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The Masturbatorium #3

Posted by: Age: 21+ Posted on: 6 comments
9 likes 13 views Category: Sex Stories Fantasy Tags: Semi-public jackoff, cum spurting, semen cleanup

More interviews with those who work as cleanup girls wiping up cum after a customer ejaculates.

More interviews with some of the young girls who work at The Masturbatorium. To refresh your memory, The Masturbatorium is a facility where men pay a fee to go inside and basically jerk-off in a semi-public atmosphere. The place has a team of young girls, most only 18 or 19, who attend to each customer once he has ejaculated. Their job is to clean up all the stray semen that has spurted from the patron’s cock, with loving attention paid to wiping up any cum from the now semi-flaccid penis. While the girls are not specifically directed to bring on a fresh hard-on, this tends to happen when a warm wet washcloth is used to wipe each man’s dick clean. The girls are trained to grip the man’s cock with one hand while wiping it clean with the other. Once a new erection occurs, most men opt to pay an additional fee for a second jerk off session. Here is the result of some independent interviews with a few of the cleanup girls.

Sally – I took the job because I really needed the money. I had heard from Josie how much I could make. My dad is dead and I am living with my mother who has a terminal illness. When I told her what I would be doing, she was shocked to the core and begged me not to do it. But when I told her that most cleanup girls made between $2,000 and $3,000 a week and we needed that kind of money just to live on and pay her medical bills, she relented.

 I told her I would be working at The Masturbatorium, which everybody in town knew existed, but I didn’t go into detail about what I would be doing. She wanted to know exactly what the job entailed. I told her that men came to the place and paid a fee for either a private room, a semi-private stall, or an open area. Once there, the men would masturbate themselves until they ejaculated. I assured her that I did not have to jack anybody off. Once a man had cum, one of the cleanup girls, like me, would carefully mop up all the semen from the guy’s body and also carefully wipe all the cum off his prick. She wanted to know if what I was doing was legal and I assured it was. The fee the men paid for a cleanup was 100% legal. The only illegal act was if any of us girls actually jacked off one of the men or had any actual sexual contact. My mom couldn’t believe that it was legal for me to handle a guy's cock and wipe semen off of his dick and body. I assured her it was or the place would have been immediately shut down by the authorities.

Karen – I was one of the first girls hired and for the first couple of months, business was pretty slow. We would only get five or six men a day. So I spent a lot of time sitting around reading a book or watching tv in the break room. I also thought the whole thing was pretty funny. I was getting paid to handle guy’s cocks which actually was kind of fun.

Then as word of mouth spread through town, more and more men were showing up. In fact it got so popular the owners had to redecorate part of the unused second floor into a waiting room. There were times when the place was packed with guys jerking off while ten or twelve men were in the waiting room. To put this in  perspective, the place had twenty-four semi-private stalls, twelve private rooms and four chaise lounges in plain view. So when the place was full, that was forty men stroking their dicks and letting the cum fly. That’s a lot of cum and it was my job, along with all the other girls, to make sure it got all cleaned up. You might think spending an 8-hour shift wiping up semen was a disgusting thing to do, and while it was, I was surprised at how much I looked forward to handling so many different cocks in a day.

Because the time that a man spent varied depending upon how much time he had paid for, the number of dicks I got to handle in a shift was different every day. And because management eventually hired more than one girl per patron, that meant more than forty girls worked a shift. This was critical because to maintain fast turnover, as soon as a guy shot his load, there had to be a girl immediately available for cleanup so he could be moved out and replaced with one of the guys in the waiting room.

Nancy – I am the manager of the cleanup girls. With so many girls working, somebody has to ride herd over them and that was my job. Since the manager’s duties really were not a full time job, I still got to fill in as a cleanup girl, which I looked forward to. But management had a problem. As the place grew more and more popular, more guys wanted one of the only four chaise lounges centered in the middle of the main room. Most men started off with a private room. But then since many men enjoy showing off their cocks, they moved from a room to a stall. But I  guess that still wasn’t enough to satisfy their exhibitionist tendencies and then they wanted to be in the center of the room. But with only four positions, this was a problem.

Management did not want to shut down the place to remodel, but there was still a large unused area on the second floor. So in a stroke of brilliance, they configured a room that featured three rows of chaise lounges with ten per row. This provided a total of thirty locations. But what was really brilliant was across from these thirty spots, they constructed a miniature grandstand that seated about sixty people. Between the jerk-off spots and the grandstand was a small stage area. For an entrance fee, anybody could come in, sit in the stands for up to a half hour, and watch thirty guys jacking off. And almost every jack-off spot was filled the entire day and evening. Each day a two hour period was set aside with a  higher entrance fee, and management would stage a cum-shooting distance contest. Each man who wanted to compete would stand on the stage and jack off. The distance of his cumshot was measured and the guy who shot for the most distance won $100.

Sometimes this contest was different in that two guys at a time would stand next to each other, both jerking off together and shooting their loads as the viewing audience would clap and cheer. This new area was a huge success and was heavily attended by women. One other attraction that was popular was a dick measuring contest. A woman volunteer from the stands would be chosen to do the actual measuring  with the winner getting $100. Usually only five or six guys participated because that was the usual number with large cocks. Winners were prohibited from competing again because a guy with a really big dick could win every week. The number of women volunteers grew each week because they obviously got a kick out of handling the five or six big cocks. Some of the women would attempt to masturbate a guy’s cock while measuring it but that was not allowed for obvious reasons. But phone numbers were exchanged between some of the contestants and the women volunteers.

Then once a year, a masturbate-a-thon was held. This was open to both men and women. The room was big enough that in addition to the original thirty chaise lounges, another twenty could be squeezed in providing a total of fifty participants. Each week, every chair was filled. And the viewing stand was also enlarged to hold about hundred people watching the action. As each male participant eventually ejaculated, a cleanup girl was immediately available. This continued until only one man was left and he got $1,000. Women could only participate but could not compete for the grand prize because, unlike a male ejaculation, there was no way to tell if  woman had cum or not. But some women just like to massage their clits while a hundred voyeurs watched.

Francine – I hated the job as a cleanup girl. All that cum to deal with day after day. And a lot of the guys were fat, older men who I found disgusting. And they all tried to make conversation with me which was usually filthy and insulting. The worst was guys who wanted to talk about how much I loved cleaning up their dicks. They would then try to tell me how they liked me to wipe their dicks clean. Because I got paid to make these jerks happy, I always went along with their crap.

Then every so often, a nice young guy would come along and I would actually enjoy cleaning up his cum and wiping his dick clean. Originally I paid very little attention to the guy I was servicing. But as I was exposed to more and more of the good looking young nice guys, I found myself getting a bit more into what I was doing with the less desirable clients. And I found that I actually was learning to like it. As crazy as this sounds, I found that the guys who ejaculated large cum loads somehow started to turn me on. And I found that the more cum there was, the more I liked it. Where wiping up all that dick juice had been disgusting, I now even liked the way it smelled.

I even took a more tolerant attitude towards the old fat guys and would go along with conversation that I previously found vile and disgusting. Now as I would roll their foreskin back and wipe up any cum residue found there, I would tell them what a great dick they had and that I really loved wiping it clean. This turned out to be very smart of me because the more praise I heaped on a guy’s cock the bigger my tip was.

And my words of praise usually help bring on a second erection and a desire to pay for another stall so he could jerk off a second time. Each  time a guy I  was cleaning up did that, I  received a bonus added to my paycheck. I was very successful and before I knew it, I had a great many customers asking for me by name.

It became a challenge for me to see how many bonuses I could pile up each day. Of course all it took was for me heap praise on the guy about what a great dick he had and how powerful his cumshot was and many other lies. And as I felt the guy’s cock start to harden, I knew I had more money headed to the bank.

(100% fantasy. If only it were true.)




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