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18-Year-Old Medical Exam

Posted by: Age: 18 at the time Posted on: 8 comments
9 likes 3777 views Category: Masturbation Male-Female Tags: medical exam, exam, examination, doctor, oral, female, medical, exam
When I was 18, I moved out on my own. I never knew my dad, and my mom is a hopeless alcoholic. As you can imagine, I had very little money. One afternoon, my left nut started aching. At first I didn't think anything about it, but the pain became more and more insistent. I didn't have any sort of insurance, so I went to the local hospital emergency room. It's a teaching hospital, and I was under the impression they'd take cases like me for free, which turned out to be true, although there was quite a bit of paperwork afterward.

I was hurting too much to ride my bike, so I took the bus. I walked up to the counter, or more like loped up to the counter, and told a nurse that my left testicle was hurting. I figured it would be a long wait because it was not a severe case, and so I had come prepared with a good ebook on my phone. My first surprise is that they took me into one of those little curtained sections and a moment after a nurse finished taking my blood pressure and a blood sample, a doctor came right in. She was accompanied by four other doctors, which I found out later were interns. Two were guys, tall, thin and handsome, one black, one white, and two women, one a spectacular red head, and the other Asian. This girl looked really young, but she must have been something over twenty. She was a bit plump, but still very, very attractive. The doctor asked what's up, and I told her. Just my luck that she'd be another very pretty Asian woman. She was around 40 years old. I have a weakness for short Asians, yet I've never really met one. You see, I was terrified that I'd get an erection in front of all these people if she looked at my junk, and I was pretty sure my pants would be coming off any moment. And that's just what happened. She asked me to remove my shoes, socks, pants and underwear. I was reluctant, but also relieved. Whatever this pain was, it needed attention, and I was about to get attention. She put on some blue rubber gloves, and had me lay back on the bed. 'Here goes,' I thought. I was very concerned about an erection. Terrified in fact. In retrospect, I don't know why that worried me even more than having the pain in my balls, but by gosh, it sure did. I needn't have worried. I stayed soft the whole minute or so that she checked me out. Maybe too soft. I was vaguely thinking my penis should be a bit larger, a bit firm, with these people looking at it. I've always been a bit self-conscious about my prick being a bit on the small side. She held my penis for a few seconds, pulling it gently this way and that, and then got down to the business at hand. She slightly squeezed my balls within my scrotum, evidently feeling for some sort of damage. Surprisingly, it didn't hurt very much more than I was already hurting. Then she started probing above my balls, the area below the lower belly, and bang! Oh wow, she hit a point that really hurt. I majorly flinched. I think I even yelled out a bit, and she let go right away. "Ah ha," she said. "Ah ha?" I asked with fear shaking my voice a bit. She turned to one of the young guys and asked him for his opinion. He said a whole paragraph that I didn't understand. All medical terms. In fact the only word I got was "through." She then turned back to me and asked whether I had done anything particularly strenuous recently. Yes, in fact, I had helped a friend move a desk (and got $20 for helping). That's it, she said. She explained that I was suffering an ordinary, and harmless groin pull. Evidently, the opening through which the spermatic cord travels swelled up a bit, causing a partial restriction of circulation to the testicle, and the testicle overreacts with pain. She explained that it would clear up in a day or so, and then asked the red head what she'd prescribe. The red head said something, and the doctor had the other guy intern write that in my chart. She said if the pain is too bothersome, I could take some pills, two every four hours, but that I might not need them at all. I must tell you, I was greatly relieved. I know it's psychosomatic, but I could swear the pain was already starting to let up somewhat. The doctor then went on to tell the interns the reason my case was taken right away is that in my age group, testicular torsion is a possibility. The testicle twists around, circulation is cut off, and emergency surgery is necessary to save it. I'm glad I didn't have that! I was about to pull my pants back up, and the doctor said, "No." She then asked whether I'd mind letting the four interns examine me, because they hadn't yet seen a groin pull of this sort. My instinct was to say, "No way," but I'm sort of a yes-man, a people-pleaser, and so I agreed. They all donned the blue gloves. First the tall black guy approached and the Asian doctor guided him through a much more thorough exam than she had performed. She explained that this was the standard genital exam to rule out STDs and all sorts of things I didn't "present with." She told the four interns to skip the hernia check, because that would cause me pain. So, he started in by grabbing my penis. I flinched a bit. Not because it was painful, but because he just jumped right in, it was sudden, plus I wasn't expecting his hand to be so cold. Under the doctor's verbal instruction, he felt all the way up both sides of my shaft. Interestingly, I was starting to fluff up a bit, and was maybe a bit proud that my penis was a bit larger now. He then pulled the foreskin back. All the way back. "Ouch" I said. The doctor said, "Geez Paulson, not so hard." He then turned his attention to my balls, and started squeezing pretty firmly. Much more firmly than she had done. And, I have to say, it felt pretty nice. I wasn't expecting that. Then, he kept it up, and at one point he squeezed a point near the top of my right nut that really hurt, and I jumped. She explained that a man has a sensitive point near the on each testicle where the epididimis joins it, that is sensitive and should not be "palpated." Now, it was time for a rectal exam. "Hey, wait a minute!" I was thinking, but was too shy to say anything. I really didn't want that. I've never had one, but had heard that they are uncomfortable. The guy had me get on my hands and knees on the table, which took a moment, since my groin, or more specifically, my testicle, was still hurting. While I did that, he spread some lubricant on his index finger. It was ordinary KY jelly. I was expecting they'd use something more professional in a hospital. But that's what they use. He stuck his finger right in. Damn. It didn't really hurt, but it made my eyes open wide. The doctor told him he must go slower. So what did he do? He pulled his finger back out, just as fast as it had gone in. That didn't feel any better. She then decided to demonstrate, and put some KY on her glove. She then spread some around my asshole, and it felt quite nice. No one has ever done that to me. She then slowly, ever so slowly, pushed her finger into me, while rotating it back and forth a bit. Really quite nice! I hadn't noticed, but my penis was starting to become erect. She pulled out, slowly, and invited the tall black intern to try it again. He did it just like she did, nice and slow, and gentle. She instructed him to curl his finger forward, and feel around for my prostate. They had a bit of a conversation about what it should feel like. He wasn't sure he was feeling it, but eventually figured it out. By now, my dick had become fully erect, and I was horrified! I didn't think they could really see that it was erect in my current position, but there'd be no hiding it a soon as i was asked to turn over. I was willing it as hard as I could to go back down. OK, he pulled his finger out, and was done. I was asked to turn over. I'm sure my face was red as a beet. In fact, I could feel the flushed feeling. Having been on my hands and knees only made the blood rush to my face all the more. But what could I do? The two female interns were struggling not to grin, but I could see they weren't entirely successful. The doctor stepped in and said that professional decorum must always be maintained for the patient's dignity. She then turned to me and told me that erections are quite common in this situation, and not to worry about it. Worrying, I was! I felt like I had done something wrong, like maybe thrown a rock through someone's window. I felt guilty. One does not get erections during something like this, right? But I guess, in reality, one does. Next came the tall white doctor. He repeated the whole process, taking even more time than the black doctor. I was erect the whole time, and particularly aware of it when he was feeling up and down the sides of my penis, and pulling my foreskin back. When he did the rectal exam, I was expecting it to be at least as bad as when the first doctor did it. But no, it felt rather, well, pleasant, especially the part when he was pressing on my prostate. He too, couldn't quite tell when he had it right. He finished, and then it was the plump Asian. As she was feeling my totally hard penis, I started to have that 'I'm going to ejaculate' feeling, and was just about to say something like "Stop," or "Let go" when she finished with that part, and had me roll over. This time I was not on my hands and knees, but laying on one side, as she did the rectal exam. She kind of pushed up my upper butt cheek to gain access, and there was something about that that felt very nice. I can't quite explain it, but it felt like something a girlfriend would do. Kind of sexual, yet kind of cared-for, if you can imagine that. Finally, the red headed intern. She repeated the whole process. Again, I was dangerously close to ejaculation, but fortunately, it didn't happen. I don't know what I would have done if it did, but I think it would have been the most embarrassing moment of my life. But come to think of it, this already was the most embarrassing moment of my life. Here I was in charge of five very attractive, in fact downright sexy, but professional people, with a raging erection that simply would not subside. Interestingly, my attitude about it had shifted. I was really not that embarrassed any more. I was the center of attention of five people. I must have an exhibitionist streak, because I was actually enjoying them seeing my erection at this point. If they had asked me to jerk off right then and there, I would have gladly done so. Of course, they didn't. But the final indignity was to come. The resident doctor asked the red head to do an STD probe, which I found out was to push a Q-tip about an inch into my penis, swirl it around and pull it out. The doctor said this is only done once, because it would cause urethral irritation if they had all done it. And irritation it does cause, I can tell you that. When the red head pushed the swab into my penis, it stung like crazy. My groin pull had subsided almost entirely in a day, but that swabbing operation had upset my urethra so much that it hurt to pee for the next two days. Anyway, I managed to escape the hospital without ejaculating. In the end, I was actually kind of disappointed that I didn't spill my seed right there in front of all of them. To have done so would have been terribly exciting, don't you think? Even though my ball still hurt when I got home, I stripped off my clothes and jerked off right away, remembering my wonderful five-person exam. For the next year, I'd remember back to it and jerk off from time to time. Heck, even today, several years later, remembering that exam makes me all horny and hard, and I've gotta jerk off. In fact, I'm hard right now, and as soon as I finish this sentence, I'm going to jerk off.



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