Cum rags ... and the like

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Cum rags ... and the like

Post by spooger »

one of my favorite things as a teenager was to find a buddy's cum rag :oops:

i called it "cum hunting" - searching for the objects of clothing, tissues, or whatever ... that my friends either shot their cum into ... or used to wipe up their cum

there were some favorite places to look: :roll: under their pillow or under the mattress - between mattress and spring - under the bed on the floor - in the laundry basket - in a pile of used laundry - in the trash basket

if i found a cum rag, i often also found a toy with it: :o cock rings, fuck sleeves, vibrators, various insertables :lol:

if i found something interesting, i'd try to find a way to bring it up ;) or make some reference to it in private conversation to see if he'd take the bait and tell a few secrets :twisted: - i had two rather torrid, brief affairs with friends that way - they never found out that i had hunted their cum :P

a well used, stiff cum rag was a goldmine of pleasure :D : sniffing it, moisten it and it turns slippery again ... i could even suck out some reconstituted cum :twisted: - i often squirted into the rag to mix our cum - and i knew the next time he wrapped it around his dick to catch himself, he was shooting into my cum, too :roll:

i visited all my friends often - we kind of just existed at each other's house - none ever knew i hunted their cum

So guys - share some of your cum rag stories - i LOVE to hear other guy's cum rag stories - :)
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Re: Cum rags ... and the like

Post by effinjeff1965 »

The first cum rag I found was from a roommate in college. I went to pull out a porn mag once and I opened the drawer it was in, and I saw that it had been moved, so I figured my roommate had found it and used it to jack off. Sure enough, I looked in the wastebasket and there was a wadded up kleenex with his damp cum on it. I just threw it back in the garbage can.

The second one was once when another roommate got out of the shower and went to his room. He left for class a few minutes later and I went into his room and I found a wet wad of Kleenex in his wastebasket.

The third one I found was another college roommate's, a couple years after the first two, and that time I walked into our room and there was a rolled up sweat sock in the middle of the floor. I wondered why he had left it in the middle of the floor, so I picked it up and unrolled it, and it was wet with cum. I was so turned on that I jacked off into it and rolled it back up and put it back in the middle of the floor. For the rest of that year, I'd find sweat socks he had come in. I found some in the middle of the room, but usually they were on the floor in his dirty clothes pile in his closet. Sometimes they were wet, sometimes dry and stuck together. I often jacked off into them wondering if he ever noticed that they were wet and wondered if I had done that.
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Re: Cum rags ... and the like

Post by filip78 »

Wow, these stories are hot. I wish when I had roommates I looked for their cum rags. When I was in college I figured I was some kind of massive pervert and I was the only person who was jacking off.

If you dug through my laundry hamper you would find lots of pairs of my wife's used panties all balled up and stuck together. That's my preferred cum rag these days.

Ever watch that show Queer Eye for the Straight Guy? It always surprised me how they would sometimes find the str8 guy's cum rag. You'd think they'd clean up a little better before the TV crew arrived.
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Re: Cum rags ... and the like

Post by effinjeff1965 »

Another time in college, I worked on a school project with this guy, so we started hanging out a lot. He was 22 and hot. One time I was hanging out at his apt which he shared with a friend of his. I went upstairs to pee. (The bathroom and the two bedrooms--his and his roommate's--were on the second floor.) I could see into his bedroom as I headed to the bathroom, and I noticed a small white golf towel next to his bed. On a hunch that it was his cum towel, I went in and picked it up and, sure enough, it was covered with dry cum. That was a big turn on for me, but I didn't do anything about it since I had to get back downstairs. After that I always looked for the towel when I was over. After I didn't see it for awhile, I got brave enough to look in his top dresser drawer and there it was, neatly folded, but still covered in dry cum.

A month or two later he was looking for another place to live, and I had an extra bedroom so I said he could move in with me, which he did. I thought I'd find his cum rag, but it appeared that when he moved in, he stopped using one and would cum on the wood floor in the bedroom. I was in his room one day and there was a huge dried cum puddle on the floor. I didn't imagine it was great for the finish on the floor, but it was also hot. Then there was the day I walked into his room and there was a puddle that was still very wet. I played with it with my fingers. The longer he lived with me, the more the puddles surrounding his bed spread around the perimeter of the bed. It was almost like he was marking his territory. He would also sit at my computer and jerk off and cum on the carpet, which was always wet and it was light colored, so the cum stains started to show on the carpet. I always wondered if he wanted me to find them since he made no effort to hide this stuff, unless, like a typical guy, it never even crossed his mind.

A related story -- one night when it was very late, he started watching porn in his room, but I could tell because the volume was so loud. He always watched porn with the volume high--I don't know if it was because he wanted me to hear it or if it was just because the sounds of sex were a turn-on to him. Anyway, I figured that if he was listening to porn, he had to be jacking. I wanted to knock on the door, but instead, I went outside and looked to see if his blinds were open, which they were, and there he was lying on his bed, jerking off to the porn. I stood and watched for quite awhile. He'd always joked that he was Italian, so his dick was huge. I'd seen it soft, and it was impressive, but hard. Wow. Then when he was close, he got up on his knees and shot off the edge of the bed onto the floor. It was one of the hottest things I ever saw.

He later moved in with his girlfriend, but we're still friends. So I still see him now and then, but I don't have a chance to see him naked or anything.
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Re: Cum rags ... and the like

Post by effinjeff1965 »

The title of this thread is "Cum rags . . . and the like." I guess this posting is more of "the like."

The same roommate I mentioned in the earlier post who would cum on the floor would have loud sex with his girlfriend during the time he lived with me. One night he and his gf went to his room and had loud sex and almost immediately afterward I heard him leave his room and go into the bathroom to take a piss and then go back to his room. I was on the phone with a gay friend of mine who also knew my roommate and who thought he was as hot as I did. After I got off the phone, I went into the bathroom to pee, and I happened to glance in the wastebasket, and there on top was his used condom. It had only been a couple of minutes, so I wondered if it was still warm. I took the condom out of the wastebasket and could see he had tied the end, so his entire load was trapped inside. (For the record, it was warmish, but not hot). Anyway, I was so turned on by this, I took the condom and went downstairs and called my friend back and told him what I had in my hand. I can't explain why I felt the need to call someone, but it was like the tree in the forest thing. If I found a condom with my hot roommate's fresh load, but there was no one there to tell about it or show it to, did I really find it? I thought it was kind of a risk to tell him since he might have said, "you freak!" But it clearly turned him on too. So I asked what I should do with it. He said, "of course you have to taste it." So I untied the knot and stuck my finger in it and tasted it. Interesting. I poured a little on my hand and licked it. More interesting. I got off the phone, swearing my friend to secrecy, and then poured the rest of the load into my hand and jacked off using it as lube. Afterwards I retied the condom and put it back into the trashcan in the bathroom.

Later when I thought about it, I couldn't believe I'd done something like that (and was pretty grossed out), but when I was in that situation, I was so turned on that I couldn't help myself.

There was a second occasion of finding his used condom in the bathroom. That time I untied the end of the condom and put it on my now rock-hard cock and jacked off into it, mixing our loads. I took off the condom, retied it and put it back into the trash.

A third, and final time, I found one of his used condoms, I untied it and poured his load on my tongue and jerked off with his load on my tongue. I was so turned on that I came pretty quickly, but afterwards I kind of freaked myself out that I'd done something like that. I spit his load out and rinsed my mouth. I'm someone who has never let a guy cum in my mouth, so I couldn't believe I would do this, but again, this guy was hot, and I had a big crush on him and the thought of playing with and tasting his cum was pretty intoxicating, and I just went nuts.
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Re: Cum rags ... and the like

Post by spooger »

@effinjeff - the same friend whom i speak about finding his cum rag - he would leave condoms in the trash every time he fucked his girlfriend - where we lived used a septic tank and we couldn't flush any non-disolvable items. That meant i had a nearly inexhaustible supply of his condoms and cum.

I did the taste thing, but i didn't like the bitter latex taste the condom imparted to the cum. So i would usually wear it on my dick and fuck into a stack of pillows like i describe in the condom use thread. Using his cum for lube this way would always lead to intense orgasms.

At first when i found his condoms i would smell and taste the outside, knowing it held his girlfriend's juices - but i soon stopped that - i was into HIS juices not hers, but it was hot for a while.

Sometimes i'd find fresh cum in his underwear tossed in his laundry basket AND a filled condom. That was a real fun time. I'd place his wet cum spot right over my nose - OMG - i loved the smell of his cum - and sweaty t-shirts and skid marked underwear. I'd wear his underwear over my head while i breathed in his spunk, wet against my face, and fuck into his cum filled condom, feeling his slickness on my dick and shoot my load into his. Yeah -- that was intense.
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Re: Cum rags ... and the like

Post by effinjeff1965 »

thanks for your stories, spooger. It's cool to know I'm not the only one who looked for cum rags. I had another roommate in college--he'd lived with me the semester before the sweat sock guy moved in, but had gotten married during the semester break. Anyway, that marriage lasted a few years and after they split he and I got a place together. I didn't find any cumrags at first--but one morning he had left for work and I looked in his dirty laundry and found a pair of briefs with a HUGE load in them. It was dry by that point, but I was surprised. I would get "peter tracks" in my underwear from pre-cum when I was horny, but this was clearly a full load. It was only on the inside of the briefs, so it looked more like he'd cum in them while wearing them (vs. using them to wipe up).

He used to call phone sex lines and jack off. He'd use a bath towel to wipe up afterward. I knew he was using Vaseline as lube because the towel was greasy. I found a jar of Vaseline by his bed too, so that confirmed that suspicion. I would put the towel in my face and breathe it in and I'd usually cum in it myself. We were pretty comfortable around each other. We would share porn mags (not together) but they were in the bathroom and we'd talk about what got us off. He used to shoot on the pages of the magazine too. I never knew if he did that on purpose for my benefit or if he just had bad aim.
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Re: Cum rags ... and the like

Post by danb258 »

I had a lodger once who moved in when he started college at 18 and stayed through university, so he was here over 4 years in total. Part of the deal was his rent included his room being cleaned and laundry which was fine.

Not long after he moved in I noticed tissues under his bed and to start with I just cleared them away. Then after a few weeks I picked one up and it was wet. I dropped it grossed out thinking he had blown his nose and dropped it on the floor but then I picked it up again and could smell cum.

From then on and for the next four years I would wait until he left the house and go straight to his room to "clear up" the mess. I had so much fun tasting his fresh cum from those tissues, sometimes adding my own and even putting them back in case he got caught short and had to reuse it.

I even started checking his boxers in the laundry basket and if he had any cum stains in them I woudl wear them for the rest of the day before washing them. A few times when he was still only around 18 he must have got some condoms from a family planning clinic as I found a few condoms under the bed with cum in them. That was so hot as I drained them and refilled before putting them back under his bed. I know he must be reusing them as his cum was thicker than mine and a few times I found ones I'd refilled with way more cum in than I'd put in.

That was four years of straight cum heaven. Hmm maybe I should take on a new lodger.
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Re: Cum rags ... and the like

Post by golfpro »

When growing up in my teen years I lived at my grandparents house. They had a finished basement that was pretty much my domain. I used to love going down there late at night and jacking off. I had a small cum rag I would use to clean up and actually then store it underneath the cushion of the lounge chair down there. I couldn't ever get rid of it or wash it, so that thing had a few hundred dried up cum shots in it, before my grandmother eventually found it after I moved out. I came back one time after moving out and discovered it missing. Jeez........ LOL....
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Re: Cum rags ... and the like

Post by jemstone »

Love these recollections of cum rags and cum rag hunting. (Look for the new film, "Cum Rag Hunting," starring Matt Damon and Ben Affleck.) In college I used cloth handkerchiefs as my cum rag. I guessed that my roommate must have one hidden somewhere but could not find it. I enjoyed smelling my own cum rag while I was jerking and I hoped to find his to sniff while I jacked.

I nominated a story here, "Family Camping and Jake," a long while ago for the "CB Hall of Fame" Forum. It has a moment late in the story where one jacking young man smells the cum-soaked underwear of a tent mate. Enjoy reading it; I have read it and cum to it many times over the years. ... jake-16949
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Re: Cum rags ... and the like

Post by steelydon »

I've always cum into tissues (when I'm not cumming into anything more exotic :D ) and so hadn't been aware of cum rags until I stayed at the flat of some friends in my early twenties and was invited to use a bed, whose owner was away for a few days.

First thing I noticed after getting into his bed naked was feeling something scratchy against my thigh and I put the light back on to see what it was. I soon discovered it was a cum rag. He was using a tea towel and it had been scrunched up into a ball which was absolutely crackling with dried semen. There must have been hundreds of loads on this towel to make it so stiff. At first I thought it was pretty gross but then started to get turned on thinking about him in this bed wanking again and again onto his cloth.

I was soon masturbating vigorously and of course I added a load of my own to his towel while smelling the faint musky aroma of his dried cum. The smell intensified so much when I added my own load that I masturbated again almost immediately, rubbing my cock on the wet patch - and once more in the morning. I knew he was coming back that night and wasn't sure whether I hoped my generous additions would have dried by then or not. :)
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Re: Cum rags ... and the like

Post by nypaland »

I used a large white handkerchief. I had to stop using the edge of my white bed sheets cause even though my mother washed my sheets I could see the yellow stains. That hankerchief served me well for a loooog time. I would cum 2-3 times a day, sometimes more. You could imagine what that cumrag looked like in a few months. Imagine white to dark brown and sticky. When I skipped a few cum sessions,that balled up rag I tossed under my bed would become stuck to the floor. I then would pry it up and unpeel it for another jerk off session. That didn't happen too often. Usually it would be a dark, with a creamy feeling and a penetrating cum smell. But sadly I had to discard my beloved cumrag because the fibers began coming apart. It was quickly replaced. I get aroused remembering those horny days.
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Re: Cum rags ... and the like

Post by steelydon »

My only other experience with a cum rag was the one I wrote about in Panties Part 2 when a woman deliberately left me her wonderfully aromatic panties as a souvenir after a one-night stand. I sniffed them when I masturbated until the glorious smell eventually faded (kept them in a plastic bag when not in use to preserve it as long as possible!) and then unloaded over those few squares inches of nylon and cotton for a long time afterwards until they were rigid with my dried spunk. I don't remember what finally became of them - perhaps someone found them and continued to use them. :)
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Re: Cum rags ... and the like

Post by pablophx »

when I started masturbating at 13 yo, I realized I needed something to cum into when I was in bed. I was jerking off at least 2 or 3 times a day and always dit it at night in bed and in the morning when I woke up with a boner. I started using a white athletic sock that I hid the the sock drawer balled up under a clean one. when I went to bed at night I'd take the cum sock and hide it under my mattress so I could get it easily without making noise. I loved the feeling of the sock sliding up and down my teenage boner and loved cumin into it. I'd put it back in the morning. when the sock became too stiff from the tired cum I would throw it out and start a new one.
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Re: Cum rags ... and the like

Post by naddy »

I know this is an old thread...but do my piss and cum stained old women's panties count? I love to wear them and cum and piss in them in the summer, outdoors
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Re: Cum rags ... and the like

Post by steelydon »

Of course they count! Are these panties ones you have bought for the purpose or ones you have "borrowed" from women you know? :D

Nice cock BTW.
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Re: Cum rags ... and the like

Post by wonderdick »

I have some purple women’s panties that i’ve cum into multiple times that I like to wear sometimes, layered under my regular black boxer briefs as I go about my day. I’m inspired by you naddy to let go and soak those panties outside sometime, where I can enjoy the warm pee running down my legs!
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Re: Cum rags ... and the like

Post by stroke2 »

My favourite sourse of "cum rags" is going through laundry tub to find my GFs dirty panties until I find her fresshly used pair I can sniff and taste until I'm ready to explode and then fill them with a warm creamy load of my cum. Have a nice black pair ready here now lol
Sometimes I prefer the mix of her pussy and my cum I just keep cumming in and over the same pair "until they were rigid with my dried spunk" just like don said...very horny fun ;)
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Re: Cum rags ... and the like

Post by trunudist68 »

Dang, this brings back memories. I remember the smell of my cum rag. To this day if I smell the dried cum on my sheets it makes me horny. I would use one until it was so stiff that it would soak up cum any longer. I would get rid of it in the storm sewer in front of my house. Then another one of my Moms towels or dish rags would suddenly and mysteriously disappear.
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Re: Cum rags ... and the like

Post by baterman »

While i was away at college I'd have a weekly call with my GF, ex-wife, and we'd always end up having a joint masturbation session. One week I told her I'd have to wash the towel I was using as it was beginning to smell up my closet. The next week in the mail I got a box in the mail. In the box was 2 dirty pairs of her panties and a few polaroids of her playing with her wet hairy( it was the 70's ) pussy. She wanted me to hold off and wait till we talked again and to blow a huge load into them. She then wanted me to send them back and keep the other pair. That way we could smell each other while we got ourselves off. Now a days I commute between 2 homes. My present wife ( 33yrs ) leaves me a pair of her panties under my pillow to jerk off into while I'm away. Just very happy that these days we have face time.I'll have to get around to writing these whole stories.
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