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A Beautiful Visit to the Movies

Posted by: Age: 45 Posted on: 4 comments
12 likes 7192 views Category: Masturbation Male-Male Tags: big balls, hard prick, eretions, mutual masturbation , aunt
It was raining, so instead of going to the beach, I went to the local cinema in the afternoon. I never saw the movie, because a beautiful Thai boy took charge of me !!

Going to the movies and getting a very pleasant surprise. Here in Thailand, most of the boys (under 30) are very beautiful and many times difficult to decide if they are boys or girls. Thai boys usually only have small genitals, so they all grow their pubic hair very long ! I don't know why I have done the opposite. I have a good sized dick and have shaved off all my hair, so that it stands out longer. Thai boys ALL like sex, any time, any where, as long as there is a bit of money for them afterwards to buy food or a drink.

This day was a few years ago. It was raining so I decided to go to the movies at Royal Gardens Shopping Mall, where they had two small cinemas. They have since closed, but were never popular in the afternoons but got busy at night. When I got there, both cinemas had good movies on and it was just opening for the day. I could not decide which one to go and see, but my mind was made up for me when a very beautiful Thai boy,about 23-25, very nicely dressed, came up to me and asked me which movie I was going to see. I asked him why, and he pointed to the left hand cinema and said this is best!! For what, I wondered. I asked him what he was doing and he said nothing, so I asked him if he would like to come and see the movie. He said yes with a big smile.

I bought the two tickets, not seat allocated, and he suddenly held my hand and led me up to the back row in the corner. There were only a few people in, and they were all sitting a long way down. We sat down just as the light were going out and the ads music was starting. The boy was wearing nicely tailored trousers and shirt, as though from the office, but I was in my shorts, as usual, with a very pretty jockstrap on underneath. He was sitting on my right hand side, and slid his hand into mine and held it tightly. He was so pretty, but I had no idea what was in store for me. When the main movie started, he slipped his hand out of mine and put it on my thigh, half on my shorts and half on the thigh. So I put my hand on his thigh, on top of his trousers. He immediately started to gently squeeze my thigh, and moving his hand across to my genitals. Wow. I looked at him and we both smiled. He could feel my jockstrap underneath, and I found his small bulge in his trousers.

His hand pulled up my shorts and held me inside my jockstrap. He said he had never seen a jock before, and leant over and down to look at it under the dim light. He said he would like a pair like that, as he just had on the normal Thai whiteys. I pulled his zip down and he riggled out of his trousers so that they fell just to his knees. He then pulled my shorts down to my ankles !! His penis was already strong (but small) and sighed when I slipped my hand down the front and held it. But.so much pubic hair !! And me with none just like a baby. I only stroked him a few times, slowly, when he tod me to stop as he was ready to cum ! I had hardly started!! He asked me to sit down further in my seat, and then he gently massaged my erection through my jockstrap. He was fascinated in the jockstrap and also how big I was. He asked me if he could go inside to feel me properly and he also wanted to feel my balls. He was very fascinated in how nice I looked with no pubic hair !! Anyway, the elastic on the sides of my jockstrap is quite strong, so he tried to push it down to get it out. I helped him because the waist elastic was also very strong. And then suddenly, there I was with my penis standing up proud, with my jock and shorts round my knees.

He massaged my balls a lot and then felt underneath and tickled my anus opening, which made me flinch, it was so sensitive. He said he would like to fuck me but thought he was too small for me, and we couldn't do that in the cinema anyway. And then he leaned over and started to lick my balls, slowly moving up till he put his mouth over my prick. He came off it and said I taste very sweet my precum !! I got hold of him again, when he got up, but I only jerked him a couple of times and he shot his load, quite a big one, onto the floor, and said he was sorry but licking me had made him so horny.

He pulled my hand off his limp penis, cleaned it with a tissue, and then knelt on the floor between my legs, looking up at me, as he slipped my cock into his mouth again. It took him quite a while till he could get it all in, but then he started to really suck me off. Fantastic feeling then he masturbated me while sucking me. I was getting so close to cumming. Then he massaged my balls gently as he continue to suck. I warned him I was close, so he licked his finger and pushed it into my anus. Too much for me. I tried to pull his head off my prick, but he resisted me and finger fucked me while I came a dozen times in his mouth.

Eventually, I got him off the floor back onto his seat. He told me my spunk was lovely and sweet to eat, because Thai boys are savoury because they eat so much hot food. He said he just wanted to go to the loo and clean up and then come back. I do not know what happened, but he never came back, he wasn't outside waiting for me and for some money (!), and I never saw him again what a pity ! I have no idea what the film was about, but lovely memories of a beautiful Thai boy sucking me dry !!



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