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My Wife's Adventures....Before Beoming My Wife

Posted by: Age: 18 Posted on: 5 comments
14 likes 31 views Category: Masturbation Female-Female Tags: Sleepover Mutual Masturbation, lesbian, sexy stories, Cabin, Mom

Sleep over with her girlfriend

We were getting ready for bed after I've been away for a full week.  Before we go upstairs, my wife asks me if I want to hear another of her stories in bed.  "Yes I do."  "You get started and I'll be up in a few minutes."


When she says things of that nature, I automatically put it into high gear and almost fly up the stairs.  I quickly change from my work clothes, leaving me in just my underwear, and jump into bed.  I am slowly playing with my now semi-erect cock, all the while wondering what would come next.  Would it be another incident of her and another neighbor getting intimate?  Would it be another time when she gets carried away with someone at work?  Holy crapola, I have to slow that down or I'll finish before she get here!



Just then, I hear her coming up the steps and entering the bathroom.  A few minutes later, she walks into the bedroom wearing what appears to be a new negligee.  WOW, does that ever show off her gorgeous tits!  "Looks like you're ready.  How do you like my new nightie"?  Again...."WOW".  She slides in next to me and plants a real passionate kiss on my waiting lips.  In goes her tongue and engages mine in a tongue fight.  Down goes her hand to my waiting cock and massages it for a few minutes.  Then she whispers in my ear, "Did I ever tell you when back in high school, I had a sleepover with my best friend Mary Ann"?  I managed a soft, but sultr,y "No". 



"Mary Ann and I have had sleepovers many times in the past, but this time the innocent sleepover turned into something more.  We changed into our pajama tops and bottoms and slipped into my twin bed.  The bed was so small, our bodies were touching, as usual.  We started to talk about our favorite subject:  'boys'.  It quickly came around to cocks and how many have we seen (as she squeezed my cock a little harder).  As it turns out, we both went out on dates with Bobby James.  Bobby was a basketball player and most of the girls salivated after him.  I then asked Mary Ann if they were ever intimate.  She replied "yes, but only to 2nd base.  I let him play with my naked breasts, while I managed to feel his naked penis.  Nothing happened after that.  How about you"?  I replied "We did manage to get a little further.  I actually had his penis in my mouth for a few minutes as he played with my naked breasts.  Neither one of us came, as I chickened out.  I was afraid of getting pregnant, but I really wanted him to fuck me.  I remember coming home, jumping into bed and masturbated to one of my better climaxes!"  Mary Ann replied "Wow.  That poses another question.  How often do you masturbate"?  I replied to her "Mostly every night when I go to bed.  It helps me relieve my tensions and helps me fall asleep".  "This talk is really getting me horny", she said.  "Me too".  "Do you mind if I touch you"?  "No, not at all, but only if I can touch you, too".  Having said that, I reached over and rested my hand on top of her breast and she did the same to me.  That was the very first time I touched another girl's breast, other than my own.  And boy, did it feel sensational!  That's when she leaned over and kissed me square on the lips.  She kissed a whole lot better than Bobby"! 



(By this time I was getting really close to losing it.  I reached down and moved her hand away from my really hard cock, to slow down the process.  Then I moved her hand from my groin to hers.  She willingly slipped her hand under her pajama bottoms and began to moan).



She continued her story:  "We were both beginning to breathe harder as we enjoyed each other's body.  I whispered into her ear 'Want to masturbate each other to a finish'?  "YES".  My hand went down to her pussy and hers to mine.  I found her entrance and inserted first one finger, then another.  I felt her imitate my fingers.  I was in Heaven!  We continued to kiss as we fingered each other's wetness.  I began to feel my orgasm building and whispered into her ear 'I'm getting close'.  "Me, too".  My finger began to build up speed as my thumb found her clit.  That seemed to push her over the edge and she started to buck so hard, I thought she was going to wake up my parents!  She finally came back to reality and concentrated on me.  She found my love button and touched off my best orgasm that I had to date!  We kept up the hugging and kissing until we both fell off to sleep.  We stayed spooning each other all the way to morning."



(That's when my hand took over and stroked my cock like a mad man.  It only took a few minutes before I was spurting all over my waiting stomach.  Laying next to me, my mad woman was doing the same).



After we both settled down, I asked her if that was only a one time thing or did they continue with the love making?  "You will have to wait and see"!



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