I good with my regular diet?

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I good with my regular diet?

Post by sanchezkaleb »

I'm wondering if my regular diet is really helping me feel my best. I've been thinking about making some changes to improve my health and energy levels. Does anyone have tips or suggestions on how to tweak my diet for better overall well-being?
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Re: I good with my regular diet?

Post by sanchezkaleb »

Also, I've heard that Vitamin D3 supplements can be beneficial for health, especially for those who don't get enough sunlight :D . Has anyone tried taking Vitamin D3 and noticed any positive effects? I'm curious to learn more about its potential benefits. :?: :?: :?:
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Re: I good with my regular diet?

Post by love2edge »

I've been taking it ever since Covid came out. I know that it helps with my lab results as I've been D insufficient until I started taking them. I can't say that it has affected anything sexual though. One major result is that it has kept the pink elephants away. I haven't seen them since I started taking the vitamin.
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Re: I good with my regular diet?

Post by blackboxer500 »

I am not qualified to give nutritional advice but I have strong thoughts about diet. In no particular order these are the guidelines I follow: 1. Base as much of my diet as possible on plants. I am not a vegetarian but meat is a treat that I do not have to have every day. That will be difficult for some so they might want to think in terms of healthier meat options like chicken and turkey over beef and pork. 2. Whole grains over refined flours whenever that option is available. 3. Reduce “added sugars” as much as possible. Natural sugars in food is fine except dried fruits and fruit juices must be treated the same as added sugars. Refined sugar is horrible for you in multiple ways. 4. Get your fats right. Fat is not the enemy, but saturated fat and (especially) trans fats are bad for you. Monosaturated and polyunsaturated fats are healthy options. 4. I eat food that is as “minimally processed” as is available. There’s a lot of confusion on what this means so I’ll leave it to you and Google if you want more detail. 5. Fermented food are excellent for you: yogurt, cheese, sauerkraut, sourdough bread (my one exception to avoiding refined grains), and so on. In the “blue zones” — cultures in which people live longer and healthier — all incorporate fermented foods into their diets. (The word on cheese has wavered over the years but the latest I’ve read on it is that it does not clog arteries like used to be believed. Same for whole milk yogurt. For reasons like this I keep an eye on health news because it changes as experts gather more data. This frustrates a lot of people (no on eggs, yes on eggs, back to no on eggs, etc) but it should make us feel better informed. Science never reaches an endpoint.
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Re: I good with my regular diet?

Post by stroke2 »

Some great advice here! But if youre in any real doubt about it. Just eat a good healthy and simple diet (less processed foods) and your body will really thank you by letting you do the things you love to do....with even better results!
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