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Wife & Girlfriend's Mutual Pleasure (4)

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2 likes 1600 views Category: Masturbation Female-Female Tags: Wife and girlfriend
All about two gorgeous and uninhibited women.

There was a candle lighting up Angela's bedroom. Christine was already feeling horny as she lay on her back, her fingers lightly touching her smooth vulva in anticipation of the hours ahead. She gulped as Angela walked in naked except for the unexpected black stockings and suspender belt, overwhelmed by the sheer silkiness of her skin that glowed in the candlelight. Her friend arranged pillows under Christine's head and down to her hips then gently raised her knees which parted, revealing her sex which still had fingers lightly but deliciously touching. Christine takes up the story: 'Angela was kneeling between my feet watching as I touched myself though I was holding back so as not to lose control which would have been all too easy. I wanted to treasure each moment. She reached forward to caress my thighs which were raised up. Her hands, more slender than mine, traced up and down, first one thigh then the other, one hand caressing the inside and one on the outside or underneath. Her touch was electrifying as she started at the knee then slowly slid down to the fuller part of my thigh before dipping in to the very top of my leg, resting for a moment where my hand was playing. I could tell she was almost as excited as I was to be doing this. Her caress changed to stroking the inside of both thighs at the same time, one hand to each. I was in heaven except I needed to cum. 'Her right hand slid lightly onto my pussy, my own hands moving to my breasts. and at first I closed my eyes and held my breath. Her well practised fingers began to work on my clit. She took her time, sometimes circling, sometimes up and down with a finger on each side and sometimes fluttering her middle finger across. I kept coming near to climax but she managed to make it last by slowing down. She had watched me masturbate and seen the speed and rhythm of my own fingers. The gorgeous feeling was filling so much of my body and my hips were lifting up towards her fingers. 'She knew when I could wait no longer and her fingers danced on my clit faster and faster with ever shorter pauses and I was getting more and more vocal. Then the wonderful thing happened, so powerful with beautiful pulsing contractions taking over my whole body. My hips arched upwards as Angela kept pressing on my clit as I kept on cumming and with her left hand she smoothly penetrated my throbbing vagina, which gripped her fingers' Christine continued having multiple orgasms for nearly an hour with both of them doing everything she needed to fulfil all that she desired. Angela was extremely turned on and had been rubbing herself at times as well as eagerly relieving Christine. She was urgently in need of the special attention which Christine was now more than eager to administer. Christine continued: 'Angela wanted much the same technique. First of all she lay on her back with her raised up bottom close to one side of the bed and her head supported towards the middle. She asked me to sit on a stool facing between her legs though at times I either knelt up on cushions or stood. Being fit and agile Angela had no difficulty holding her legs up and apart. She could bend her legs quite far back and hold them there, bracing herself if need be with one hand on the edge of the bed but first of all she rested the backs of her legs either on my shoulders or open arms 'I was of course looking between her silky thighs towards her smooth pussy with its swollen labia and erect clitoris, its pink head just protruding from its hood. I watched as Angela took her time circling her clit, stroking and squeezing her labia, pinching her nipples and fingering her vagina. She was showing me what she often did when masturbating alone. 'Angela continued to masturbate rhythmically with gradually increasing speed as I concentrated on holding and feeling her thighs and buttocks. Instinctively my lips were drawn to her soft, smooth and trembling inner thighs which swelled out above her stockings and which I began to feverishly kiss and lick; I could think of nothing more erotic . I was squeezing the supple cheeks of her ass and now, as Angela was approaching climax, her middle finger speeded to a blur and and she kept holding her breath for seconds. I could see and feel her muscles flexing. As I slid a finger into her tight anus she was gasping and panting and I felt the rhythmic contractions of her sphincter muscles. 'I was now kneeling up on cushions mesmerised by the vision of of this wonderful female body move into glorious orgasm with spasm after spasm pulsating through from head to toe, a masterpiece of mobile art as it thrust, tensed, shook and arched. I somehow managed to keep my finger pumping and swirling within her throbbing muscles' Christine told me more that happened, which I won't elaborate, about how Angela reached out to put one hand behind Christine's head. Their eyes met and Christine knew instinctively and did for Angela what she couldn't do herself but desperately needed at that moment to gratify her unrestrained sensual appetite. They were pleasuring each other for over three unimaginable hours and they wished afterwards that some at least had been video recorded. They agreed to do this next time.



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