Antelope Patrol in 4 parts

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Antelope Patrol in 4 parts

Post by jemstone »

Here is one of my favorite stories (m-m, 4 parts) from the old site.

Antelope Patrol Part 1

Antelope Patrol, Part 2

Antelope Patrol, Part 3

Antelope Patrol, Part 4
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Re: Antelope Patrol in 4 parts

Post by solojr »

I agree.
It's well-written in a very natural style.
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Re: Antelope Patrol in 4 parts

Post by john_n53 »

Whoa! Yesterday I checked out this forum for the first time, only to discover that a story I wrote, Antelope Patrol, is in the Solotouch Hall of Fame. Thank you, the readers of Solotouch, for this recognition. I'm humbled and very grateful. I just had to tell the story of my Boy Scout experiences and never thought it would relate so well to others. I am touched.

Antelope Patrol wouldn't have turned out so well if it was not for Billie, who let it ferment until it was ready to be uncorked. I actually posted Antelope Patrol as a three parter but was unhappy with the result. I had rushed the writing process. Billie graciously agreed to pull my story from the Internet, taking heat from readers who wondered where it had gone. Back to the drawing board, she replied. I threw out thousands of words, rewrote whole sections, made the story more impactful, and reposted it. While I've privately thanked Billie, she definitely deserves a public shout-out for taking such good care of me. Thank you, Billie. :)

If you like Antelope Patrol, you might enjoy another story I wrote, Messing Around With Mike. It's much longer at 7 parts and describes the fun and personal growth I experienced through an intense relationship a neighborhood jack off buddy. The two stories cover essentially the same time of my life. Antelope Patrol happened when I was 13½ to a little over 14 years old while Messing Around With Mike took place when I was about 13¾ to a couple of months past 15. Although I used a different name in writing Messing Around With Mike from Antelope Patrol, Billie can verify I wrote both stories.

In fact, there is some invisible overlap between the two pieces. A few of the tales in Antelope Patrol are really Mike's and my sexual experiences together but dressed in a olive green uniform with a red neckerchief. Antelope Patrol was written first. I had no idea I'd end up writing the story of my first great sexual relationship so I put some of my backyard boners with Mike into it. My sex with him spiced up Antelope Patrol and those tales are true. It's just that my partner wasn't another Boy Scout but a neighbor. So it goes. I was writing porn. I'm supposed to make it hot. If there is interest, let me know here and I'll tell you where my jack off buddy, Mike, appears in Antelope Patrol. Hint: he's not the character in Antelope Patrol named Mike.

In the end it really didn't matter that I moved some of my sex with Mike to Antelope Patrol. Mike and I beat off so often and enjoyed each others bodies so much, there were plenty of steamy sex tales left for Messing Around With Mike. I also think Mike's and my learning of how to have successful relationship makes our story compelling. It isn't just cum here, cum there, cum everywhere, although there certainly is a lot of that in the 7 parts. It's also about two boys figuring out how to care about each other. I learned some of life's best lessons from Mike, in addition to about a couple of dozen new ways to have terrific fun jerking off.

Here are the links for Messing Around With Mike: ... rt-1-40599 ... rt-2-40648 ... rt-3-40708 ... rt-4-40749 ... rt-5-40832 ... rt-6-40870 ... rt-7-40912

Thank you all out there for making Antelope Patrol a member of the Solotouch Hall of Fame. I'd shake your hand but, well, mine's a little sticky.
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