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Sister's Panties

Posted by: Author: Age: 15 Posted on: 1 comments
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you askth and I giveth I still have the out doors stories and if you want them keep the comment cumming (god enough with this dang puns I cant stop)
ok well thanks for the comments and here is my story about jacking off with my sis's panties. Since my last story I've toned it down to 1-2 times a day and I'm harder than ever. Well I had to babysit my niece a couple of times so I thought what the hell and the first time I had to babysit I stayed the night and I woke up and someone was gonna bring her home so I could babysit well no one came so I'm in my sisters house with no one else there so then I remembered some stories and then I thought perfect time so I go in to my sisters room look and find a pair and I then strip naked and I walk around alittle bit and I start to get hard so I jack and it felt so nice the fabric on my dick omg wow I came hard but slow it took me about well maybe 9 mins to come and it was great! Now my second story (yes you hit the jackpot its a twofer lol) I had to babysit again this time she was there and she is 5 or 6 and she loves me she want to be with me all the time and she is a great kid. Well I made a tv dinner for her and I looked in the hamper for some panties but no luck so I went in to her room and my niece was in the living room coloring and watching tv so I was safe for a little while. so find this cherry print silk (YES SILK) bikini bottom panties and I went to the bath room and I stripped naked and I thought about some stories and I tried them on and it so good and I took them off so I wouldn't stretch them out and then I jacked with them standing up and I came hard and faster than usally (I mean come on its silk) and then I put them back and sprayed just a little bit on her perfume on them in the drawer and I washed my hands and I fed my niece her lunch. I have some more stories about jacking outdoors, in front of people and in public places and about eating my own cum. Oh and a Special request can everybody post more of their stories especialy if it has to do with jacking in public places and getting caught I love those stories. thanks much love to the people who commented me peace John



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