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Feeling Vulnerable - But Horny

Posted by: Age: 24 Posted on: 7 comments
3 likes 9 views Category: Masturbation Female Solo Tags: Masturbation, wet panties, creamy panties

What a strange day this is turning out to be! 

Emily set off on a two-week lecture tour on Monday, and it’s now Thursday. Of course I’m missing her, and I’m missing the thorough seeing-to she gave me before she left. So, this morning, I got up as usual, showered, dumped my panties in the hamper and got myself dressed……with an addition I don’t usually have. 


No, my lovelies, it’s not some kind of sex aid - or maybe it is. What I have, nestled in my panties, and pressed tightly to me is a panty-liner. Miss Brain informed me that I felt ‘young’ today. In fact, the moment I stepped in the shower, she chattered on to me about “….the other girls are looking at you…..better not rub between your legs too much….remember what they say, ‘three rubs is a wank’. Close your eyes, think of that locker room. Naked teenage girls padding around, all those adolescent scents in the air. Girl sweat….cunt….quick, better get out now.” 



So, it was a brief shower, but a rather sensual one. I don’t even remember rummaging for the panty-liner. Actually, it’s not really a panty-liner, it’s the lowest absorbency sanitary pad you can get. Once I’d pulled my panties up, which are dark blue, by the way, I could see its whiteness either side of the crotch, and feel it against my hairless labia. 



Driving to the first of my pubs of the day, Miss Brain kept reminding me what was between my legs. And it felt amazingly sexy. 



Pub 1. A quick chat with the manager, to run through some ideas she has for increasing business. All good ones, and she goes ahead with my blessing, although I don’t want the standards of catering to drop. (She wants to deliver sandwiches to three local businesses at lunchtime.) All the time, I felt….do you know, I can’t really describe it! On the one hand a 24 year old business owner, but secretly a 14 year old horny little adolescent. (There’s one for the psychologists!) 



Pub 2. Not happy. The place wasn’t clean to my standards, and the beer mats on the bar were not only wet, but clearly hadn’t been changed since last night. A horrid stench of stale beer hit me the moment I walked in….i have to be careful with smells since I perceive them far more keenly than most people. Even so…..last night’s clean down had obviously been skipped.  I found three dirty knives in the restaurant too. Stern words had, and unambiguous laying down of the law! My place. My standards. No choice. I think the manager here has some personal issues, but she either needs to tell me, and we’ll work something out, or up her game. Afterwards, I sat in the office feeling my pad now moist against me. I find pads stay put firmly until there’s some moisture on them, then they tend to slip around. The only moisture was my arousal.



A visit to the restroom revealed that there was quite a lot of girl cum on it. Slightly off-white, and smelling utterly heavenly. Good God, I feel ‘naughty’ today! 



Pub 3. The one with the incredibly sexy bar staff. She’s 18, and simply oozes sex appeal. She’s one of those girls you can glance at an immediately imagine how she’d look in just a bra and panties. She has the kind of face that’s both adult and adolescent at the same time, and you can imagine her lying on her bed, her hand busy in her panties at the precise moment she cums in them. I would be serious money I know precisely what her ‘cum face’ looks like. And, I would bet equally serious money that she masturbates a lot….at least once a day, and probably more. Maybe even during quiet times here, in my pub! Oh I wish! Watching her made me wetter still. I even considered wandering down to the laundry room on the off chance there might be a pair of panties in her laundry bag. 



And that thought stuck in my head on the long drive to pub 4. Just as it’s more sexy to be almost naked than totally naked, I find cumming in my panties (through masturbation) sexier by far than cumming totally naked. There’s something ‘naughty’ about cumming in your panties….something…secret. Remember how it was when you first started sexual exploration with yourself? How you’d lock the doors, or pray for the time your family would leave you in the house alone for a couple of hours…but as you grew older, the thought of being caught turned from a hideous embarrassment to something erotic…..well it was the same thing regarding cumming. At first I would never cum in my undies in case mum found out, but then I discovered the delights of cumming in them, and  the added excitement of mum, or my sister, or even dad finding that I was having orgasms. 



Pub 4. Difficult one. Everything is running perfectly, exactly as I’d planned and everything agreed upon is happening to a very high standard…..and yet….there’s no ‘buzz’ of new ideas….no fizz of excitement. I have a clearly published bonus scheme. Think up something new, do it and make a print, you get 50% of the profits. Generous…very, very generous. So far, all the pubs are humming with new ideas to increase revenue. Not this one. This one, I have nothing to complain about, and everything to praise, but there’s a sense of “That’ll do.” Which, I suppose it will, but it’s not what I wanted to see. There is a sense of ‘everything must be right, and there is constant checking by the senior staff of every detail. The patient lives, but isn't growing! I’ll have to think about this one. Even reminding everyone of the bonus scheme merely elicited a round of nods and ‘yes, of course.’ And a chorus of affirming ‘mmm’. No one said “Hey, I’ve got an idea!” Well, they may not, but I do. There are two canal workshops close to the pub. We are the only food business for miles around. I’ve discovered no-one is supplying snacks there. We could offer lunches/sandwiches/ even mid morning/afternoon teas/coffees and snacks. Yet so far, no-one has even approached them. I’ll give it a fortnight. If they don’t, I will! 



Back home….definitely feeling ‘young’. Sometimes I get like this. There’s no predicting it, and it certainly can’t be forced in any way. It’s just…..there. And it’s an interesting situation to be in, although difficult to describe. Hmmm. Oh, I know….lets try this. Some of you may have done ‘marbelling’ at school. You take a tray of water and float coloured inks on top, then dip a piece of paper in. What you get out is marbelled paper, but it’s the way the inks swirl over the water that is how I feel. The majority of me is 24 year old Anna. But running over the top is a naughty, horny adolescent. I’m short, small boobed and hairless….believe me, I can play the part if I want to.  



So, upstairs….into the wet room. Strip down to underwear. I throw a couple of thick towels on the floor. I don’t intend to masturbate down there, but I was to spread my legs and see myself in the mirror. My pad doesn’t look as crisp as it did, but it’s still visible either side of the crotch of my panties. I give my nipples a pinch as, as expected, it sends a jolt of excitement between my legs. Miss Brain pulls out a long-forgotten memory. The first time I used the ‘C’ word in front of my friends in the panty flashing club. We were sitting in our usual circle, either leaning back, elbows on the grass behind us, or sitting either cross-legged, or the much more difficult to maintain pose of feet spread but flat on the grass…..any way you like as long as it shows your crotch. We had been chatting about feeling horny, and I’d been gritting y teeth at the abundant use of the word ‘pussy’ which I’ve always hated. I’d blurted out “Well, sometimes….most times….when I’m horny, my cunt gets so wet, my panties look like I’ve peed them.” There was a stunned silence before someone said “Anna, say that again. Slowly” so….i did. And as I got to the ‘forbidden’ ‘c’ word, I saw more than one set of pupils dilate and one girl…well..there was a tiny wet spot that wasn’t there before. From the others there was a lot of deeper breathing and pink cheeks. 



So, I looked in my bathroom mirror and pretended the old gang were back together and had an imaginary dirty conversation with them. It was my turn to tell them how I ‘wank off’ as we called it. (I really loved those days. They were developmental too, because initially all we did was talk about how we rub our clits, but over the three years the panty flashers met, it became how we put things inside us, and even an anal masturbation made an appearance. Towards the end, it was obvious there was some g/g experimentation going on. We learned from one another….you know, thinking back, one girl even talked about panty peeing even then.



By the time I’d explained to the memory of the group how I do myself, I was more than ready. I got up (which surprised me) and sat on the lavatory with my knees spread wide….again, just like I used to in the  school restroom. I slipped a hand into my panties but only far enough to reach my clit. A few small circles and I felt really, really naughty!. Ruby’s confession rang through my head. “I sometimes piss when I wank off….i mean…(pause for effect) on purpose. Right into my panties….or even my pad.” There it was. A hidden memory Miss Brain had dug out. Slowly I let myself do what Ruby had done. A very different feeling than just panty-peeing, but how erotic it felt! I rubbed myself to climax while still peeing. A huge, deeply satisfying cum. 



Yes, the clean up was messier than it otherwise might have been, but hey, we’re girls’ we can cope with a little mess. 



That afternoon, my employee in the third pub kept knocking on the door of my consciousness and demanding admittance. I can see the tills of all the pubs via cctv, and more in hope than certainty, I flicked that camera on. I knew this was post-lunch, and the pub would be quiet, but she could have been anywhere, doing anything. The chances of her sitting behind the till would be remote…..but fortune favours the perverted, and there she was, just perched on a stool. Her legs crossed, and jiggling her foot…..exactly the way we masturbated in class sometimes. Cross one leg over the other tightly, and jiggle the foot up and down while squeezing the thighs. At the least you get a pleasant buzz going, at best, you can finish yourself like this. And there she was, jiggling her foot. 



Maybe it was the camera, but was that a pink flush forming on her neck? No zoom control of course, no way I could see more detail, but then…..then her face crumpled up and she bit her lower lip, eyes tightly shut. I counted six definite scrunches of her eyes! God, I wish she could cum uninhibited in the pub. Maybe we could make her a key holder…..give her the run of the place out of hours! I’d bet she’s every bit as adventurous as me! Then she spoke. I heard her saying to someone I couldn’t see “No…I’m fine. Just a few cramps.” 







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