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Lending a Hand

Posted by: Age: 57 Posted on: 6 comments
14 likes 20 views Category: Masturbation Male-Male Tags: Masturbation, jerking off, hand job, BFF orgasms, physically challenged orgasm, physical disability masturbation

I Help a Friend Through a Rough Time

Many, many years ago Ty and I were best friends. He was outgoing, personable, and at ease with anyone he was around…a real extrovert which I was not. Often, Ty would help me to get dates as his charm and charisma seemed to attract women far more easily than my own. His appearance certainly didn’t hurt either with his tall and athletic build. He really enjoyed going to the gym and it showed, somewhere l could never develop a fondness towards. Why he seemed to value my presence so much I never quite understood as he made friends easily but I appreciated it greatly. We did share several interests however including riding motorcycles.

On a hot August afternoon Ty and I agreed to take a ride to the riverfront, a popular spot we’d meet friends to socialize and  organize a motorcycle ride together. It was great fun and a great ride. Ty and I lived in the same apartment complex so we rode together the entire day. In the late afternoon going home Ty seemed to be riding somewhat faster than normal. This made me uncomfortable as I knew his skill level and he was a mediocre rider at best. Sure enough, I watched as Ty took a corner too tightly, clipping a curb with his front wheel immediately transplanting Ty and his bike to the ground. “WOW MAN…..YOU OK????”, I yelled at him as I stopped my bike nearby. “Well, yeah, well, uhmmmn, I don’t know, I guess, I just, I don’t know.” , Ty muttered as I grabbed him, lifting him off the ground. “Dude, my hands are messed up!”, he exclaimed as he’d used his arms to brace his fall. “Yeah, let’s get you checked out somewhere!”, I said as I took my phone out of my jacket to call help. Ty stood there quietly as I picked his motorcycle up and pushed it to the side of the road. “I’ll get your bike home so don’t worry about that.“, I stated as I knew Ty wasn’t going to be able to ride for a good while. 

   “Dude, what am I gonna do?”, Ty asked me as I sat there in his old bedroom at his mom’s place. Ty had broken both wrists requiring casts for four to six weeks. He’d stay at his mom’s so she could help him as needed. “Do what?”, I replied. “What do you think?”, he asked. I thought for a moment. You need help taking a piss?”. “ No, I just sit there and push it down. Think again.”. “OOOHHHHHHH, I get it, sex, right?”, I said somewhat impressed with my guess. He went on to explain that at the moment he didn’t have a girlfriend and he needed to be taken care of at least every other day and he didn’t know what he was going to do. “Well, you said your mom’s taking care of you, maybe she’d be willing to…”,”OH SHUT THE FUCK UP AND DON’T BE STUPID!!”, Ty replied somewhat angrily. It was a stupid joke. A few minutes later Ty’s mother came into the room to check on Ty before she left for work. As we heard her car pull out of the driveway I knew what I had to do. I excused myself and went to the bathroom. 

Returning from the bathroom with a roll of toilet paper I sat next to Ty as he lay on his bed. As I began to pull down his pajama bottoms he asked what I was doing. “You know what I’m doing. Just enjoy it!”. “You’re gonna suck my dick…really?”, he inquired as I exposed his flaccid penis. “ No, but I’m going to get you off.”, as I began to play with his cock. It only took a few minutes and Ty had a full erection. I was a little surprised his dick wasn’t bigger considering Ty’s size. I’d guess about four and a half inches hard. I wrapped my fingers around it, stroking it just as I’ve done my own on an almost daily basis. It felt nice to feel the warmth of his schlong in my hand as I felt my own cock harden as I admit I was enjoying myself. As his pre-cum began to lube my stroke I really longed to taste it as I loved tasting my own. I sat there just pumping away at Ty, his prick feeling like it was about to burst! “OH YES!!!”, Ty exclaimed as his dick shot ropes of silky white cum into the air, coating my hand. Ty’s cock may not be as big as my own but the amount of semen he put out was enormous. “ Oh fuck that felt good!”, he said as his erection began to fade. “What a mess, I’m sorry man, you’re a good friend, you ok?”, Ty inquired as I began wiping up. “I’d try to help you too, you know, if you couldn’t get off with your hands either.”, he offered as I could see him looking at the bulge in my shorts. “I know.”, I stated as I could feel Ty begin to get hard again as I cleaned his cock. I looked at him as he told me don’t worry about that as he was good for now and he couldn’t help but get hard again with me touching him there. I understood then told him I’d help him out until his casts were removed. “You know you wouldn’t have to deal with this mess if you’d blow me! Haha!”. “Well, you blow me first then we’ll have a deal, ok?”, I countered. Ty laughed and then explained the hand-job was all he needed after all…LOL

I jerked Ty off two more times before his casts were removed. Afterwards, we never really mentioned it and it remained our secret until our lives grew apart a few years later.  Reminiscing, Ty was a great friend and I’m glad in some way I was there for him. 








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