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A Recent Experience

Posted by: Author: Age: 23 Posted on: 0 comments
3 likes 1063 views Category: Masturbation Female Solo Tags: crowd, bathroom, role play
I live alone, by choice. I am happy with my own company and I like living alone. I don't feel ready to settle down, or share my life that much yet. So, that only leaves masturbation, but when it's the only thing you do, you get good at it, right?
Apart from the usual bathroom/bedroom locations for a nice relaxing jill, sometimes, I like to play more of a long game and trust me, it's worth all the effort. I never quite know when I will feel like doing it this way, somehow, I just know. I am 4'8', and not really that attractive. If you saw me in the mall, I would not turn your head. I have red hair, and pathetic boobs! Damn, they stopped growing when I was 13. But what they lack in size, they more than make up for in feeling! I like age fantasy, and role play. Well, I should, I am an actress. No, that's too grand a word. I get a lot of work but it's always in the crowd scenes, or extras work. No headliner, me, but I make a good living. So, today. The white knee socks and plaid skirt almost leaped out at me, as did the white cotton panties, and t shirt. Bra? Oh no! What for? A little 'hair' work, and I could pass for a teenager, and that was the look I wanted. The mall is a great place for getting eyed up. And I love feeling eyes roving all over my body. I make certain people can see what I want them to see and crouching down to look at books in the bookshop allowed me, in a careless 'teenagery' way to let my legs open. Almost immediately a guy started to follow me, pretending to look at books, but I knew he was looking at me! I crouched down, as I said, letting my legs open. He would have seen the white material pulled tight against my pussy lips, and I bet he realised there was no hair down there either!. Me? Oh I loved it! I was getting all marshy down there, and I knew my wetness would show. Oh, him? Well, let's just say older. MUCH older. He couldn't take his eyes off me as I fidgetted about down there. At one point I reached up my skirt and plucked my damp panties away from myself giving him a momentary flash of pussy. I wondered if he would make a pass? (I wouldn't ever go with a stranger, but it makes for good jilling.) Instead he came and stood closer. I could see his hard-on and that made me flood! I stood up, took a glance around and did that schoolgirl uncomfortable thing down there, just rummaging around and then I walked out of the shop. For a moment I figured he would follow, instead he just looked at me with big puppy dog eyes throught the shop window. He figured following me would get him into deep shit! I went to the nearest girls restroom and locked myself in a cubicle. I love it in there. Mostly, other women come in to pee and then leave, but sometimes, you can hear the women next door jilling. I love that. I figured I would give someone else the thrill. I eased my panties down (damn, but they were gooey) and sat down, spread my legs and started on myself. I heard someone enter the next closet, and I let my knee bump against the partition wall. (Oh, guys, did you know that there are 'glory holes' in some girl's toilets too? Well, there are!) I saw an eye appear just as my hand hitched my t shirt over my boobs and just as the orgasm welled up. Whoever she was, she just watched me cum and cum good! I finished up, left the stall, but DIDN't leave the rest room. I just stood as if waiting for a friend. At least ten minutes went by before a young girl, around my age, came out of the stall, bright pink and with a nice sex flush across her neck. She had watched me, then jilled. Fabulous. I love it when that happens. All that remained was to walk home, wet panties sticking to me all the way and then, just to finish off, I did what I like to do when I 'play younger', I squatted down and wet myself. In my home, the rest of the afternoon was one glorious series of cums. Yummy!



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