as we were packing away, that chance encounter of me bending forward and brushing against him. I actually felt him grow almost instantly hard, and part of me knew where it would finish. Again, looking back, it was like no sex I’ve ever experienced, before or since. Oh the physical sensations were there, but there was a whole new layer of psychological feeling on top, chief of which was the cock that made me was now in me, and when he came, the semen spurting inside me was from the same source. Wrong? Perverted? Of course, but exquisite for all that. 



Even now, when my sex life couldn’t be fuller or more varied, I still masturbate sometimes over him. I’ve realised that when I want to do this, I always take myself to the top floor, and into what used to be Dani’s old flat. 



Once there, I play out whatever roleplay Miss Brain has conjured up. I know I’ll need penetration,, so a dildo is always kept up there. Fantasies? Oh they range widely, from me imagining him seducing me when I was much younger, to him doing me right here, right now. 



Like today. When I imagined him calling unexpectedly, and looking slightly embarrassed. In the mental role-play, he’d sat in my den and after some uncomfortable introductory pleasantries, he’d asked me if I remembered the tennis court. (Hmm…let’s see. Being fucked by your dad outdoors on a tennis court. Hands up who could forget that!) And then the hesitant, inept request to have sex with me again. 



In my fantasy, I’d led him up here to Dani’s old bed. Just a plastic-covered mattress how, with a single sheet over it. I had slowly stripped off until I was naked, and I crawled onto the bed, lying on my back, legs open and ready. He crawls up onto the bed, erect, and covered in pre-cum already. I feel his cock against my hole and realise I want this more than my next breath. “Fuck me, daddy. Hurt me with it.’ He lunges, burying his not inconsiderable length and girth into me. I gasp and clutch him to me. 



I feel his fingers in my hair, stroking it at first but then pulling it. The pain really helps. I start grinding my hips against him, feeling his balls slap against ms. “Fuck me…..fuck me like you fucked mum…..while you were smelling my panties.” His rhythm falters. “You…you knew about that?”


“I was listening. In fact, I’d leave my panties for you on the top of the hamper. It drive me crazy thinking about you smelling me.”


I’m insanely close. Far more quickly than usual. 



“After I fucked you on the tennis court….I….I’ve wanted so much to do it again.”


“Well….you’re here now. Screw me. Cum up me. Fuck me senseless.”


He bangs me relentlessly and we climb the peak together.. My orgasm is shattering, and I cry out “Daddy……cum in me…ohhh daddddyyy.” I don’t care who hears me. 



Afterwards? I lie there on the wet sheet tingling all over. Slowly I remove the dildo and feel my pent up juiced run down the crack of my  bum, and I pretend it’s his semen. The thought makes me shudder with pleasure. 



Slowly I recover and dress, albeit still a little shaky as I walk down the stairs. 



I do feel much better now though. A little depravity now and then does now harm. 



The afternoon is uneventful……until Dad drops by on his way home…..



….oh dear.




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