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She Meets the Beast

Posted by: Age: 24 Posted on: 5 comments
6 likes 4464 views Category: Masturbation Male-Female Tags: Hard, handjob, cum, boyfriend, girlfriend
Care to guess what the metaphor is for?

Things were steady with Lorraine. Our "sex life" consisted mostly of kissing, cuddling, fingering and me fondling her. As previously mentioned in the last story, Lorraine was a virgin, experienced, though funny enough at the recommendation of one of her friends, she was reading an erotic thriller titled "Taming the Beast". Everything I was giving her was new and enjoyable, but ultimately she was nervous at the prospect of seeing and touching my penis. It was up to me to make the first move. With Lorraine, I was comfortable and happy when cuddling or simply lying next to her. I made no attempts to hide my protruding hardness against my jeans and would let it press against her when she was close enough. One night in her room, she was finally ready, I sat close to her on her bed, letting my erect and excited cock spring out. Although at first she was reluctant to see me down there, her hand reached out, met with my member and within seconds I sighed with relief, pleasure and embraced her with strong kisses. Her fingers slid and explored along and around my hard cock. The simple, soft, yet tantalising touch was wonderful. While my body appeared calm, I could feel my cock pulse and throbbing uncontrollably. No amount of will power would ease it and Lorraine commented it was as if it was alive. She didn't realise it, but Lorraine was teasing my cock with her delicate and innocent touching. I began to leak pre-cum and my body eventually writhed and tensed up into submission, now almost desperate for more. As we moved to lie down on our sides, I told Lorraine to clench her grip around my cock. In her firm grasp I proceeded to thrust my hips back and forth, effectively jerking myself. It was time to instruct her how to do things, I was ready and eager for a release. I explained to her how to give a handjob, demonstrating as I held her hand against my cock. I also told her to gather several tissues, anticipating that she wouldn't appreciate the mess. As I laid down, Lorraine sat by my hips facing me and gave me her first handjob. Her technique gradually improved, she maintained a firm grip, increased the pace of her jerking and as her hand went up my shaft, her palm caressed the head of my cock. Her arm got tired at one point, aching from repetition. As she rested, my cock remained stood up firm, proudly and I smiled back at her, assuring her I was immensely enjoying myself. I reached between her legs and brushed my fingers against her pussy, giving her incentive for later. When she finally resumed, I could feel the build up of my upcoming orgasm, steadily flowing up my shaft. Letting out a breathily "now", I grabbed the handful of tissues at my side to catch the eruption of cum. To Lorraine's slight alarm, some of it went on her hand. Lorraine would later admit that jerking me off the first time was a strange experience, luckily it wouldn't be the last and for me it will always be a treasured memory with her.



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