Older Sister

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Older Sister

Post by pooradley »

When I was young my older sister and I often played together. One day we were playing doctor and she asked if she could see what my penis looked like. I think she called it my "private". I had recently began masturbating when I was alone and was for some reason really excited to show it to her. I pulled down my shorts and laid on a table for her to inspect me. She stared at my little thing, very intently. Then I told her I could actually make it grow much bigger than it was now. She said something like, no way or no you can't, and i told her it really does grow. She excitedly asked me to show her. At that age I could make myself get hard just by twitching my penis muscles a few times. I twitched it up and down and sure enough it sprang to life inches from her face. She thought this was really neat and asked if she could touch it. I told her, sure. Now at this time I had no idea what sex was or any clue about masturbation, I had just discovered this amazing thing I could do that made me feel really good and decided to tell my sister about it. As she poked at my hard penis and squeezed it I told her, "You know, there's a special spot on it where if you put your finger on it and rub, it feels really good". I still remember the look of surprise on her face when I told her that. I didn't realize it at the time but I had just let her know that I could masturbate just as she had apparently been doing for some time by herself. She said, "Show me how you do it", so I did, I showed her how if I put my finger right on the underside of my penis, just below the head and rubbed back and forth, it made me feel really good. "Can I try it?", she asked. I told her to feel free. So I laid back and relaxed while she rubbed my spot until I felt the good familiar feeling come over me. "Ok, I'm done", I told her.

Well after that she became really interested in "doing me" as often as she could. Over the next several years she introduced me to all the masturbation secrets she had been keeping to herself. She showed me how to use our parents back massager on my penis, showed me how to make myself cum with the pool jets and all kinds of other ways. Again, to me this was not sexual, it was just something we did together because it felt really good and it was fun to have someone else to do it with. But she was definitely the main driver of these experiences and was really into making me cum and teaching me different ways of doing it. She did me all the time and I would often watch her do herself too, but I never actually touched her vagina until we were much older.

I am just wondering if any others have had similair experiences with a sibling during childhood, and if there are any women who did this with their little brothers, could you describe how doing this kind of stuff made you feel. She was 4 years older than me and must have been more aware of the sexual connotations of what we were doing but she was very assertive in getting me to engage in masturbation with her (not that I objected in any way). I'm just curious as to what she may have been thinking doing these things with her little brother. As we got older we stopped our activity and I am too emberassed to ask her about the things we did so, maybe someone here can shed some light. Sorry for the length of the post.
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Re: Older Sister

Post by bryanluv »

Yup, sounds VERY familiar. Only for me it was absolutely sexual. Sounds like you had fun! I've talked about the stuff I did with my sister in my stories. Feel free to read :-)
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Re: Older Sister

Post by effinjeff1965 »

Sounds very familiar to me too. My sister is two years older, and she and her friend used me to learn about male anatomy, and in so doing, taught me about female anatomy. Like you, this was before I knew about masturbation or orgasms. Also like you, I had already discovered orgasms (by lying face down on my hands and pressing until I got a neat feeling), but I didn't associate it with anything sexual. I just knew it felt good.
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Re: Older Sister

Post by wickednatalie »

I wonder how many sisters "help" their brothers in this way?
I know a friend of mine would sometimes play with her step-brother when they were in their early teens, but that also included letting him play with her to.
Interesting situation though.
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Re: Older Sister

Post by shadow109 »

I do remember how my sister had taught me a different way to stroke off my cock when masturbating for her to enjoy in watching me ;)
As I had discovered masturbation on my own. by rubbing the head of my penis. Which made me feel very good . When I did that. most times either in the bath room . Sitting on the toilet / in my bed room while laying on my bed most times rubbing my penis . until it got really wet and very sticky too ;)
Which lead me into discovering more ways to enjoy myself . In trying different way to make myself hard . That of making myself cum too ;)
Though I was 4 years older than my sister was. I found out that I really got excited very much. When she wanted to see what I was doing in the bath room at times. In taking so long to come out. So she could then use the bath room.
So one day while I was in the bath room masturbating while on the toilet. She opened the bath room door suddenly and came in :oops: :o
Here I was rubbing the head of my cock and was close to orgasming . When she came in and saw what I was doing. Which had surprised us both. Arousing me so much so . That I climaxed right then and there ;)
Shooting a large load of cum onto my hand . As well as on my thighs too. As the cum load shot out and splattered every where OMG ..........OMG :o
It was the strongest climax I had at that time. In being surprised by my sister. In her seeing me masturbating myself. How it had aroused me . That of how excited my sister was in seeing what I was doing . That of seeing what my penis looked like fully erected. Along with Her being so turned - on by what she had just witnessed in what I was doing in the bath room that day . When she had discovered me masturbating myself :!: :!:

Which then lead her into asking questions of . How long have I been rubbing my penis the way I was doing . That of did I enjoy in masturbating myself . To that of do you know any other ways to make your penis spurt and grow larger as well as hard and stiff ;)

Which I tried to answer those questions put to me by her. Wanting to know how I masturbated myself into cumming
How she wanted to watch me rub myself off every day. Until she told me to try a different way of making myself hard . by taking my right hand in her left hand . placing my hand around the shaft of my penis . Then stroking it up & down several times in a row. Till my penis started to stiffen up and for pre - cum to start seeping out of my pee hole
Which then she let go of my hand and told me to keep going up & down on the shaft of my penis till I orgasmed & shoot another load of cum up into the air ;)
Which amazed her . In seeing mt reach my climax . That of how very arousing it was for Her to watch and enjoy in seeing me masturbate myself for her pleasure as well as my own too ;)
This continued for some months . In her watching me masturbate myself . Though when I had asked to see how she would go about masturbating Herself . She got really shy about showing me . That of saying that it wasn't any of my business . in either knowing nor in watching Her masturbate for me :roll:
Which I would have really would have enjoyed in that of watching Her pleasure Herself . As I felt in knowing that she was as aroused and excitied in what she was watching . That I had a real feeling that she must be really turned on by what she had seen me doing in the bath room / in my bed room at times . That she must be masturbating Herself. When I wasn't around to see / be able to watch Her cum too !!
That it made me wonder why then . Did she not want to show me . How she would masturbate. That of sharing the joy . The arousal . That of watching Her orgasm too . As it would have been really enjoyable . In mutually watching one another pleasure ourselves for one another's thrill in seing that ;)
Plus that of finding more ways to enjoy masturbation. Even mutual masturbation . Though it never developed the way I would have liked to have seen it . Between myself and my younger sister !!
Hope you all had enjoyed in reading this :)
As it brought back quite a few nice memories of my youth . That of how I learned to masturbate :D
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Re: Older Sister

Post by jimmyl55 »

I also engaged in masturbation with sister, but she was younger, so I was the assertive one. For me, it was also about feeling good and something I thought my sister would appreciate. I didn't think it was sexual. I certainly didn't feel sexually attracted to her. But I was just discovering masturbation at the time. I was able to get her to touch my penis and also showed her how it would grow stiff. She found this fascinating to watch. I also mentioned there would be a surprise when I rubbed myself. When I ejaculated in front of her, I remember her giggling. But when I told her how good it felt when it happened, she remained interested.

I showed her how I would rub myself and how she could do it to me. After she made me cum, I thought I should help her. I knew a little about the female anatomy, so she lay down on the bed and I rubbed her with my hand. She said it felt good but I didn't make her orgasm. But then I suggested she rub herself on the corner of my desk, which meant lifting herself off her feet and pressing herself against the corner. Eventually, it worked and we began to masturbate together this way: I would rub my penis and she would rub her clit against an object. Sometimes she would rub my penis.

But my sister never had the same level of interest in masturbating as I did. And eventually I got a girlfriend and that was the end (almost) of mutual masturbation with my sister. So it happens. And I agree, it isn't always sexual, but more curiosity and a willingness to share what feels good with a sibling.
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Re: Older Sister

Post by penedeconejo »

I had a whole lot of fantasies about masturbating in front of my older sisters, having my older sisters jack me off and watching my older sisters masturbate, but alas none of it ever happened. :cry: :( :evil:
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Re: Older Sister

Post by wingonwing »

I wish. No sisters but a ton of cousins and a next-door neighbor girl I'd have accommodated. Probably the next-door neighbor girl was the prime candidate. We hid behind our detached garage one day, and I asked her to play can-can, and she danced around with her dress pulled up. Then her grandfather saw her from the alley as he was walking past and said, "Paulette, what are you doing?" We cleared out pretty fast. Never heard whether there were any consequences. That was the closest I came to having a sexual experience with a girl when I was a kid.
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Re: Older Sister

Post by donjohn74 »

Well not quite an older sister, but for a couple of years my mother & I lived with her friend and her daughter who is 1yr younger than me, we were young. But her mother used to walk around the house naked sometimes, even when I was around and I would get an erection, anyhow the daughter (Denise) noticed my bulge in my pants and became very curious. She seen me naked a few times, as I've seen her in the bathtub naked. I had a TV in my bedroom and would watch TV in bed just before going to sleep, so sometimes Denise would crawl into bed with me we were both in our PJ's with nothing on underneath, she would get her hand trying to cop a feel of my dick, then I would get an erection, one day she lifted up her nightie and popped my dick out through the fly hole and would rub my dick against her clitoris, it felt good for both of us and we continued doing this for a few months then I took it to the next level were insertion and full sexual intercourse was taking place. One night we got caught having rubbing each other's genitals by her mother and the shit hit the fan, my mother didn't think anything of it and just chalked it up as 2 kids exploring and blamed the mother for walking around around naked in front of me all the time. So we had to move and that was the last I ever saw or heard from Denise.
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Re: Older Sister

Post by goodniteswearer89 »

I wish I had an older sister that could have taught me about masterbation and how to pleasure a girl but I did have a few older girl cousins that I use to fantasize about though and a few years younger sister that I would also fantasize about.
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Re: Older Sister

Post by zirvania »

My older sister would let me touch her all over and let me watch her masturbate. She would rub herself on top of my clothed cock, but I was frightened to let her see it. Regret that now :( she really went for masturbating though and would use our mums vibrator. Had many a wank thinking about it :)
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Re: Older Sister

Post by svengalideck »

Another interesting thread worth revisiting+++ :lol:
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Re: Older Sister

Post by mash2014 »

I was about 8 years old, but it wasn't a sister, but the daughter of our cleaning lady, who was maybe 15 at the time. One day I got the flu or something like that and I stayed in bed. She comes in and how we got talking about what each had, she grabbed my little penis and showed me her pussy, she would try and get my penis into her cavity. I remember my cock got hard and she kept inserting it. I knew that what we were doing wasn't something to be spoken but I didn't know we were having sex. Never came but it felt great. She kept doing this for a few months until we moved away to another city and never saw her again. Today, I would say I was raped by her.No, I'm not sorry about that. I kind of liked it, but I do remember being scared, I felt guilty. Years went by until I discovered sex and I understood what she had done to me.
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Re: Older Sister

Post by svengalideck »

mash2014 wrote:
> I was about 8 years old, but it wasn't a sister, but the daughter of our
> cleaning lady, who was maybe 15 at the time. One day I got ... I'm not sorry about that. I kind of liked it, but I do remember> being scared, I felt guilty. Years went by until I discovered sex and I
> understood what she had done to me.

Well you seem to have plenty to make up over... I'd wished for a sassy fem for a long while...
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Re: Older Sister

Post by skynet475 »

Not an older sister, but it was my aunt
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