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What to Use? What to Use?

Posted by: Age: 13 till 47 Posted on: 9 comments
4 likes 21 views Category: Masturbation General Tags: Lube, masturbating, male

Differrent things I've used and tried as lube over the years.

Had an unexpected conversation with a co-worker today. And something she mentioned made me think back on the things I've used for lube over the years. My first orgasm was achieved by just rubbing and playing in general.  And that's how it was for the next few months. I do have to add that I discovered the fun that can be had with masturbation even before I came for the first time. I remember trying shaving cream. The kind that comes in an aerosol can. This is stuck in my memory because when I used it too much came out. And I didn't know what to do with it all. So I wiped off the extra under the vanity. Later my mom and her then boyfriend wanted to know just what the hell I was up to. Scared that they would find out I was playing with my pecker I told them I was trying to shave. They had a chuckle, told me not to worry about that for some years to come and that was the end of it. Thank goodness. 

So after cumming regularly like that, the idea of the shaving cream popped back in my head. My God did it feel good. It had a silky warm feeling to it. And I have to admit! Still to this day when I shave I get a little aroused from the smell when I apply it to my face.  But that became something I only used for special times. Worried it would be noticed if it was empty faster than usual. Then I realized, baby oil! My mother always had baby oil. Have to say, it's not all it's cracked up to be. Don't get me wrong, I used it. And used it often.  It's just not as slick as it would seem in the long run. 

So what to use next? Well, everything! If it seemed to be slick in any way I used it to pull away at myself. At this time in my life it was just the 3 of us. My mom, sister and me. My mom worked a lot. My sister was older and had her friends she would be with. I had my own friends and would play with them often, but at the same time I was given plenty of alone time to discover this new, awesome, wonderful thing called masturbation.  So off I went. What else does the bathroom offer? What about that? How about this? Oh! That's nice. What's in the kitchen?  Vegetable oil? Olive oil? Nope, nope. And on went my search.  

So a few days later and a whole lot of stroking with different things I noticed the skin on my pecker started to peel. Uh oh! Being long before the internet I only had one option.  Asking a friend if he had something similar ever happen. Embarrassing?  Yes. But pre internet we had no choice but to interact with others when we had questions. So he tells me it sounds like a chemical burn. Chemical burn?  What's that? Oh crap I destroyed my penis.  Needless to say,  I didn't touch it for a week. Looking intently at it as it healed hour by hour. So after that .... baby oil. Never had any issues with baby oil.  

So fast forward a bit. Maybe 17 years old ish. Baby oil and dry rubs the whole time. Was partying with friends. And one jokes about how a female friend of ours asked about what do guys use for lube. His reply was spit. Spit? Never thought of that. So of course that night I went for it. Got myself hard brought my palm to my mouth and let my saliva drip into my palm. Yeah ok, this can work. Oh wait, drying up a bit. Little more. Ok back in the groove.  (Side note. Don't try with cotton mouth.) So that became my go to for a long time. Masturbating in the living room late at night? Don't want to go up stairs to get the baby oil? No problem, got this covered. 

So then my wife. Met her at the age of 22. As all couples are, sex was often, rampant, exploring and fun. In came lube for the first time. We tried it all. Warming, tingling, cooling yada yada yada. But using them on my own..... they still dried up or had to use too much. That sent me on a mission to find the best lube for me. Started with the cheap stuff. So not worth it. And all these years later I have settled down with a few I like. Not sure if I can mention brand names so I'll just say, I have a nice water based lube for when I'm in the bath. Have to keep it out of the water but if it starts to dry up, just dip my fingers in the water and it comes back to full slickness. I have a day time lube. I call it that because it stays slick and wet for a good while. But the down side is you really need to wash it off after. Then there is my night time lube. This one is silicone free. It stays constant no matter how long you go. Or how many times you reapply it. And when done most of it wipes off clean. So you can fall asleep and take a shower in the morning.  I also use a sensitive skin lotion periodically to keep things soft and moisturized.  

And that brings me to what my coworker mentioned.  Conditioner. I have never thought of that. Soap while in the shower yes. But not that. So now I must try this. I think maybe the reason I haven't before is because of the cost. Good shampoo and conditioner don't come cheap lol. So I will have to thank her for suggesting it. And will definitely try it out soon. 



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