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The Shower at Camp

Posted by: Age: 29, 18 then Posted on: 2 comments
7 likes 7143 views Category: Masturbation Male-Female Tags: shower, college, girls, camp, bikini
The first boobs I ever saw

As a reminder, I am in a wheelchair and have very limited movement of anything. Even though I can feel everything and get hard, my hands are not strong enough to jack myself. I rarely cum, but I'm always hard. This happened shortly after I graduated high school at a camp I attended. The camp was for kids with disabilities but I attended to hang out with the cute college girls that were the counselors. Keep in mind that we stayed in cabins that were basically dorms. This particular year I spent a lot of time with two counselors, Kelli and Allison. Both girls were drop dead hot. On the last night of camp I decided to shower because it would be too hectic the next morning since I'd be getting ready to go home. Of course, I need help showering so I asked Kelli and Allison. To my surprise they said yes. They wheeled my chair into the shower and helped me get undressed. At this point I was already starting to get hard but tried my best to control it. The girls told me they'd be right back, so I used this time to try to calm down. When they returned they were wearing the smallest bikinis I've ever seen. All that effort to calm down and I was getting hard again. Allison started by washing my face. OK this wasn't too bad. She then did my chest, arms and legs. I was getting very hard. Kelli noticed and giggled a little. When I looked at her she was adjusting her bikini top. Kelli then starting washing my hair, but it was more of a massage than anything else. She stopped after a minute to adjust her top again. I was going crazy. The next part I still can't believe. She took her top off! I almost exploded. She said, "sorry but it was getting on my nerves." Then Allison went to wash my penis. As soon as she touched me I started cumming. It got all over her hand and even a little on her leg. I apologized but Kelli responded with, "hey everyone masturbates." Allison washed herself up and they cleaned me up. Recently I asked Allison if they did that on purpose. She said she hadn't but she wasn't sure if Kelli had. Unfortunately they're both married. I haven't seen them since.



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