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Stepdaughter Nightly Antics

Posted by: Author: Age: 49 Posted on: 2 comments
8 likes 13164 views Category: Masturbation Male-Female Tags: step-daughter, stroking, lick, fisting, pussy, Pool house, sister, inside her pc
A late night curiosity leads to an ongoing adventure

I've enjoyed many stories on Solo Touch and decided it was time to share an experience that happened a couple of years ago. --- Our household is three. Me, my wife and her daughter who at the time of this story was 18 and about to go to college. Like most girls at her age staying out late with friends was a normal event. When her mother was away on business as she was on this occasion I was supposed to enforce the rules and keep the curfew, but I tended to be a bit more forgiving. One Saturday night it was getting on toward 2am, I was in bed but still awake and I was just about to call her and see where she was and I heard the door open. Shhh, I heard, go downstairs. Hmmm? We usually leave our bedroom door ajar and I heard her walk quietly up the stairs, and through squinting eyes I saw her come to my door and check that I was "asleep", then she went to her room, turned on the light and her TV with the sound down low, which she normally does. I laid there awhile wondering if I'd imagined the voices earlier. Eventually she came out of her room, I assumed to go to the bathroom, but she closed the door quietly and crept down the stairs. Townhouses and their creaky stairs! I kept an ear out for voices or noises to get a feel for who was there and what was going on. I moved to my doorway to get a better sense. Muffled voices from the basement, she clearly had a male friend in the house, against the 'rules' but might be interesting I thought. They had the TV on and I could see a faint flicker of light and eventually the voices went quiet. I figured they were making out and I was getting horny at the thought, but figured any movement I made on the creaky stairs to check them out would have me caught in the act instead of them. I listened a bit longer and the voices were eventually replaced by the sound of sex, low moans from her and him. I had to get a closer look. Feeling guilty but driven by lust and curiosity. Slowly making my way down the stairs staying close to the edge I managed to position myself at the landing looking down into the basement and overlooking the sofa where they were having their fun. He was sitting on the couch, but stretched out with his feet under the coffee table and hands above his head, his shirt was on the floor and his pants were around his knees. She was in control and had changed into her short nighty, kneeling on the sofa and stoking his cock and he was hung. She used two hands on him slowly and deliberately. Each time he moaned she shssh'd him. I was already hard from the thought of what was going on and I reached into my sweat pants and slowly stroked my cock in time with her hands. She alternated between masturbating him with one or two hands and licking his cock. I watched her put the head in her mouth and slowly jack him off, "I love the taste of you" she said several times. How he didn't cum then is beyond me. He took this for awhile then she lay back on the sofa and whispered "do something for me". He kissed her, standing above her. He moved to her breasts then down to her pussy. She squirmed and thrust into his face, I was going crazy slowly playing with my dick and could feel the pre-cum on my hand and all over the head of my cock. Then she said, "you can fist fuck me if you want, ..please fuck me" He didn't need another invitation, I saw her throw her legs up onto his shoulders and he was pushing his fingers, then his whole hand into her a few feet in front of me. Seemingly less concerned now about their moans, but still trying to be quiet. I'm not sure if it was his in-experience or plain horniness, but after a few strokes of his cock he was cumming, thrusting his hand into her with savage grunts. I watched him finish and step into the bathroom straight away, to clean off no doubt. I was just about to retreat figuring they might make their way back upstairs when my stepdaughter, still laying back on the couch reached down and started playing with her pussy. While her friend was in the bathroom, she ran circles around her clit and brought her fingers to her mouth to taste their cum. I was about to explode. When he came out of the bathroom, she quickly stopped, grabbed her panties and pulled them on. He was saying he should leave and she didn't want him to so I thought it was time for me to get back to bed and not get caught with my erection in hand. I retreated quietly to bed and started satisfying myself, replaying their escapades, something I've done many times since. It didn't take me long to shoot my load on myself and I was just about to get up and cleanup when I heard my step daughter coming up the stairs.



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