Welcome to the New SoloTouch!

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Welcome to the New SoloTouch!

Post by billie »

Welcome to all to the new and improved SoloTouch. It's been a long time in the making with a few failures, but we finally got here! I'm looking forward to building SoloTouch into an even better and more vibrant masturbation community with you!

I know that it is human nature to resist change. Some of you will be ecstatic about the changes and some of you will downright hate everything about the new site. Please surf around and use the site, customize your profile, add some friends, chat a bit, add some photos. Looking for a specific story? The Search Box is small but powerful and will allow you to really narrow your search for the stories or techniques you want to read.

If you have any questions, comments, concerns or notice any bugs or typos, drop us a note. You can get many of your questions answered at our FAQ's under the Support tab on the top of the page. At the FAQ's, you may also learn about some new features you were unfamiliar with. And please don't ever hesitate to contact myself of any of our kick ass mods. If you're only writing to say you absolutely hate the new site and drop a few f bombs, keep it to yourself.

I'd like to publicly thank our mods for having spent their free time helping to test and play with the site for you all to enjoy! They are an integral part of our community.
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Re: Welcome to the New SoloTouch!

Post by breader »

I say THANK YOU and yes it does take a few visits to get use to the new layout and format. I think the avatar space is too big and you must think Tablet size too in laying out the page width. Otherwise it looks GREAT.
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Re: Welcome to the New SoloTouch!

Post by billie »

I do appreciate the feedback and will consider your avatar suggestion. We have a mobile version of SoloTouch now which will be the default version for your tablet. You may not have been able to view it yet as I disabled it yesterday because it was not working. There are still a couple of issues (including my current inability to disable that version even though it is not showing full stories). You can click the link to the Full Site in the footer while we work this out.

Please check back on your tablet in a few days. I think you'll be much more pleased with the viewing experience when you use the mobile site.
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Re: Welcome to the New SoloTouch!

Post by rulsbin »

The new version probably has potential, but I noticed two things :

1/ The "calendar" navigation in the archives has disappeared, right ? It was a killer feature to me, as it allowed to navigate quickly through the archives and to identify quickly stories I had already read. The new search feature is a nice implementation, but I believe it is a complementary feature, not at all a replacement. I'd beg for this feature to be reimplemented.

2/ It seems that many comments have been broken during the migration. See e.g. http://www.solotouch.com/story/leaving- ... lets-52873 : only the first sentences appears for most of the comments.

Thanks for the website anyway.
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Re: Welcome to the New SoloTouch!

Post by thongsrule »

HUGE FAN FOR YEARS! Congrats on getting the new site up and thanks for putting out great content like no other.
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Re: Welcome to the New SoloTouch!

Post by waitreally »

1/ The "calendar" navigation in the archives has disappeared, right ? It was a killer feature to me, as it allowed to navigate quickly through the archives and to identify quickly stories I had already read. The new search feature is a nice implementation, but I believe it is a complementary feature, not at all a replacement. I'd beg for this feature to be reimplemented.
I think I'll chime in with the most.. other obvious change. This made it really nice and it's gone and it's really hard to navigate without it. I hope this makes it back in, at least. Not personally a fan of what I have glanced at myself (not going to blame all the ads, but I really didn't like seeing everything NSFW left and right and now that is going to include avatars from users too and possibly more).
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Re: Welcome to the New SoloTouch!

Post by billie »

The calendar navigation has been phased out, but you can still view all archived stories by using the Search Box > Browse by - choose date and then enter your desired date. You can use other search features in the Search Box to narrow your search even further.

I know about the truncated comments and have a note in to our devs to fix. This should be resolved shortly.
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Re: Welcome to the New SoloTouch!

Post by rulsbin »

Well, as already mentioned, there is no comparison between the two features.

With the calendar view I used to check months I hadn't read already. Sometimes there was a kind of hole, some months I didn't check yet though I checked more recent months. Obviously I don't take notes of which months I have read already, but I used the fact that the color code is different for already visited links than for not visited links (it seems there is no such distinction with the new "sophisticated" color theme). Then, within a month, I used to read female stories first, then male stories (though sometimes I switched the order). As I usually didn't read the whole bunch of stories in a row, again I used the color code to differentiate. Now you cannot choose between male and female anymore, unless you do it three times for each sex (e.g. F, FF and FM). BTW it was also easier to check the category with letters than with the whole term (e.g. "female solo").

So though of course it's still possible to view all archived stories, such a "workflow" is broken and it's painful to achieve similar results. Again, I reckon there is probably potential with the new website (though for now one of the most obvious difference is the number of cocks avatar that poped up…), but I don't think it was necessary to discard previous features.
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Re: Welcome to the New SoloTouch!

Post by waitreally »

I'll really miss the calendar navigation too. Is there any way that Stories will have something similar? Just scrolling page by page is kind of slow for people who often read them every few weeks.

With all of the stories by month in your face vs around 16 per page and then changing until you had seen the last one you read. The left and right side for male vs female was nice, too.

I do appreciate the site, but I am just wondering if there will be a way to navigate through the stories with ease like the calendar function had done; even if it's phased out now. Maybe it's not so bad, but it felt really nice to have :(
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Re: Welcome to the New SoloTouch!

Post by billie »

Dingdong, please read my reply here: http://www.solotouch.com/forum/viewtopic.php?f=49&t=206
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Re: Welcome to the New SoloTouch!

Post by iluvgirls »

dingdong wrote:new site sucks !! where are the daily new stories ??
Negative comments like this are useless and not welcome. If you have nothing helpful to add, then keep your thoughts to youself.

We are extremely fortunate that Billie is working so hard to make this site the best it can be. Keep your comments and suggestions constructive. Good ideas will be considered, and improvements are continuiously in the works. Remember that a site like this doesn't come together overnight, and not everythign can be fixed and implemented immediately.

There is no need to repeat the same suggestions and requests over and over. Billie is diligently collecting lists of bugs and new features, and addressing those with the priority that makes the most sense. Please be patient while the finite resources available work on things.

Remember, this site is brought to us for free. We have no right to demand anything. Keep the discusison positive and we can make SoloTouch a terrific place.
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Re: Welcome to the New SoloTouch!

Post by Sunking »

For those of you who are looking for archives by month USE THE FILTER IT IS VERY EASY - The filters are an excellent tools to zero in YOUR interests!
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Re: Welcome to the New SoloTouch!

Post by rulsbin »

Sunking wrote:For those of you who are looking for archives by month USE THE FILTER IT IS VERY EASY - The filters are an excellent tools to zero in YOUR interests!
Thanks for the tip. Actually it may be an acceptable alternative to the calendar view, provided the color link is different for stories which have been read already.

Maybe the search box layout should be improved : it's not at all obvious that "browsing by date" will open a filter by month, and "browsing by author" a text box. Maybe replacing with "filter by month" and "filter by author" would help.
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Re: Welcome to the New SoloTouch!

Post by billie »

Agreed that the link color needs to change after you've viewed stories (or other links). I have that on my fix list.

I can change that text from Browse by to Filter by. Let me know if it is clearer then.
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Re: Welcome to the New SoloTouch!

Post by rulsbin »

Thanks, I believe it's much clearer. Let's wait for other people thoughts.
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Re: Welcome to the New SoloTouch!

Post by billie »

Visited links are now another color. That should help you track what you've read. Hope that helps.
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Re: Welcome to the New SoloTouch!

Post by shadow109 »

Would like to know who are the Moderators on here , Please, so I know who to look to / contact . Should I have an issue / problem.
Though at times my keyboard does need to be cleaned at times when my fingers are sticky witth my cum ;)
As I try to type something & rub my cock till I spurt :)
Makes quite a mess at times LOL

I Wonder if anybody else has this slight problem too ;)
Otherwise a great website for enjoying oneself / mutually :)
So keep it coming on strong :mrgreen:
Thank You
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Re: Welcome to the New SoloTouch!

Post by trelaina »

Up on the top under Support, you will see a mod/admin link: http://www.solotouch.com/contact-categories

It will give you their names. You can also email support@solotouch.com .
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Re: Welcome to the New SoloTouch!

Post by shadow109 »

Dear Trelaina ,

Thank You , so much for that info & the link to get intouch / to find out who the Moda are on here.
So i do appreciate that very much so :)

Shadow 109
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