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Sucking Anika's Pussy While Her Brother Watched

Posted by: Age: me 17, her 14 Posted on: 7 comments
26 likes 12756 views Category: Masturbation Male-Female Tags: sister, sister's friend, home alone, best friend, pussy
After months of sexual flirtation with my friend's little sister, we finally got a chance to have some fun.

The summer between my junior and senior year of high school when I was seventeen years old, a new family moved in down the street. They had two kids, a boy my age, Justin, and his younger sister, Anika, who was fourteen. Justin and I hit things off pretty quickly. We had some common interests, he had a good sense of humor and was fun to hang out with. And Anika was a curious young girl. She was short for her age and was petite. She wasn't too skinny, and she filled out her jeans nicely with a cute, round backside, but her breasts were smaller than most girls her age. She had bright, toe-head blond hair and splash of freckles across her nose. And most of all, she was a flirt. Damn, was she a flirt. I enjoyed going to their house to hang out with Justin, but most of all, it was just fun to be in the company of Anika. Almost immediately, she and I began to exchange semi-sexual jabs at each other. I teased her once about not needing to wear a bra, and she shot right back, smiling, with a jab about me not needing a cup if I ever played sports. We would tease each other like this constantly, so much so that Justin began to be annoyed by it. One time I came over and Anika was sun tanning in the back yard wearing only a bikini. Without realizing it, I stopped dead in my tracks when I saw her. She noticed, and smirked at me. Anika: Like what you see? Me: I'd like it a lot better if you were naked. Anika: (huge grin) Yeah well, dream on. You'll never get any of this. That little exchange set up a pattern of me (jokingly) asking her to let me see her naked. I would often say things to her like, When are you going to do me a favor and let me take a video of you naked? Or once she asked me to do something for her and I said, I will if you moon me. She always smiled and took it well, but never gave any hint that it would ever happen. That changed one night when I was sleeping over at their house for the first time. Justin and I had put in a movie (this was still VHS back in these days) that was very much a guy movie. Something like Terminator or Total Recall. It was late, and their parents had hooked us up with lots of pizza, cola, and two or three guy movies, and we planned to stay up late watching them. To my surprise, Anika decided to join us. I knew she was not into these movies, but I totally did not object to her hanging out with us. She came into the room wearing her two piece pajamas, which were sexy as hell. Well, about two thirds of the way through the first movie, I was shocked to see Justin starting to nod off over on the other couch. And pretty soon, he was all out dead to the world and sleeping like a rock. Anika laughed. Anika: I knew he would do that. He can't stay up late to save his life. Me: Serious? I could stay up all night! Anika: I know. Me too. And, well, since we have two more movies to watch after this, I think I'll go put on pajamas that are more comfortable. With that, she got up from her spot on the floor and walked out of the room. I could not imagine what might be more comfortable than those pj's she was wearing, but a moment later she came back wearing a full length, oversized night shirt that came down to just over her knees. So damn cute! I wanted to grab her and squeeze! She didn't sit back down in the same spot she had been. Instead, she laid down on her stomach near enough that our feet could touch if I extended my legs. And as soon as she laid down, I noticed something awesome! I was 98% sure she was not wearing panties! Her shirt was thin enough that I could see every curve of her body, and there were NO lines where panties should have been. And to make things even better, I could totally make out the subtle, soft curves or her tender little ass cheeks! I felt my penis getting hard in my shorts, and I grabbed a blanket from the basket next to the couch. Anika noticed me doing this and gave me a strange smile. Then, she scooted herself backwards a little, and in the process, her shirt rode up a little on her legs. What the hell was going on here? Was this some kind of invitation? To test the waters, I extended my legs and let my foot lean a little to the left so that my toe touched her bare thigh. She didn't respond. I let it sit there a minute, and then I pushed my leg out a little more, which slid my toe up her thigh, pushing her shirt a little higher. At that moment, she got up, reached for the other basket by the other couch, and got the blanket that was in it. She laid back down exactly where she had been, on her stomach facing the TV, and covered herself with the blanket, making sure, I noticed to cover my foot with it. She also adjusted herself until my foot was resting against her leg even higher than it had been. I decided to keep pushing this. I slid out further on the couch and let my toe slide up, up, up her thigh, pushing her shirt under the blanket as I went. She didn't respond, at all. I stopped when I reached the point where her thigh ended and I knew her butt cheek began, and I waited. No response. So I went up a little further, and further. There was no doubt about it. My toe was now rubbing against the side of her right ass cheek, and she was acting like nothing was happening at all! My penis was now throbbing with excitement, and my heart was pounding. How far would she let this go? I had to know. I got off the couch and sat on the floor, my butt sitting right next to her feet. I still clung to my blanket as it was now covering a raging boner. I pretty much tossed all caution to the wind and unabashedly slid my entire leg under her blanket, and in the process slid her night shirt up and over her entire butt! I still could not see anything as she had the blanket over her, but under the blanket, my left foot now had clear and total access to her booty. And I was taking full advantage! The bottom of my foot slid up over the soft, gentle curve of her ass cheek, gave it a little rub, and then nestled it a little into her crack. Her only response was to glance over at her brother and make sure he was still snoozing, which he was. And then she spread her legs open a little further! I adjusted my foot so that my knee was bent and the bottom of my foot was resting on the underside of her ass, right between her legs. She flexed her thigh muscles to acknowledge my foot was there, but otherwise did or said nothing. We sat like this for a while, both of us pretending to watch the movie. My penis, in the mean time, was throbbing in my shorts. I had an idea. With my foot still buried in her ass, I took my blanket and spread it out over me and her feet. Then, I gently took her right foot in my hand, lifted it up, and guided it between my legs where I set it down so that the bottom of her foot was resting on the outside of my shorts, right against my raging boner! She understood instantly and responded by feeling around with her foot for just a moment, before letting it come to rest with her toes curled under my ball sack and the bottom of her foot sitting against my shaft. We both sat like this for a moment, but I wanted more. So, I leaned back, lifted myself up, and pulled my shorts down. Understanding what I was doing, she lifted her foot up until I got my shorts and boxers down around my thighs, and then I guided her foot back exactly where it had been before, only this time, with direct skin to skin contact, just as my foot was with her ass. My heart was racing like wildfire. So far since all this began we had made no eye contact, and neither of us had said a word. We sat for the rest of the movie exactly like this, my foot pressed against her ass, her foot against my boner, and my hands resting on her leg. When the show was over the credits began to roll, I think we were both wondering what was going to happen next. I sure as hell was not tired, and I expected she wasn't either. Not knowing what else to do, I started to massage her ass with my foot, and she did the same to my penis. I had an idea. The sensation of her rubbing her foot against me was awesome, but it was also starting to make me crave an orgasm. I moved the blanket off of me so my penis was exposed and I looked down at her petite little foot pressed against it. I felt a surge of hormones rush through me. I had fooled around a ton with my little sister and her best friend Sarah (see my other stories), but this was the first time I'd ever had a foot touch my penis. Weird and kinki, I know. But I was liking it. I reached down and took her foot in my hands, and I slowly lifted it up, then down, then up then down, rubbing it against my shaft and pressing into it at the same time. She seemed to understand immediately, and took up the motion all on her own. Soon she was giving me a full throttle penis massage, gently but still firm. She kept this up for a while, and I let my head lean back and moaned softly as I felt the sensation build. I felt an orgasm starting to mount like Id never felt before. Every orgasm Id ever had came from my penis head either rubbed by me, my sister, or Sarah, or sucked by my sister. (Sarah would never give me blow jobs, which was fine.) I'd never had an orgasm from just a shaft massage before, and it felt different. It came on slowly, but then burst quickly, soaking my shirt and her ankle with my cum! She kept working her foot up and down even as I knew she could feel my cum soaking her foot. Damn, I had to wonder what else this girl knew how to do! When the orgasm was over, she still didn't say anything. But she turned over not making any effort now to cover up. Before her nightshirt fell down, I was treated to a full view of her beautiful little ass cheeks and her pussy, which to my shock and delight was covered with a well trimmed muff that was just as blond as the hair on her head!! She grabbed my blanket and cleaned up me, the carpet, and her foot. As she cleaned up my penis, she took it gently in her hands and wiped it up with great care and tenderness. Now I KNEW she had done this before, and I caught myself glancing at Justin out of the corner of my eye. Anika: (whispering) No, not him. She smiled at me, and I was a little embarrassed that she read my thoughts so easily. I didn't say anything. I had a hunch this wouldn't be the last time we fooled around, and I could wait to her stories. Once she was done cleaning up, she took the blanket, left the room, and came back with another that looked identical. Then she did something I didn't expect. She walked over to where Justin was sleeping and got her face right up next to his. Anika: (whispering) Justin. (louder) Justin. (full volume) Justin. He didn't budge. So then Anika came back and laid down on the floor in front of me, spread her legs wide and lifted up her night shirt until it was up over her head, exposing every inch of her front to me. He tits were small, perky and fun with hard little tiny peach colored nipples. Anika: (whispering) Do you know how to give a girl an orgasm? Me: (nodding) Do you want it with my fingers, or my tongue? Anika: Oh. I've never had a guy do it with his tongue. Me: First time for everything, right? Anika: Tongue please! With my shorts and boxers still pulled down, I got comfortable with my face between her legs. I enjoyed the feeling of my penis on the carpet and I began to tease and flick at her slit and her clit with my tongue, which made her giggle. I teased her for a while like that before letting my tongue slide a little inside her. At this, she didn't giggle any more, but she did moan ever so softly. I took up a rhythm of working my tongue inside her vagina, at the same time covering as much of her mound as I could fit inside my lips, sucking on it and forming a tightly sealed vacuum, breathing through my nose, working my tongue inside of her, and sucking lightly on her clit at the same time, letting it rub against my upper lip. The was a process I had perfected after many, many hours of practice on my little sister, and I had finally gotten to a point where I could drive her to wild orgasms fairly quickly. I was excited to try it for the first time on someone else (Sarah would never let me). Anika's mound was smaller and thinner than my sisters, and there was a little less distance between her slit and her clit, which made this much easier to do on her than my sister. Long before my mouth started to get tired, I recognized the early signs of an orgasm building in her. The smell of her pussy changed, as did the taste. Her muscles got tighter, and she lifted her hips slightly off the ground. Then, I felt. He first wave. I felt her slit get tight around my tongue, so tight that it forced me out of her, but I kept sucking and licking her as much as I could. And when the first wave broke, she did something my sister never did and which I wasn't expecting. She yelped! Loud! I heard her clamp her hand over her mouth, and I prayed that she had no woken anyone up! I kept sucking and licking until I felt her relax. I looked up at her, and she looked down at me, then we both turned to look at the couch. Justin was wide awake, watching us, with a huge smile on his face.



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