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My First Time With My Crush.

Posted by: Age: 17 Posted on: 2 comments
6 likes 11637 views Category: Masturbation Female-Female Tags: first time, girl crush, fingered
This is a story told to me by a girlfriend a few years back and until now I never had the platform to retell it. She, Jenny, swears its true but her name and that of her friend, Rosie, have been changed. For the purposes of this exercise, I will relate the events as Jenny in the first person.

When I was 16 I had to go to a new school to continue my education (A-levels in UK) as my school did not provide the subjects I was after. Fortunately, this new school was no further away from my house, but as it was a new school to me I found the prospect of it a daunting experience. I settled in and made friends and worked hard. I was engrossed in my studies, didn't date anyone and was only getting relief from occasional pre-sleep masturbation sessions. That was until I met Rosie.

I hadn't noticed Rosie before, and to this day cannot explain why, but she had always been there. I know she was. It was surprising because the moment I saw her my heart stopped then fluttered, my lips went dry and my knees weak. She. Was. Gorgeous. I was staring, and I was doing it in the middle of the student restaurant. I was staring at her and she saw me. I blushed. She winked and I nearly fainted as a tiny, little orgasm shot through me. How did that happen? I got out quick and went to the ladies to sort myself out. Within 30 seconds I'd had another longer orgasm and that wasn't enough so I kept rubbing until a third came along, very satisfyingly, after a few minutes. I came out of the ladies a wreck and lumbered through the rest of the day.

For the next few weeks at every waking moment and every private opportunity I thought about Rosie and masturbated furiously about her. I was never in the belief that she would talk to me, let alone be with me, and so wanted the school term to come to an end quickly. There was still the field trip to France for the day to negotiate. You might know the one: wake at 04.30; coach at 05:00; three hours on the coach each way; home again 22:00. A long tiring day but apparently educationally beneficial.

So, on the day of the trip I arrived early and was first on the coach so I made my way to the back straightaway. I had been sitting there for five minutes, minding my own business when I looked up to see Rosie slowly, but purposefully, making her way to the back of the coach. I was confused. I looked around to see if her friends were near but there was no-one within five rows.

She arrived at the back, leant over and said, "Is this seat taken"? I mumbled "No" so she put her bag down on the middle seat and sat right next to me at my window seat. I was effectively trapped. She was the perfect lady, happy to make small talk while I mumbled and jabbered in a hyper-nervous state. Her mere presence was making my heart race, my clit throb and my panties fill. She was very touchy: her hand would fall on my arm as she asked a question; her knee would tap mine; her thigh would press my thigh. All this was just sending my arousal through the roof if I could touch my pussy I would come in seconds.

Suddenly, her hand was on my thigh. I whimpered. She looked me full in the eyes and said "Jenny, I've been waiting for this moment since our eyes crossed in the restaurant. I've been secretly thinking about you". And then she moved her lips close to my ear and whispered, "And playing with myself as I think about you". My breaths were now little more than short excited bursts. My hands were by my side and my arms were locked tight. I so wanted her to touch me. She did.

Her hand snaked up my thigh and as it did she held my gaze strongly with hers. My head was now jammed back in the seat and my legs were parting. As she reached the top she paused, then, as if being given permission to go further, cupped my whole pussy with her hand. My breathing now was completely ragged and I can't imagine what my pulse would have been. As she cupped she stroked, and rubbed, and stroked, becoming firmer and bolder and more insistent. Then her hand rose to my waist. She reached beneath the elastic of my track trousers and slid her hand down and back over the top of my pussy. She reached where my lips are and found a completely drenched piece of knicker material. I wanted to come so bad I growled and coughed.

"Lift your bottom", she whispered in my ear again. I complied complete putty in this girls hands. As my bottom was raised, she quickly pulled down both trousers and panties to my knees. I was now totally exposed. I took off my sweat top and jammed it in my mouth. Her fingers returned to my now open pussy and wasted no time in entering me. I was so wet her two fingers slid in easily. Then she began to fuck me, all the time staring hard at my face and eyes. I shuffled the trousers and undies off my legs and raised my left leg to give her more room. She was now in a place only my fingers had been to. Her pace was quickening, I was nearly slumped on the seat. Her thumb was on my clit rubbing, her fingers were fucking me hard. If I could have screamed I would. I was cumming and she knew it. My pussy was getting pummelled. Mercilessly, totally, completely fucked. My bucking hips rose to meet her hand as the most incredible feeling swept over me. I was arched upwards and my whole body, every nerve, was centred on my pussy and her hand as she finally finished me off.

For a number of long, long minutes, my body twitched and jerked. She smiled contentedly, and only then did she withdraw her fingers slowly and sensuously, and naughtily, back up over my clit, which made me twitch again. I finally turned to her and smiled and breathed a very sincere "Thank you".



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