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Posted by: Age: 64 Posted on: 12 comments
14 likes 20 views Category: Sex Stories Fantasy Tags: married couple, dirty talk, threesome (maybe)

A real story with about possibilities.

·       My wife and I have a friend who is a widow. Her husband was a life long friend of mine who passed away a couple of years ago. After Tom’s death Susie and I would talk on the phone pretty often and we would occasionally go to lunch, but nothing ever happened. My wife, Joan suggested that the three of us go out to dinner just to get Susie out of the house. Susie and Joan get along really well together and once the drinks get flowing, I become the target of their mutual sense of humor. It’s all in good fun. Sue would drop the occasional double entendre and I would respond with some intentionally naive response. Joan always picked up on the flirtatious relationship and laughed along with us.

·       After a night out with Susie, when we were in bed, Joan mentioned how sexy the talk between Susie and I had been that evening. She said that she thought Susie had a thing for me and vice-versa. I didn’t deny that Sue had a certain appeal, but neither of us would ever act on it. Joan surprised me when she said it would be okay if we did as long as she was there to watch. Joan and I have shared a fantasy of threesomes before, but she never named a possible partner. When we were having sex that night she told me that she wanted to watch me fuck Susie. It was great.

·       A few days later, Susie called me as she does. I asked her what she was up to and she told me she was lying in bed reading some murder mystery and she wanted to take a break. We talked about our kids for a bit. We chatted about mutual friends and the like. She mentioned that her husband’s birthday was coming up so we reminisced about Tom. One of the things I remember best about Tom was that he had a unique vocabulary. When he was joking around, he sounded like a 1930’s movie gangster. I told Susie that he often referred to her as “the Jane”. She told me he had a bunch of nick names for her. She said the one that confused her the most was “BC”. I asked her if that was short for something, she replied, Bubble Cunt. She said she didn’t know why. Without thinking too much, I said because it tasted like Juicy Fruit. That stopped the conversation for a quick second and she said that she’d bet that I’d like to find out. “I would,” I said. Susie said that it was too bad because she’d never do that to Joan. “Funny you would say that.” I told her about what Joan and I fantasized about. Susie asked me to tell her what Joan said word for word. I went into great detail. I told her things about how wet Joan’s pussy was when she talked about watching my hard cock pounding Susie’s pussy and how she wanted to suck my dick after I pulled out so she could taste Susie.  I told her how Joan wanted to see her face when she came. I then told Susie that I had to promise to let Joan have my cum at the end. After I got done telling Susie all this, I told her that I had to go because I needed to jerk off. She laughed and said she’d like to watch that. She said that she was looking forward to our next dinner date in a couple of weeks. Just before she hung up, I heard the unmistakable sound of a vibrator being turned on. “Have fun, I know I’m going to,” were her last words to me that day.

·       I don’t know if the threesome will happen because there’s a difference between fantasy and reality, but I can’t wait to find out.



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