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Friends of a Feather

Posted by: Age: 19 Posted on: 7 comments
13 likes 11441 views Category: Masturbation Female-Male Tags: tits, cum, group masturbation, teens, , son
Was hanging out with a group of friends and things got a little out of hand... or maybe into hand depending on your point of view.

I was hanging out with a group of friends early one afternoon during freshman year of high school. Things started out innocently enough with us just talking and listening to music, but at some point the two boys started insulting each others dick size like teenage boys seem to do. The group included myself, my boyfriend at the time Cody, my friend Kara from my Sleepover Fun story, her boyfriend at the time Will, and a new friend of mine Abby who I actually had a huge crush on. We were all hanging out at Cody's house on a Saturday and since his parents had taken his younger siblings to see their grandparents we had the place all to ourselves. Will and Cody weren't really friends, but they tolerated each other since they were dating me and Kara and we were best friends and then some. When they started insulting each other me and Kara started giggling because we knew neither boy had anything nearly as impressive as what they were trying to make it sound like they had. We had shared all the dirt we had about them with each other. When one of the boys said he would whip it out and smack the other boy across the forehead with it from the other side of the room Abby asked "Why don't you both just whip them out and end all this pointless arguing?" Me and Kara looked at each other and immediately started backing Abby's idea. We both started chanting "Whip them out! Whip them out!" Both of the boys started blushing and stopped saying anything. At this point I figured it was over and we could move on, but Abby must have been in a particularly naughty mood that day. She offered to take her top off to help the boys get hard so we could measure them and end the argument for good. I could totally see the conflict on Cody's face. He totally wanted to see her tits, but didn't want to let me know he was interested in her and didn't want to show his penis on the chance that it might be smaller than Will's. As the boys struggled with this Kara jumped in and said that we would all three take our tops off if they would whip them out for us to measure. The prospect of seeing three girls topless was more than the two boys could refuse. Abby asked Cody for a ruler and he got her one and then we got the two boys standing on one side of the room and us girls on the other and we waited for the show to begin. Neither one of the boys wanted to be the first to pull their pants off so Abby beat them to it by pulling her shirt and bra off. Both of the boys stared at her perky tits for a minute and then she said that if they wanted the other two of us to take ours off they had to take theirs off first. This got both boys to drop their drawers pretty quickly. The two boys didn't even give us a moment to gaze at their members before asking Kara and I to remove our tops as well. We were happy to oblige and I noticed Cody's face really light up when he saw Kara's tits. Out of all three of us girls her tits were easily the biggest. I know she wears a C cup while at this time I was still wearing an A cup and Abby was a B. Will on the other hand had seen them before and was enjoying having two fresh sets of boobs to appreciate no matter how big they were. I could feel his eyes roaming over my body and it made me wetter than seeing either of the boys penises had. After a bit of just staring at each other Abby suggested that the boys might want to touch themselves a little to make sure they were all the way hard for when we measured them. Both boys blushed some more and then glanced at each other for the first time and ended up quickly looking away and blushing even darker. They had seen what us girls had seen as well: this was anyone's game. Neither boy had what you would call an impressive member, but neither one had anything to really be embraced about either. They were both rather average. With their eyes back on us they started to stroke themselves a bit with us girls watching intently. We whispered a little bit among ourselves telling each other what we thought of both boys and even telling each other how wet we were getting watching this. After a few minutes we decided they had had enough time at that they were probably as hard as they were going to get. Abby decided that she wanted to do the honors, but Kara and I both insisted that we help with our own boyfriends. One at a time Kara took each boy in hand and gave him a few extra strokes and then held the ruler up to them. After a quick secret conference we returned to the boys to get a second measurement of their width. We went back and discussed their penises amongst ourselves again and then delivered our judgement: it was a draw. One of the boys was a bit longer than the other, but the other boy was slightly wider. The boys seemed a bit disappointed that neither one of them could lord a win over the other one, but their disappointment was quickly forgotten. Abby announced that she was going to give a special prize to the winner and since it was a tie they would have to share the prize. Without anymore preamble she stripped off the rest of her clothes and spread her legs wide giving both of the boys a fantastic view of her pussy. As she began to rub herself she told the boys that they could look all they wanted but not touch. Both boys started stroking themselves again and Kara and I both quickly undressed to join in. The five of us sat in a circle with Cody to my left and Abby to my right and played with ourselves. Cody divided his attention mostly between Abby and Kara but I didn't mind at all since I was pretty busy watching mostly just Kara myself with a bit of attention for Will as well. At one point Will tried to touch Kara some, but she playfully slapped his hand away and said they could do something together later. Cody was the first to orgasm. He launched three thick strands of cum across the carpet at us. Kara, who was working her clit rather intensely as she likes to do, was the second to reach climax. I came soon after, but kept rubbing myself as I watched Will and then Abby both orgasm in their turns. When we were all finished Cody freaked out and ran to the kitchen to get some carpet cleaner and towels. We all helped him clean up the messes him and Will had made and then we all kind of sat around naked for a little bit. After a little while like this Abby stood up and said that she should probably be getting home. She came over and gave each one of us a kiss and a hug and then got dressed and left. Following her leave Kara and Will got dressed as well and Kara kissed both me and Cody goodbye and I went ahead and kissed Will as well. That left me and Cody all alone and naked with no worries of anyone being home for a few more hours so we ended up messing around some more. After this Will and Cody actually became really good friends. I don't think they ever did anything like this together, but you never know.



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