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Roy and I (Part 1)

Posted by: Age: 16 then Posted on: 8 comments
17 likes 9058 views Category: Masturbation Male-Male Tags: jerk off, friend, kiss,
First time with my buddy Roy.

I met Roy back when I was a senior in high school. He was a sophomore but were the same age and have the same interests such as playing volleyball, table tennis, and we got the same sense of humor that we got close in a short while after knowing each other. Though I don't consider myself very athletic, I play sports and exercise every now and then that I developed a toned body. Not very muscular but I'm pretty well built. I have got dark brown hair, brown eyes, with fair skin tone and I'm about 5'7" in height. Roy also has brown eyes and fair skin tone but his hair is a little lighter brown than mine which he keeps messy looking always. He plays sports and skates (skate boarding) all the time so he has a pretty muscular toned body. Though we both look nothing like Brad Pitt, I can say that we are good looking guys (based on what our friends and other people say).

We study in a boarding school and only get to go home once a week so its no wonder that most of the students there are pretty close and know each other very well. Me, Roy, and along with other friends sneaks out every now and then from the school to the city to get wasted since our school is really strict with those things. One evening after one of our drinking sessions, Roy and I were caught by one of the school guards on our way back to the school while our other friends managed to get away. It was our first offense so we didn't get suspension from school but we were campus bound for a whole month. It sucks that we can't go home for a month but that was better than getting suspended.

That same weekend, Roy and I stayed in the school while all of our friends and most of the students went home. There were less than 20 students (most of them are working students) left after the others went home. Roy invited me to sleep in his room since my roommates and his all went home. After dinner we hang out with the other students for a while then went back to his room. We were both lying on his bed just chilling and talking about random stuff when the lights went off (meaning it was lights off and curfew time which is at 10 pm). We continued talking and I end up sleeping on his bed with him there. I woke up late that night and realized that he was hugging me which was fine with me since all our other friends are pretty touchy with each other due to being together all the time. I was about to doze off again when I noticed that he has a hard on and he was slowly humping my ass. Though I admire his nice abs and broad chest, I never saw him in a sexual way nor did I had any experience with a dude. Yet I got excited and horny while he was slowly humping me. He was starting to breathe heavily and his humping sped up. His left hand went inside my shirt and started caressing my chest, stomach, and then played with my nipples and lightly pinched them. I got goose bumps by this and my breathing got heavier. He leaned forward and I can feel his breathing on my neck. Roy slowly brushed his lips on my neck and started kissing it. It was so intense and I can't believe all of this is happening yet I kept still trying to enjoy and absorb the situation.

Suddenly, he stopped with what he was doing and got on top of me. He pulled me in a position where I face him and we looked at each others eyes through the moonlight. He was so beautiful even in the dark. We kept looking at each other for about half minute when I finally decided to make a move. I put my hands on his cheek, pulled him and kissed him. He kissed me back with so much sensuality that made me think that was the best kiss I ever had. We continued kissing for a while and then Roy stopped to take off his shirt and he took off mine as well. He kissed me again then went for my neck and continued his way down to my chest. He started playing with my nipples using his tongue and gently sucking them. He then reached for my very hard 6 inch dick inside my boxers using his right hand and started stroking it. I was moaning softly by this time. I still can't believe my friend is doing this to me but what I can't believe more is that I'm letting him.

He stopped and pulled my boxers all the way and stroked my hard cock. As much as I enjoy what he was doing, I was very eager to touch him so I stopped him and we exchanged positions. I did the same thing he did to me earlier. I started kissing his neck going down to his chest and stomach. He began moaning heavily when I started licking and sucking his nipples. Roy's got great body and I was able to taste every inch of it. I took off his underwear and his cock was hard as rock when I reached for it and started stroking it. His dick is a little longer than mine with average pubic hair. But what I like about it is how thick it is and his low hanging balls. It felt good in my hand. I stroked his hard cock and he did the same to me using his right hand. I can tell he was having a hard time to stroke my dick due to our position yet he wanted to return the favor. I stopped kissing his body so he can position better and we just looked at each others eyes while we jerk each others cocks.

He started moaning harder and I can tell he was about to blow. I stroked him harder and within less than a minute I felt my hand was wet and I knew he came. I looked at his body and through the moonlight I saw his cum all over his chest, stomach, my hand and all over his dick. He was squirming and he's breathing were rapid by this point. I look at him with cum all over his body and started stroking my own dick. He was still trying to catch his breath and just looking at me. It didn't take me a long time to blow. My cum sprayed all over Roy's chest and stomach. As I slowly stroke to empty my dick I was outbalanced and fell on Roy's body. Our dicks were touching and our bodies were filled with sweat and cum. I was about to move but Roy hugged me softly and kissed my cheek. We stayed in that position for a while till it got uncomfortable so I moved away and he let me.

I reached for the blankets and wiped the cum on my whole body and my cock. After that I wiped the cum from Roy's chest, stomach, and cock. I held his soft yet still wonderful dick for a second and jiggled his balls and he laughed a little. He pulled me in his arms and kissed me again on my cheeks then closed his eyes to sleep without a word from any of us. It was really late at night yet I didn't feel sleepy. I'm still recalling everything that just happened. After a while I can hear Roy snoring with his arms still around me. I just smiled and decided that whatever happens tomorrow, happens. I know that this is a long story but I hope you all enjoyed it.



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