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Dad And Daughter Share Nudist Lifestyle

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Living with a nudist dad finally got me interested in erect cocks.

I was born into a nudist family. Before I came along it was just mom and dad. Since I had never known anything different than living with nude people, it was never a big thing with me. I knew that not everybody lived like that but as a young girl, I really never gave it much thought.

Even when I was at a young age, our family used to attend nudist resorts on a regular basis. But because I had seen my mom and dad naked every day my entire life, seeing more nude people never really meant anything to me.

Every once in a while at one of the resorts I would see a man with an erection and wondered what that was about, but at my age, there was nothing sexual about it. I did ask my mom about it and she explained that sometimes a man’s penis would rub against something and that might cause it to get bigger. That satisfied me initially but the more I thought about it, I wondered what the purpose was for an erect penis? That was when I got my first talk about sex. But I still didn’t fully understand it, but at that age it wasn’t important to me and I forgot about it.

When I was 13 my mother died unexpectedly from a brain aneurysm. I was devastated. But I had a wonderful father and we managed to survive the loss of my mother. But that was the end of our visits to nude resorts. I asked my dad why we stopped going and he explained that going there as a single man with a 13 year old daughter might be misinterpreted. I didn’t really quite get that either. I was disappointed because now that I was older, seeing naked men caused a different reaction from me. Now I had genuine curiosity about the penis and I wanted to see more of them.

But I was going to have to get by with just seeing my dad’s. Every so often I would catch a glimpse of him with an erection. By now I had a much better understanding of what that was all about. A couple of my school friends were also fascinated about erect cocks and we talked about it all the time. I never told them about my dad.

By the time I was in my late teens I was dating and found myself constantly fighting off boys who wanted to get into my pants. But I had already made up my mind that I was saving my virginity for my husband. But that  could be many years away and I was really at a loss as to what to do about all the eager young men I had to deal with.

By the time I reached my 18th birthday I was really tired of the whole dating ritual. I had even stopped getting invited out as much as before because I had developed a reputation as an ice maiden.

Finally, I went to my dad to see if he had any suggestions for what I could do. We were sitting on the couch together. Naked of course. For the first time in my life, I felt awkward getting ready to have a sex-related discussion while we were both bare-ass naked. After I told Dad what my problem was, he thought about it and finally he hesitatingly suggested that I might consider giving my dates a hand job. He went on to say that these boys were all looking to get laid but the vast majority of them would be more than happy to settle for getting jerked off. But that meant I would have to masturbate them all the way to an orgasm. Anything short of that would be unacceptable to the boy.

I could tell that my dad was very embarrassed by this entire conversation. But I also noticed that his penis was getting bigger. I laughed and asked him if talking about me jerking off my boyfriends was turning him on. He admitted that it was somewhat arousing and he apologized.

I told him not to worry about it. Getting an erection was natural and I knew he had no control over it. I confessed that the conversation was arousing to me as well and I could feel myself getting wet. Now he was really embarrassed but I also saw that his cock had gone from half-mast to a full very impressive rock-hard erection. I had seen his dick hard a few times in the past but never up close like this. I couldn’t take my eyes off his penis and was quite surprised when I realized how appealing his prick looked. I had never thought of my dad’s penis in that way before and felt a bit guilty about being so attracted to my own dad’s cock.

I told him that maybe giving my various dates a hand job would be the best solution to my problem. I went on to tell him that I had never given anybody one and I really didn’t know exactly how to do it. And I asked if he could help me?

His face flushed with embarrassment and he asked if I hadn’t seen videos online and couldn’t I learn from watching a video? I replied that I had seen videos but what I really wanted to do was maybe practice on him. I pointed out that his penis was already hard and there was no substitute for the real thing.

I saw his cock actually bob up and down when I said I wanted to jack him off. But his face looked terrified. He protested that it wouldn’t be right for a daughter to masturbate her own father.

I replied that it wasn’t like we would be having actual sex. It would be a teaching moment. He could tell me all the things I could do to his penis that felt good and what to avoid doing that might not feel so good. He said he still didn’t think it was a good idea.

I decided it was time to quit talking and cut to the chase. I leaned over and wrapped both hands around his wonderful cock. I really wasn’t expecting it to feel so soft and warm but rock hard at the same time. I was in heaven with Dad’s big dick under my total control. And once he felt my hands encasing his penis, any thoughts of stopping me were long gone. I asked him to describe to me exactly what I could do to make it feel as pleasurable as possible.

He was embarrassed but surely didn’t want me to stop. He slowly began to get into it as my hands started moving up and down his cock. He began to give me some instructions on what to do. He told me how to focus pressure on his frenulum and to run my fingers up and down that area. Then how to tent my fingers over the head of his prick so that I could massage the coronal ridge of the head where it really felt good.

Dad had been circumcised but the doc had left a bit of foreskin and dad showed me how to roll the foreskin back and forth over his now bright red cockhead. I was really getting into it now and I had no idea how much fun it was to play with a beautiful hard prick like my dad’s. I knew that Dad was now totally on board with anything I wanted to do with his magnificent prick. What man wouldn’t be?

I wanted the session to go on forever but I knew that no man could allow his cock to be masturbated endlessly without reaching orgasm and I figured dad had to be close. In fact, he brought up that exact subject and warned me that maybe we should stop or he was going to make a huge mess. Stop? I thought. He must be out of his mind. And I told him so. No way was I not going to see this through to the only ending that I would ever accept.  So I tightened my grip and sped up my pumping. The head of his prick bulged beautifully and I couldn’t wait to see his semen spurt forth. I felt Dad’s body buck and thrash and he threw his head back. He was so out of control that I was having trouble holding onto his dick so I knew a massive orgasm was on the way.

And with no warning, semen shot out of the end of his cock with so much force I couldn’t believe it. I thought the first shot was impressive but the next one must have carried a good four feet past his head and over the back of the couch. I heard it splatter onto the floor. I kept jacking and he kept shooting…jet after jet of semen. The more I jacked the more he shot. He cried out in what sounded like pain but was actually orgasmic joy.

I started to slow down and he breathlessly told me to keep jacking his dick. And not to stop until he told me. I had mistakenly assumed that once his big cock started jetting out the cum that I could quit pumping, but nothing could be further from the truth.

So I kept jacking and the cum kept cumming. Finally, the spurts slowed down and almost stopped but he hadn’t told me to quit jacking him yet. Now I had to switch from pumping to more of a milking action as I would grip his dick at the base and work my fingers up the shaft to just under the head and force out more dribbles of jism. Then I would let go and go back to the base of his massive member and do it again. I did this milking action again and again until finally there was no more semen to coax out and that’s when he finally told me to stop.

I did stop but I didn’t let go of his prick, which stayed hard. I just kept my hand wrapped around it and held it, marveling about what a terrific experience I just had. Dad looked at me with a mixture of satisfaction but with a bit of guilt. He enjoyed the orgasm but felt a bit bad that his own daughter had jacked him off.

I told him to just relax and enjoy it and forget that I was the one who got him off. I told him we hadn’t done anything wrong. It was just a hand job.

I got a couple of warm, wet washcloths and lovingly wiped Dad’s cock and balls, as well as the rest of his body, free of all the semen that had literally covered everything.

It took a few days for Dad to get over the guilt but by then he was remembering what a great experience it was and I could tell he wanted to do it again but was afraid to bring it up. So I did. I told him it was great learning experience for me but I felt there was more to learn. He quickly agreed. We went on to almost daily learning sessions. He admitted to me that having me wipe him clean of jism after each of our sessions was a giant turn-on. It was for me too.

As much as I loved to see the semen ejaculate from a throbbing cock, I was worried about all the cum flying around the first time I jacked off one of my dates in a car. So Dad showed me how I could hold my mouth right over the tip of his prick and squirt an entire load of jism right down my throat. Once I got proficient at that, which took a bit of getting used to, then Dad showed me how I could actually get him to cum without using my hands. You guessed it. Blowjob. Wow…I thought jacking off Dad’s cock was fun but sucking him off was the ultimate in enjoyment for both of us. I had now reached the point where I could suck Dad’s cock to a massive cumshot and at the same time experience involuntary orgasms of my own over and over as my lips sucked his cock right to the balls.

(Author’s note: Total fantasy.)




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