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The First Clit I Ever Saw Was My Aunt's

Posted by: Author: Age: 50+ Posted on: 3 comments
12 likes 2348 views Category: Masturbation Male-Female Tags: Clit
for my wonderful Aunt, who taught me so much
As a youth, I was problem to my parents, with whom I never got on. And if it hadn't been for the kindness shown to me by my aunt (fiftyish at the time, never married) in allowing me to stay over at her house till it was safe to return home, I would have ended up a lot worse. She offered me her spare bedroom, which was fine and I never took advantage of her. However, one night there was a fierce storm and I woke to a loud crash. It turned out to be a branch landing on the roof, but to me it seemed the house was about to fall down. I ran from the bedroom in my pyjamas, seeing a flash of light as my aunt's bedroom door opened. She too raced out, throwing a dressing gown over her nightie. We both inspected the branch, which fortunately hadn't done any serious damage to the house. Noticing some broken glass on the ground where an outside light had been smashed, my aunt gave me her torch to hold while she squatted to pick up the pieces. As she did so, I got my first view of her dark nipples through her nightie and her pubic hair as she had no panties on. But I also noticed what looked like the end of a tiny penis poking out. It fascinated me and I guiltily felt myself becoming erect. My aunt evidently didn't realize how much of her I could see until I played the torch on her. Then she looked up, saw what I was staring at, said 'Oh, sorry' and promptly brought her knees together. Having checked that there was no more obvious damage, we went inside and back to our bedrooms. What I had seen gave me a wet dream. Next morning I was too embarrassed to say much and avoided her eyes. But after breakfast, my aunt looked straight at me and said we should talk about what happened last night. I hoped it wasn't what I thought she meant, scared she would be angry and throw me out. But she got straight to the point and said it was rude to stare up her legs. I apologized. She accepted that, then her tone became friendlier and she asked was I wondering why she seemed to be bit different down there? I didn't know what she meant, so she asked me if I knew what a clitoris was, explaining that and adding that hers was a bit bigger than most. So that's what I had seen. We got to talk more candidly and trust each other over my next few visits, to the point where one really hot day after showering she asked me if I would mind if she went topless. I must say she seemed to enjoy teasing, and after one thing led to another we ended up facing each other naked as jaybirds. I couldn't escape noticing her clitoris poking out of her cleft, larger than I remembered it that first night. This had the usual result on me. I tried to hide my erection, but aunt laughed it off, saying she didn't think it would happen so soon. She said, 'Look, mine gets bigger too.' I didn't think that was possible, but she was right. It seemed to have swelled. Auntie grinned and said 'You can stare at it now if you like.' She even pulled her vaginal lips apart with both hands to give me a better view. 'Look how big it really is.' No woman in any of the the smutty magazines I had been able to get my hands on had looked like this. It was like a perfectly formed little penis. I sensed she was secretly pleased with my attention. She said that a doctor had once offered her surgery to make it smaller, but after thinking about it she had decided to leave it alone. Besides which, she added, she liked touching it just as I liked to touch mine. As we stood and talked, she continued to touch herself gently. 'It feels good to do that', she explained. 'It's my little man. He feels so good. So good. Show me how you do it. Please.' I was fully erect already but showed her anyway. We masturbated for each other, abandoning all modesty, neither being ashamed. The thrill of the first time watching each other's orgasm is something I will never forget. After that we kissed and promised never to tell anyone about our little secret. I discovered my Aunt loved masturbating and did it several times a week, orgasming just from rubbing her clitoris, though sometimes including her vagina. I never got tired of watching her and she encouraged me to watch. Not only did we eventually learn to please each other, we would also secretly do it in my car when I got one, and in public places when we were feeling especially naughty, as she put it. Thankfully my parents never found out or even suspected. Strangely, she never let me have sex with her, but we had many happy masturbatory sessions turning each other on. She was not bisexual. I have never seen a woman with a clitoris as large as my aunt's, and am now engaged to a lady similarly endowed who had been ashamed to show that beautiful part of her to men, thinking they would consider her a freak, and could not believe I would love her for that as well as her beautiful, gentle nature.



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