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Sock Jack

Posted by: Author: Age: 40s Posted on: 0 comments
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Sit down in a chair. I like my home office chair, as I can slouch in it. Take a long, thin, stretchy dress sock and make one loop around your erect cock so that you hold one end in each hand. Then begin yanking away on the two ends so that you are stimulated by both the gentle squeezing of your shaft and the fabric of the sock against your (cock) skin. You want the sock to be stretchy so that when you yank hard it feels good, not as if you are going to cut yourself in half. Alternate this with a one-handed variation in which you make a half loop, hold both ends loosely in one hand and bounce your dick back and forth as if your were playing paddleball with one of those rubber balls attached by a rubber band to a paddle. The stimulation in the one-handed variation is much more direct. These two methods in combination have given me my best orgasms in the last few years. The buildup is long and pleasurable and the cum spurts out. You're not touching your dick when you cum and it looks goood. Depending on how much you shoot and how far you shoot it, you'll end up with a jizzy sock. I usually mop up any blobs of cum with the sock and leave it on the floor until it crusts up, then throw it in the hamper with the rest of my clothes. So far my wife hasn't noticed.



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