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The Masturbatorium #1

Posted by: Age: 21+ Posted on: 10 comments
14 likes 6 views Category: Sex Stories Fantasy Tags: Semi-public masturbation, cocks wiped clean, multiple ejaculations,

A new business opened in town where men could jack-off. Bul the real treat were the fresh out of high school girls who performed cleanup after the men had ejaculated.

I recently opened up a new start-up business. The name of the facility is The Masturbatorium, which might give you a clue as to what takes place there.

I leased an old abandoned warehouse in the industrial section of my town. No private homes or schools anywhere near the place. My city has an ordinance prohibiting locating any sex based business close to homes or schools. This ordinance was mainly used for XXX video stores and massage parlors.

Now you might think being located in such an out-of-the-way place would hurt my business. But word-of-mouth made sure that plenty of people knew exactly where the place was.

It was a two story building. I only remodeled the ground floor which was more space than I thought I needed. The second floor was for expansion if the need arose in the future.

I arranged the ground floor layout as follows. There was a large main room. Built around the perimeter of the room were 24 stalls in a circular layout and each one contained a luxurious chaise lounge. Each stall had dividing walls but only on three sides with the foot area open. Anybody in the room could look into any of the stalls but the walls gave each stall a minor amount of privacy, but not much. The men who used the stalls liked to be seen. In the center of the room was a slightly raised open area with four chaise lounges in full view.

In addition, the ground floor had twelve private rooms with doors. Each room was quite small and also contained one of the luxurious chaise lounges.

Men paid a fee to come into the facility and masturbate. They could do it in the total privacy of the rooms, or in semi-privacy of the stalls, or no privacy at all on the raised platform in the center of the main room.

What usually happened was first-timers would opt for a private room. But the thrill of being seen jacking off would quickly move them to one of the stalls. From there, the more adventurous and exhibitionists on hand would finally make it to one of the four lounges in plain sight of everybody.

Prices varied depending upon the location chosen by a patron but in general we had two price levels, one for 15 minutes and one for 30 minutes.

We had strict rules about everything being a solo act. So there were no instances of two men teaming up to mutually masturbate one another or suck each other off.

But the idea I came up with that really made the place a huge success was I employed cleanup girls. Their job was after a patron climaxed and covered himself in cum, a cleanup girl would come to his aid and using warm wet washcloths and dry heated towels, do a very thorough job of cleaning him off.

I  could legally charge a fee for men to come inside and jack themselves off. But it would be against the law to have any of my girls do it. But it was totally legal to charge a fee to have my girls wipe these guys down. We had two different levels of clean-up. A quick two-minute session for $20 or a five minute session for $50. I had to keep the sessions short because the place was so popular I needed to keep bodies moving to make room for waiting patrons.

What made this service so popular was I attempted to recruit as many cleanup girls as possible right out of high school. They had to be 18 to be legal and I only went after girls who were above average in looks. I didn’t have any trouble recruiting girls because, depending upon how many hours they wanted to work, it was possible to make anywhere from $1,000 to $2,000 a week. The other thing that made it easy to get girls is they were not required to be nude. They did wear some very hot looking little uniforms, similar to what Hooters waitresses wear.

I know that some of the girls that I hired had never seen an actual cock before, much less one covered in cum. Plus after a customer had cum, his cock would not always go immediately flaccid. The girls were trained to immediately attend to any customer who had ejaculated. So in many cases the girls were attending to a semi-hard cock. And usually by the time they finished clean-up, the patron would be fully hard. And that usually resulted in them paying for another round of jacking themselves off a second time. And a second clean-up. Usually the two minute one the second time.

My girlfriend Josie would put each new girl through a training period so they knew exactly what to do when they came face-to-face with a recently jacked-off cock covered in semen. We had a special private room off of my main office. Each time we hired a new girl, Josie and I would take her to the private room. I would disrobe and then my GF expertly jacked me off. Knowing in advance when one of these training sessions was going to take place, allowed me edge for a day or two prior. This resulted in me producing a massive cumshot. This prepared the clean-up girl with an excellent subject to perform her duties on.

Julie showed her how to roll back the foreskin (on those men who had one) and make sure all the semen was wiped clean. Josie also showed the girls the best way to clean down under my balls and even into my ass crack. She explained that guys who had watery ejaculations could have some of it leak down into some very personal areas.

Each girl had a rolling cart that contained all the necessary wet washcloths and dry heated towels. As soon as a girl finished up a man and sent him on his way, her cart also supplied fresh covering for the chaise lounge since typically plenty of cum ended up on the cover.

For the 5-minute cleanup sessions the girls were given extra instructions since that was a lot of time for a simple cleanup. First, they were told to take their time and to drag the cleanup out as long as possible. They were also instructed to keep one hand wrapped around the guy’s cock during the entire cleanup session. This was actually a legit part of the process because once his cock was wiped clean you wouldn’t want to let it go and drop into a puddle of jism on the guy’s body.

Once everything was mopped up and wiped clean with dry towels, out came the wet washcloths that were kept in a container of hot water on the cart. The customer’s cock and balls and entire pubic area were then washed down. The men loved this part and usually a full erection was the result. Again, one hand firmly held the man’s cock while the other hand did the final wash. Then a heated towel came from a compartment on the cart and everything was vigorously toweled dry.

The girls were trained to make sure that the patron’s cock was given special attention throughout the entire procedure. Josie instructed the girls on how to provide a bit of actual cock jacking while this was going on. But this had to be subtle because legally the girls could not jack a customer’s cock. The girls were instructed to move their fist up and down the guy’s dick for only one or two strokes and then stop. Then maybe 15 or 20 seconds later, do it again. Just enough to excite the customer but not enough for it to look like a conscious act on the part of the cleanup girl. We never knew if the local police sent in undercover agents to see exactly what we were doing. So we had to be careful.

The cleanup service was what made my place so successful. A guy can jack off at home without paying a fee. But he can’t get an 18 or 19-year old girl to lovingly clean up all his cum after he’s ejaculated. And our girls were very heavily trained on providing the most personal service possible. They were encouraged to complement each customer on how  much they loved handling his prick and that it was one of most attractive cocks they had seen. The guys probably knew it was bullshit but loved hearing it.

(This is obviously a total fantasy story.)




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