What’s your “type” and do you know why?

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What’s your “type” and do you know why?

Post by longstone »

I have a very specific type that will get me horny as hell. I am attracted to many types of women but there is one clear winner and I can pinpoint when this became the case so I was wondering if that’s true of anyone else?

I’d had a variety of partners, no single shape, look or hair colour could be classed as my thing until a new girl started at work. She isn’t the most instantly stunning of people. She certainly wasn’t as conventionally attractive as my partner at the time. Over time we became friends and we had a good laugh. She became my boss and then I got promoted to work alongside her. We shared an office. Then she became very subtly flirtatious over time. One night we went for a coffee to discuss some work issues about a member of the department. As we went back to our cars she asked me to sit with her for a minute and then she kissed me. It was entirely unexpected as she wasn’t the type to be so forward. That weekend we were going on a works night out that involved staying at a hotel. It was inevitable what was going to happen. The sex wasn’t mind blowing but she became my type. We had several more meets but then it started to take over our lives and she didn’t want to leave her husband for the sake of her kids so we stopped. We didn’t see each other for several years.

Fast forward to the company she now worked for calling my consultancy in to do some work for them over in Europe. Guess who was the project manager? During our first day she flirted lightly and passed a couple of suggestive comments. That evening we had a dinner meeting. As soon as I got to my room she text me and asked me to pop to her room. When I got there she was wearing stunning black lace lingerie, stockings and heels. Something I never would have expected from her as she was sexually quite shy and inexperienced. As soon as I was in the room she dropped to her knees, pulled my cock out and started sucking. She grabbed my arse and thrust my crotch in to her face. Then she bent over the bed, pulled her g-string to the side and I rammed my cock in to her until I exploded. We both came several times that night. I haven’t seen her since.

She isn’t the best sexual partner I’ve had. She isn’t the most attractive partner I’ve had. But for some reason her body is imprinted on my mind and she is my type.

What’s yours?
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Re: What’s your “type” and do you know why?

Post by my2094 »

From ages 14 to 35 I had one type only Blonde hair C Cup or bigger and small waist. And honestly I did fine only around a half of dozen times did I not have sex with the girl I set out to fuck. Like every one else time caught up with me, The six pack wasn't as defined, my chiseled body started to loosen up, So I lowered my standards and took home a chubby but very cute woman but definitely on the large side not obese. I think she was 5'9 160lbs. Pretty much to that point the women I had sex with before kinda had the attitude they know she is super sexy and know it. So I always felt like I was always do the work. But this chubby women was different. She was like going out of her way to satisfy me. This woman made me feel like a sex god. She screamed crawled my back, suck my cock dry. And said things that I knew was BS but can't lie sounded great. Like hearing things such as "My God you're massive" and inbetween sex she would tell me how sexy and good I am. Total B.S. Still great for the ego. The blonde hair blue eyes perfect body types before almost had the attitude I could have fuc k any guy there tonight. I picked you. Must be you lucky night. I'm not doing any more than I have to do once you get me off. I'm probably the best pussy this guy has ever had. Now I never heard those word's but that was the feeling I got.
Now my type is any color hair slightly overweight with DD tits and enough meat on her ass to slap
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Re: What’s your “type” and do you know why?

Post by svengalideck »

Yeah, I spent years under rating myself and didnt try very hard.
I basically had one fem per decade now I look back, from 17 onwards. Never lasted and in '00s I said f___this and I just started looking at better and bolder women- not necessarily more attractive, but more outgoing.
And I didn't mind being 'the other man' as I found many wives were happy to play away and seek a place of intimacy and quiet, with the occasional wines :evil: :lol:
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Re: What’s your “type” and do you know why?

Post by mash2014 »

Blonde, hair to the shoulders. Small breasts a or b cup and if possible smaller. I found as I have aged that I don't want a beauty queen. Some overweight women are extremely sexy. Some women are not pretty but they are absolute babes. Many years ago I man in France told me that some women are so ugly that they are very beautiful. And I line by that. Beauty is within the woman, not in the physical aspect.
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Re: What’s your “type” and do you know why?

Post by wonderdick »

Women who are what they call “rubenesque”, with a more filled out figure. I love the softness, and the appearance of fullness evokes a sense in me of lust for life which I find very attractive.
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Re: What’s your “type” and do you know why?

Post by timcrav »

To questions like, "Do you like blondes?" the only appropriate answer is, "Which blonde?"
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