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Snow Day Mutual Masturbation Session

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8 likes 10238 views Category: Masturbation Male-Female Tags: friends, threesome, anal play, cum shot

Sherry, Lisa and I had been friends since ninth grade. I had briefly dated each of them (separately, of course), but eventually all three of us became close friends. We hung out all the time. By the twelfth grade, we were inseparable. It was all very platonic until one snow day when we were all at my home watching the storm outside. School was closed, but both my parents were able to make it to work. I promised them that I would stick close to the house for the day, but that I might invite some friends over. Since Sherry and Lisa were constantly over at my house anyway, this wasn't a big deal. The girls came over around 11 a.m. At first we went sled riding down a large hill in my neighborhood. But soon we were cold and decided to go back to my house to get warm. We made sandwiches and hot chocolate and then went to the living room to eat our lunch. Since we were wet from the snow, we decided to get out of our pants and sit under blankets while we ate and watched the fire in the fireplace. This wasn't the first time we had seen each other in shorts or panties, so it wasn't that big of a deal. And besides, we were each under our own blanket getting warm. After lunch, it was Sherry who first said that she was bored. Lisa and I concurred. But everything we thought of board games, watching TV, cards, computer games just didn't interest us. Lisa then said that she had an idea, but wasn't sure whether we would be comfortable with it. She suggested that we "make out" together. Since we were already close friends and did most other things together, while not a little intimacy? You know, friends with benefits? I was a little shocked at first, but then Sherry seemed to show interest in Lisa's idea. So I asked Lisa what did she mean by "make out"? She said, "the usual stuff kissing, touching, whatever seems comfortable." I then asked, "You mean all three of us? Sherry too?" "Of course, all three of us, we don't want to leave anyone out," Lisa responded. "By the way, in case you're wondering Lisa and I have kissed before. We were just experimenting and tried it out. So this won't be the first time for us. How about it, Chuck, you interested?" Well, what could I say, "Sure." The next thing I knew, Lisa leaned over and kissed me deeply. While we were kissing, Sherry became to rub her hands over my chest and thighs. Lisa's hands soon joined it. They rubbed their hands under my shirt and then down to my crotch. It was light touching at first, then it became a little more vigorous. Sherry then leaned over me to kiss Lisa. It wasn't just a peck, but a full kiss with tongue and everything. I can tell you that this was one of the most erotic things I had ever witnessed. Soon my cock was fully erect. The girls continued to rub my body as they kissed each other. They took turns teasing my cock, lightly touching it. Sherry turned to me, deep-throating me with her tongue, while Lisa caressed my cock. I had my left hand on Sherry's breast and my right hand on Lisa's. This exhilarating foreplay continued for 10-15 minutes or so. Then Lisa suggested that we discard our shirts and shorts/panties. The girls pulled my shirt over my shirt over my head. Then Sherry began to unbutton her blouse and bra. Lisa quickly followed. Because of the fireplace, we were soon warm enough to also dispense with our blankets as well. They joined our clothes on the floor. Now the three of us sat there together all naked as the day we were born. "So, what's next?" I asked, genuinely curious and not entirely sure where this was leading. "I have an idea," said Sherry, "Why don't we masturbate together?" "What," I blurted out. Lisa responded, "You do masturbate don't you?" "Well," then I wasn't sure what to say. "Come on, be honest," Sherry said, "after all, Lisa and I masturbate all the time. We've even done it once or twice together." "You do... You have..." I choked out. Lisa said, "Don't be so prudish, Chuck, we can have some fun here. Besides I know you masturbate ALL boys masturbate. But this way, we can do it together as friends and see each other cum. It'll be a blast." My cock still standing erect signaled my interest, so I finally said sure, let's give it a try. Sherry then asked, "Chuck do you have any lube around here? Vaseline or lotion?" "I think there's some Jergen's lotion in the bathroom. Let me go get it." So I went to the bathroom and got the lotion. When I came back, Lisa had moved over to the middle of the couch where I had sat. She and Sherry were locked in a deep kiss and were touching each other's breasts and rubbing each other's clits. When I sat down, the girls confessed that this was the first time they had seen a guy jack off before. I confessed that this was my first time seeing how a girl masturbates. So it was new territory for all of us. I squirted a big glob of lotion into my right hand and then passed the bottle to Lisa, who did the same and then gave the lotion to Sherry. I applied the lube to my crotch coating both my penis and my balls. Soon, I was jacking my cock with my right hand and playing with my balls with my left. As I continued to stroke, I couldn't take my eyes off of Lisa and Sherry. They both had put the lotion on their hairy pussies and were rubbing away. They both had their eyes closed at first, but soon they opened them and focused on my hand stroking my penis. Lisa reached her right hand over to cup my testicles while continuing to rub her clit with her left. Her touch on my balls was electric. She began to use her fingernails to scratch my balls. It felt wonderful. Then she moved her lubed fingers down to my anus and began to circle it with her index finger. I'd never played with my ass before, so this was new and out of this world. She kept circling my anus and then finally inserted her finger ever so slightly into my hole. For the next few moments, she kept pushing and pulling her finger into my anus. All this time, I was rubbing my dick harder and harder. The sensations were overcoming me, so I shouted out to the girls, "I think I'm about to come." "Hold on," they said, "Shoot on our breasts." They both got in front of me as I continued to stroke and Lisa played with my anus. Just then I shot several ropes of semen on both their chests. I kept cumming and cumming until I knew I didn't have another ounce of semen in my sack. The girls giggled and began to rub my semen all over their breasts. Then they did something wholly unexpected both Sherry and Lisa began licking their fingers. They were tasting my semen something I had never done. With my orgasm finished, the focus now went to the girls. They returned to where they were seated. They both pulled their legs up, putting their feet on the couch, sitting in a squatting position. Lisa reached over and began to rub Sherry's clit, and Sherry reciprocated. They were masturbating each other. Reminded of the excitement Lisa had given me by inserting her finger in my ass, I decided to so the same to both of them. So I got down on my knees in front of the two of them and inserted two of my fingers in their anuses. They moaned their assent. As they rubbed each other's pussies faster and faster, I did the same with their asses. It was if we had a rhythm going. The sensations were building, I could tell. Sherry was the first to come, softly murmuring her moans of ecstasy. Lisa soon followed, but unlike Sherry, she shouted out her grunts of pleasure. After all three of us had orgasmed, we were spent. So we curled up on the couch together and pulled a couple of blankets over our naked, moist bodies. We napped for about an hour, before getting up and going to the bathroom to wash up and to clean the sex from our bodies. Then Sherry and Lisa got dressed, gave me a kiss on each cheek and left to go to their homes. I then got dressed, but could only summon enough energy to stagger into my bedroom where I intended to resume my nap, dreaming sweet and very erotic dreams of the best snow day ever.



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