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Happy Birthday To Maisie Part 2

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Maisie’s birthday gifts kept cumming

A work of complete fiction with consenting adults. 


Aunt Beatrice led Maisie to lie on the bed. Hiram was still collecting his wits as he sat on the corner of the bed. His penis shrinking from the effort he just expended.


Still on her stomach, Maisie wondered what was going to happen next.  Then Aunt Beatrice lifted the girl’s hips and pushed a pillow under them, thus raising her Maisie’s sweet little ass in the air. Beatrice then gently massaged Maisie all over helping her to relax. Bea could tell Maisie was wet between her legs; the slightly musky aroma was the first clue. The second was Maisie trying to rub her thighs together and self-stimulate.


Aunt Bea’s quick swipe on her ass and a, “No, no, no,“ was all it took for Maisie to remain motionless. Bea put her own knees between Maisie’s legs to keep them spread apart. Then, leaning down, she started licking Maisie from the top of her ass crack and gently down the cleft, not prying the two halves apart but letting her tongue explore the divide. As her tongue approached the place where Maisie’s vagina began, she stopped and licked upward again toward her back.


This focus of stimulation on her has drove Maisie wild. She wiggled her hips so Aunt Bea could touch her little wrinkled star. As Bea licked more firmly, Maisie met her by pushing into her face. She wanted Aunt Bea to lick her ass totally, firmly, deeply.


Aunt Bea complied gladly. With soft fingers, she pulled Maisie’s cheeks apart and dove in, rubbing her face against each cheek. 


Hiram had regained his senses and moved so he could watch his wife lick Maisie. Bea was going to town on her niece’s ass and moved her attention downward toward the sopping wet opening just below. With her nose planted firmly in Maisie’s ass, Aunt Bea began licking and kissing the girl’s lips. She sucked on them and drew them into her mouth then let them snap back. Maisie’s lips were thin and light, not like Bea’s heavy and long labia.


Maisie responded by raising her hips off the pillow and striving to push her cunt into the hungry mouth that was locked on to her. 


Hiram loved watching his wife eating their niece. He leaned down to look at Maisie’s face. “Are you enjoying this honey? Is Aunt Bea making you feel good?” Every nerve in Maisie’s body was afire. Her face was red and damp. She could only give Hiram a half-lidded nod.


A groan developed low in Maisie’s throat as she felt her orgasm growing. Though she had masturbated often, nothing this violent or irrepressible had happened before. Her legs began to quiver and her feet cramped causing an exquisite pain that added to the thrills. She bucked her hips, but Bea would not be thrown off her mount. 


Maisie buried her head in the sheets. Her hair was matted and her face was streaming with sweat. Then her orgasm roared over her making her stiffen and then spasm. Her entire body shook as if she were having a seizure. 


Even as the waves of pleasure died down, a spark or two would cause her to jerk. Still on her belly, she lay there exhausted, nearly sobbing into the sheets. She was breathing in gulps trying to regain her composure.


Bea was still very worked up from the excitement of thrilling Maisie. She lay down beside Maisie and made her roll over. She placed Maisie’s head on her shoulder. Maisie reached feebly over to place a hand on Bea’s breast. 


“Oh, that’s my sweet girl. Feel Auntie’s titty. Maybe Uncle Hiram can help.” 

He got the message and began to pull his wife’s shirt off her, Awkward for a moment as he pulled the shirt over her head, but it was achieved without breaking the mood. Maisie lay her head again on the billowing breast of her Aunt Bea.


Hiram also began to undress his wife from the waist down. Unsnapping her jeans and tugging them off. Neither bra nor panties were needed to be removed. She was naked under the outer cloths.


Seeing two women undressed lying together on a bed, Hiram got hard again. He picked up the iPhone and started to take photos of the two women relaxing so comfortably. He shot them overhead looking down, from the side, and more closely aiming at their pussies and nipples.


He would keep these images for later jerking-off stimulation. Seeing Maisie like this he remembered his sister lying in the bed just like this. So, stripping off the rest of his clothes, he climbed on the bed as well. Without asking for permission, he prodded his cock between Maisie’s thighs and let the heat-seeking tip find her hot wet, cunt. With one push he was inside her but felt an impediment that prevented him from burying her deep on his cock.


She was a virgin and her hymen was intact. Nothing to do but to press on. So, he did and tore her maidenhead asunder with one strong thrust. Masie whimpered and pressed her head into Aunt Bea’s breast searching for her nipple to comfort her. “It’s okay dearie, you’re a grown-up woman now. Uncle Hiram just opened you up. It will feel better having sex now that you can take something larger than your finger in there. Now, you just go on and suck on Aunt Bea’s titty and let Uncle Hiram fill you up. Properly.”


Bea rolled slightly to her side giving Maisie clear access to her hardened nipples. Maisie, instinctively cupped the full breast in her hands like a bowl of cream.


Hiram, certain he had not hurt his dear, little, fuckable niece started a rhythmic thrusting in and out. He was cautious at first how deep he went but as he felt Maisie relax and welcome him in, he drove deeper. At last, their pubic bones touched and he remained there buried in her.  He lifted her legs so he could grab her under the knees and pull deep into her with each push.


Beatrice was getting overwrought herself with all the sexual energy, so she spread her legs and started to finger her twat. “Maisie, dear, would you help me, sweetheart? Just rub me. You know how to do that, right honey?”


She moved Maisie’s hand into position and helped her spread the wetness around her labia and guided her fingers over her hardened clitoris. “Mmmm…that’s right honey. Right there. Oh yes. Keep doing what you are doing.” Bea loved having another woman’s hand pressing down on her furry nethers and exciting her lusting lips and vagina.


With a free hand now, Bea began to fumble her way down Maisie’s belly to her sweet shaved pussy. So slick and easy to find the groove and opening, Bea thought.


She felt Hiram’s pubic bone land on Maisie’s and timed her circling fingers to match Hi’s thrust.


Bea came first. She was so over-joyed to be finally enjoying this young spirit freely and openly that her engine was already in high gear as they started this three-way match. Maisie may be young, but she had enough experience fingering herself that she was more than able to bring Beatrice off nicely. Bea’s body was on fire after her orgasm and she shook suddenly and grabbed Maisie’s hand to stop the stimulation.


Then she brought Maisie’s hand to her mouth and licked the young woman’s hand clean.  Feeling her fingers being licked and feeling Hi’s insistent cock in her cunt, drove Maisie that last mile toward her own stunning orgasm. She had enjoyed small petite morts on her on, but a real life fucking in a three-way was more than her young brain was used to. 


Her throat flushed and the redness spread to her small breasts. The nipples, hard as they were already, seemed to become rocks as she felt another wave begin in her abdomen and surge upward. Hiram kept it steady, easing himself all the way in and all the way out. His 5.5” penis was more than adequate to give the girl the right amount of vaginal stimulation and Bea’s knowledgeable fingers completed the electrical circuit as they swirled over her clit and between her lips.


Suddenly Hiram felt that familiar feeling between his shoulder and knew he was going to cum again. It felt like it would be a very hard one, despite having ejaculated not that long ago. Something about fucking a young woman made his act like a young man. 


“Oh, Maisie, I am going to cum soon.” “Yes, Uncle Hiram, fuck me. Fuck me. Fuck me,” she panted. And then, “Oh, I am sorry, I didn’t mean to be dirty,” Furrowing her brow as the orgasm grew, she said, “but this is so fucking good.”


Beatrice looked at Hiram and smiled. Their little ward was indeed a woman this day. “Give it to her, Honey. Giver Maisie the birthday gift she wants.”


And at that he shot a bolt of hot cum deep into her. Maisie didn’t feel the cum, actually, but she felt the penis stiffen and her uncle thrust deeply. That brought on the orgasm at last. She needed the release and as Hiram emptied his swollen balls into her, she gritted her teeth and seethed, “Oh, Uncle Hi, I’m cumming. Keep pumping me. I’m ….”


She stiffened and let the orgasm control her body, shaking it, writhing through her. He vagina sucked Hiram’s cock hard, milking it’s length trying to squeeze every drop of cum out of him. She was a young breeder and her body knew how to take advantage of every chance to become pregnant.


As sweat dripped from Hiram on to Maisie’s moist, glowing body, they eventually stopped mid-thrust. Hiram was over her, his elbows stiff, holding him up. Maisie opened her eyes and smiled at her uncle. She raised her head to kiss him and he immediately leaned in to accept it. Then he looked at Bea and saw her smiling at them both. 


It took a moment to untangle and lie on the bed together glowing in what had just happened. 


Maisie was the first to speak. Raspily, she said, “Happy birthday to me!” Her aunt and uncle chuckled along with her.


“Well, that was just the start, dear,” spoke Aunt Beatrice. “We actually have another gift for you in the garage. Let’s get cleaned up and go look. You can take a shower with me and tell me what you thought of our little celebration.”


The new car waiting in the garage was a complete surprise to her. “Thank you for the best birthday present I have ever had. And the car is nice too!” she giggled.


At dinner a few hours later, the waiter hving left the wine on the table, Maisie leaded across the table and motioned for her aunt and uncle to move in as well forming a little head bouquet, a conc of silence.


“Tell me, Uncle Hiram, did you and my mom ever do that?” It was Hi’s turn to blush. It told Maisie everything she wanted to know. “I know why she loved you so much.”


Under the table, Maisie slipped her shoes of and spread her legs so that she could touch both Hi and Beatrice with her toes. Thus began another birthday celebration when they got home that night.











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