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Summer Vacation With Best Friend

Posted by: Age: 19 Posted on: 12 comments
19 likes 31 views Category: Masturbation Male-Male Tags: Best friend, vacation, mutual

Summer Vacation with my best friend goes to the next level with Mutual Fun. It was a very unexpected experience but I'm so glad it happened.  The story is quite long, but I hope you enjoy it.  

My best friend, Camden, and I have known each other since we were kids. We grew up in the same neighborhood and went to the same elementary, middle, and high schools.  Our families are close and I feel like I am a part of his family and he is a part of my family. 


The summer after graduating high school, we finally would be separated.  Camden went off to a university in another state and I would attend a university Northern California.  We still stayed in contact throughout our first year of college; talking about classes, girls, and life in general. (Although there was one aspect of his college life that he didn't share with me, yet!)  As our first year was coming to an end, we were excited to return home, hang out and catch up in person, just like old times.



However, just when the school year was ending, Camden called me and stated that his family was going on vacation for the summer.  At first I was a bit bummed but then Camden continued and said that his family invited me too.  His parents also wanted to catch up with my college life and wanted me to come along on vacation. 



They were going to Hawaii and I have always wanted to go there but never had been.  Of course, it was an immediate yes.  School ends and low and behold, we are all on our way to Oahu. The hotel we checked into was amazing.  The suite that we had was more like an apartment setup; 3 bedrooms, living area and kitchen.  His parents had a room, his 2 brothers shared a room, and the third room was shared by Camden and me.



It was still early so we all went to the beach and then later went out to dinner at a beachside restaurant.  After dinner we all took a stroll along the beach and then back down the main street back to our hotel.  It was getting late (and with a little jet-lag) we all decided to turn in for the night.  Camden and I headed to our room. 



Once in the room, I turned on the TV and Camden decided to go shower and get ready for bed. Camden stripped off his clothes and headed for the en suite bathroom.  Camden and I have seen each other nude many times growing up; at the country club swimming pool, sports locker-rooms; or at the gym.  I see him as my brother.  So it was nothing out of the ordinary seeing him shed his clothes.  



I lay on the bed waiting my turn for the shower.  There was a king size bed in the room.  Not sure if it was a mistake or if that’s how the rooms were reserved by his parents.  Even his brothers had a king size bed in their room.  I was just watching the local news and Camden had finished his shower.  He walked out in boxers and said the shower was all mine.  I showered and brushed my teeth and walked into the bedroom wearing my boxer briefs.  I jumped into bed and we watched a little bit more of the news and then decided that we were both pretty tired from a full day and because of the time change.



Cut to half hour or so later:  I am lying on my side facing away from Camden when I feel an ever so slight rhythmic movement of the bed.  The first thing that comes to mind is “is Camden masturbating” and “what should I do?”  He must have thought I was sleeping already.  I stayed still and my ears perked up.  I can definitely feel the bed moving and I can definitely hear his hand moving about under the sheets. Camden is masturbating next to me! Still frozen I think again “what should I do to not embarrass him?”  



Camden continues to masturbate and then I hear him breathe harder and harder.  He kicks the sheet off of him and that leaves my back open to the air.  I thought here is my chance to act like that woke me up as to not embarrass him and he would stop what he was doing. (Not that I minded, I just didn’t want to make him feel uncomfortable since we had never done anything sexually before.)  I moved slightly as if to wake.



I gave a few seconds and then rolled over to pull up the sheets.  When I rolled over I was in for an eyeful.  Camden had his cock in his hand and was still slowly stroking himself. He said sorry for waking me and that he was so horny from looking at all the girls in bikinis at the beach.  He couldn’t get them out of his mind and he said he absentmindedly started to play with himself when he thought I was asleep.  I just said no worries.  Heck we all do it.  He agreed and said he was too far gone to stop and didn’t mind if I was watching or not.  As if being hypnotized, I continued to watch as his hand went up and down his cock.  As I have said we have seen each other naked many times, just not in a state of arousal.  



Camden continued to stroke and then he used both hands to stroke.  After a few minutes his breath became more labored and his strokes became faster.  I could tell he was close because his head was tilted back into the pillow and his hips began to thrust into his hands.  He started to moan and then he came like a geyser.  His cum flew up and landed everywhere, but mostly on his stomach.  He lay there for a few minutes catching his breath, laughed and said that felt great.  He got up and went into the bathroom to clean up. 



I rolled onto my back and just lay there.  My mind was in a bit of a shock but I was happy to have seen my best friend masturbate.  Watching Camden doing such a vulnerable act made me feel like there is nothing more our friendship could experience. Well, maybe one more thing.



I lay there with the sheets over me.  I was touching myself without realizing it.  Camden came back into the bedroom and commented on the movement under the sheets. Sheets don’t hide anything!  He pulled the sheets off me and I was there in my tented boxer briefs.  Camden jumped into bed next to me and turned towards me.  He asked if he could touch me.  I said “sure” out of shock and excitement.  He placed his hand on my crotch and told me of all the fun he has learned in college.  I didn’t know what to think, but my cock was still hard as he touched me.  With his other hand he played with my nipples.  Camden continued to pet and stroke my boner through my underwear.  I was in a state of euphoria by now.  It always feels so good having another person touch you like that.



As I closed my eyes to enjoy the feelings, Camden tugged at my underwear.  I lifted my butt off the bed and he removed my boxer briefs.  I was now laying fully naked on the bed in front of my best friend in a state of full arousal. The feeling was indescribable... maybe I can say it was such a freeing feeling. 



Camden grabbed my hard shaft and started to pump his hand up and down.  He used a finger to tickle the area just below the head of my penis.  After a moment I started to leak some precum. He rubbed his palms on the head of my penis which lubed his hand.  The feeling became more intense now as his lubed hand stroked me.  Camden used a light grip going down the shaft and then a tighter grip going up.  At this point my mind agreed that a girl can never pleasure a guy as well as another guy.  Camden just knew what to do and when.  



Every time Camden gripped tight and stroked upward, precum could come out.  The sound was sloppy which was turning me on even more.  I just got harder which I didn’t think was possible.  I looked down to watch his hand stroking me, up and down, loose and tight.  Then he did the unthinkable, he turned his hand over so that his thumb and forefinger were at the base rather than the top.  What an amazing and different feeling that created. I let out a moan, but immediately said, “crap, I hope no one else heard that”.  Shoot, did they hear him earlier? Oh well, I was in bliss and the thought left my mind.



Camden laughed and told me to relax.  He told me he wanted to watch me cum.  That made me even hornier and I was getting closer and closer to shooting.  He then grabbed my cock with both hands, with the top one still reversed.  The feeling of my frenulum rubbing across all his fingers was amazing.  As he tightened his grip he began to go full speed.  By now my hips were thrusting up into his hands.  Faster and faster; my hips, his hands… pushed me over the top and I shot my cum.  It shot up like never before.  There were pretty hefty amounts of globs landing on my chest and stomach.  My legs were spasming like never before as my whole body shuddered.  



It took a while for my orgasm to end and my body to calm down.  I was breathing pretty heavy and hadn’t even realized it until Camden asked if I was okay.  



I just said “I’m better than okay!”  Camden said I should go and clean up as it was late and that we needed to get some shut eye since we had a full day of sightseeing the next day.  I cleaned up and got back into bed.  I just said, “thanks for bringing our friendship to another level and you are lucky you ‘learned’ so much fun at college”.  I said, “my college is boring compared to yours.”  He laughed and said, “good night” with a smile on his face.



This was the first day of our Summer Vacation.  A lot ensued during and after.  Do you want to hear more?  We are best friends to this day.  




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