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Pocket Vibrator

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By Jackinnm@yahoo.com My old friend Chris and I had a day together shortly after our four-way sex session with Bud and Ken. As it happened, Bud and Ken were out of town for a few days, and I invited Chris to spend that Saturday with me. Chris and I had known each other long before we'd met Bud and Ken, and as Chris had been away ten years, we had some catching up to do. When Chris arrived, I had a pot of coffee ready. "I see you haven't forgotten," he remarked as he walked into the kitchen. Chris had been the one who had taught me that drinking coffee enhances sex by producing "coffee nerves" and filling the bladder. Now we spoke while drinking several cups of coffee each: "I think this will make sex better for us, especially now that we're older and need all the help we can get," I replied. "You're right, Jack, and as I'm a few years older than you, (He was in his late 40s) I sometimes feel my age. At times my erection isn't as firm as it used to be. Attaining orgasm also takes me longer, although this isn't necessarily a bad thing." "I take longer to come, too," I said. "I don't mind a delayed orgasm, as long as I eventually shoot my load. One guy I know takes a prescription drug for his high blood pressure. He can get hard, but he can't come at all." "My blood pressure's a bit high, but I don't want to take anything for it because I know it sometimes has side effects. Not being able to attain orgasm would make me absolutely miserable." "Can't blame you, Chris. I'd feel the same way. Having to use a vacuum pump to get hard, then not being able to come, would make life not worth living." At the time, Viagra had not yet been invented. "You make good strong coffee, Jack. I'm glad you do." Chris finished his cup and I poured us refills. "I use only fresh-ground coffee. That's best." We finished another cup each before Chris spoke again: "I brought my battery-powered vibrator with me. I think you've seen it before." I remembered it, a cream-colored plastic cylinder that tapered to a blunt point and ran off one "AA" cell. "Last time, years ago, we used it to make each other come." Chris nodded, and pulled the vibrator from his pocket. It was six inches long and half an inch thick, except for the tapered end. "This really works well under your foreskin," he said. "Perhaps you could take off your pants now and I'd be able to start on you." I had my pants and shorts off in a minute, revealing my limp penis. "I like your long tapering foreskin," he said, bringing his chair closer to mine. "The way it forms a nipple in front of your glans is very appealing." He picked up my penis with two fingers on either side of the skin-covered head, leaving the nipple drooping in front of the big bulging helmet. Squeezing his fingers together gently, he caused the head to slide back farther within its skin tube. Then he grasped my foreskin's long nipple and pulled it away from my body, gently shaking it from side to side. The sensation of my big helmet sliding inside its fleshy shroud was exciting, and I felt it begin to swell. Now I'm going to insert the vibrator to give you another sensation," he said. I felt the tip of the vibrator press into the pucker at the end of my hood, the buzzing filling it with pleasant sensations, as Chris slipped it into the orifice. The flesh of my foreskin parted as the tip of the vibrator pushed into the channel, stimulating the nerve endings with its steady electric hum. "It'll be touching your meatus in a moment," Chris said as he gently pushed it farther. I felt the hard buzzing plastic tip press against my slit, filling my glans with sensations that made it expand even more inside its hood. "That's doing it to me, that feels so good….." I said as Chris continued sending messages of electric delight into my swelling helmet. "I just love to dock with that vibrator," I continued. "I know you do," he replied. "I can see the effect now. Your glans is almost fully swollen, even though your shaft hasn't caught up with it yet." My penis was still somewhat limp, because all of my sensations were focused in my distending helmet. "It's making the head tingle," I said. I saw the end of the vibrator push farther under my foreskin, stretching it as it probed deeper into the hood. I felt it caress the top part of my helmet, then advance to buzz against my flaring rim. "Now I'll run it completely around your corona," he said as he began pushing the vibrator down one side of the head, following the contours of my rim and dragging the foreskin down as it swept towards the underside of my head. Now the rounded tip pressed into my hot spot under the head, caressing the gee-string anchored between the twin lobes of my corona. Now Chris pushed down on the body of the vibrator, pulling the foreskin away from front of the head. ""Your meatus is just the way I remember it," he said. "I think that tear-drop orifice is so sexy and attractive." He set the vibrator down on the seat of my chair, leaving it to vibrate inside my hood, and quickly undressed. His penis was rigid, almost six inches long and thicker than mine. In keeping with his olive-skinned complexion, Chris's cock was significantly darker than mine, heavily pigmented, even the dry, leathery head. A thick and wrinkled circumcision scar filled the groove behind his rim. His prick had a classic "mushroom" head, with blunt front dome, coming back to form a thick rim without even a hint of flare. His shaft was as thick as his tip, and had a big vein on its right side. In front was a long slit, a continuation of the weld line connecting the two halves of his rim where they met under the head to form a triangular groove, and the way the lips gaped gave it a cratered appearance. Now that he was fully hard the lips were drooling clear lubricant that flowed down the groove under the head. "I'm going to give you some of my lubricant," he said as he slid forward in his chair to bring the tip of his prick closer to mine. He removed the vibrator and pressed the lips of his long slit against the end of my foreskin. Now he pulled back and swept the end of the vibrator over the gaping lips, picking up the rest of the lube, and then pressed the vibrator once more into my foreskin. "I'm going to massage every part of your glans with the vibrator," he said as he ran it around the head, then again underneath. I reciprocated by grasping his thick prick, rubbing my finger into the hot spot under his head, which was now slippery with his lube. "No, don't do that," he said. "You'll make me come too quickly." I let go of his prick, and he dabbed at his gee-string and slit with a paper napkin. "You prefer dry friction there so you can last," I said as I took him by the hand and led him into the bedroom where the big king size bed awaited us. "Here's a box of tissues. Use all you need." Chris had turned of the vibrator, which he still held in his left hand. We weren't in a hurry. We both knew that prolonging the build-up produced a more intense orgasm, and we were willing to be patient as we stimulated each other to the brink. The gaping lips of Chris's slit were still drooling lube, which he kept wiping away with a Kleenex, to avoid wetting his gee-string. I got into a "69" position with him, holding a tissue in one hand to sop up his copious secretions. I bent my head down and blew on his thick gee-string, knowing that this was his hot spot, and much more sensitive than my gee-string or those of many other men I'd known. It was also much thicker, a bulky knot of flesh that protruded from between the two halves of his glans where they met under the head. I felt Chris shudder as I blew on it, evidence that it was affecting him. "Love that….." he muttered as his warm fingers closed around my hard shaft, thumb and index finger encircling the foreskin-covered rim. He moved his hand slowly, drawing the skin back, knowing that I enjoyed the gradual stretching of my hood because it put a delicious tension on the nerve endings. "That's it, skin it back slowly," I whispered to him as his fingers worked their magic on my foreskin. Meanwhile, I was pulling back on his shaft-skin, laying bare the groove behind his rim. When I blew into it, Chris jumped slightly. Now he jiggled my foreskin slightly, back and forth, working it a bit farther back each time, until the head was completely bare. "Your glans is really beautiful, you know, so smooth and glossy," he said as he held the foreskin back to form a thick collar behind the rim. "You have a classic "helmet" shape, and your foreskin locks behind the flare of your corona. The teardrop shaped meatus at the end truly adds to its beauty." From the time I'd first known him, he'd always admired my cock-head. "You always projected your jets farther than I did whenever you discharged. That's because of my large meatus. I don't have such a powerful stream." "I know my hole's smaller than yours," I replied. "I've seen guy with really narrow ones, though." "I think you have an average size meatus. You know that mine is on the large side, and it gapes as well. I'd noticed that those with tight orifices tend to have thinner and more powerful streams, both urinating and ejaculating." Chris had been lightly fingering my teardrop as he spoke, having wet his fingertip with his natural lubricant. Now he spoke again: "One fellow I knew several years ago was typical. He had a mushroom shaped glans, and a slit for an orifice. As he too was circumcised, I had no trouble seeing his meatus, as it was always exposed. I think it must have been no more than 3/8" long, and when he urinated it became round as it distended, to about a quarter-inch in diameter. I'd seen him urinate as well as ejaculate, and he had a thin but strong stream. I saw his ejaculations reach out six feet. Likewise, the stream of urine was a thin jet, and if he'd been trying for distance I'm sure he would have projected his stream at least as far." "I found I have to pull my foreskin back to uncover the hole if I want to shoot. This happens when I come and when I pee. If I leave the skin forward, it deflects the stream and I don't get a neat jet," I said. Chris had let go of my prick, and was lightly stroking the fleshy knot under his massive head. I grasped my foreskin, pulling it all the way forward to let it run downhill over the tapered helmet, enjoying the sensations. "I've seen that happen when you urinate in the shower," Chris responded. "You're not the only one. My sister Kay complained that when she was changing her baby son Fred's diaper, he'd often urinate on her, and his stream traveled. She'd had him circumcised at birth. My other sister, Margot, did not have her little Jim circumcised, and I saw her change his diaper several times. When he did urinate, the stream just bubbled out of his foreskin, without jetting." Chris was still dry-stroking his gee-string, and his other hand held the tissue to wipe his slit. I was still languidly sliding my long foreskin up and down the big purple helmet, while watching him. Now Chris let go of his prick and picked up the vibrator again. "Let's have you dock the vibrator again. You can work on my penis while I bring you to orgasm." He stabilized my foreskin-covered prick with two fingers of his left hand while he directed the tapered end of the vibrator into the pucker with his right. The gentle buzzing filled my foreskin, and when the end contacted my swollen tip, filled my glans as well. I rubbed my fingertip lightly over his gee-string, keeping a tissue over the gaping slit to absorb the lube that kept seeping from it. The varied sex play and conversation had made me very hot, and I knew that Chris was as aroused as I was. The sight of his chunky, blunt-headed cock inches in front of my eyes added to my excitement, and I felt my prick become even harder. I also felt the pressure in my bladder adding to the tension in my body. Now Chris was running the vibrator around my glans, under the foreskin, and its vibrations pounded both my hood and head. "It just runs on a battery, but I know it's going to make me come," I said. "It will. Just focus on the sensations and you'll be in orbit very soon." Chris shifted his grip to form a ring around the base of my shaft, constricting the veins. I had his prick inches in front of my eyes, dabbing the fluid from its gaping lips while my fingertip caressed the thick gee-string under the head. Chris's ample ball-sac was drawing up against his body. "You'll make my prick harder with the squeeze," I said. As I spoke I felt my consciousness fading, turning inward and focusing on the vibrations in my glans and foreskin. Chris's warm prick was still in front of me, between my fingers, but now my eyes closed. "Your glans is dark purple now, ready to spurt," Chris coached me, and he continued describing circles around my swollen helmet with the vibrator, filling me with sensations. Despite my best effort to relax, I felt my body tensing, preparing for the explosion of sensations soon to overwhelm it. My distended bladder ached, filling me with an urge to pee, and I squeezed my crotch muscles in response. The buzzing filled my cock-rim, rolled over the broad upper surface, and moved under the head. Now he rolled my foreskin back all the way to free my helmet, giving the vibrator full access to the naked head. My helmet felt so swollen that it ached for the relief of orgasm, and when the tingling began I knew I was on the edge. Chris pressed the end of the vibrator into the triangular groove under my helmet, and the tingling came to a peak. Suddenly, I felt a pinch of pain as he yanked my skin back hard, stretching its nerve endings fully. I cried out loudly as my entire body contracted and my cock-root sent a torrent of hot cream hurtling up my tube. I was in free-fall, totally unaware of anything else as my tortured cock exploded. Another hot jet burned its way up my urethra, and I moaned helplessly, caught up in the fiery ecstasy of release. I was barely aware that Chris's fingers had pushed my foreskin back to bare my spitting purple glans. The vibrator kept circling my helmet, also moving behind it to stimulate my nerve-laden foreskin collar, and I continued to discharge jet after jet. My entire penis was vibrating, throbbing, and pumping fluid and I was in the mindless daze of orgasm. I don't know how many jets I released, but I was aware that the last ones were weaker. Chris turned off the vibrator and removed it. I slowly climbed out of the pit of nothingness into which I'd sunk, and opened my eyes. Chris's cock was still in front of my face, hard as ever, still oozing lube. Chris spoke: "Your orgasm was intense. I retracted your foreskin to let you ejaculate freely, giving it a hard tug because I knew that would trigger your climax, and caught your discharges in the tissues. I kept working the vibrator over your glans and retracted foreskin until I felt you'd had enough. You're still seeping now." He pressed a finger into the underside of my shaft. "I'll milk out your residue now." After he'd gotten the fluid sopped up in a wad of Kleenex, he pulled my foreskin forward to cover my shrinking helmet. "Did you feel the Kleenex scraping against your glans?" he asked. "Oh, yeah, every time you touched my tip with them it was like an electric spark." "That's because your glans is so sensitive," he said. "That sensitive glans certainly intensified your sensations." "Having a full bladder really helped too," I said. "Do you need to relieve yourself now?" he asked. "No, I'll wait until you're through," I replied. "Mine's been full since before your orgasm, and it's really building up my tension. Watching you ejaculate excited me even more." "Now it's your turn," I said as I picked up the vibrator and twisted the end cap to turn it on. I grabbed a handful of tissues in my left hand as I began playing the vibrator around his rim with my right. I saw his balls were tight against his body as I laid the tissues in front of his hard, swollen cock and grasped his shaft between two fingers. I drew back the shaft skin, again baring the groove behind the head, but instead of blowing into it, I ran the vibrator around in circles, following his circumcision scar down to his gee-string and up the other side. "Ohhh….." Chris began to moan as I explored his sensitive areas with the cylinder's vibrating tip. I knew he'd said he was already very worked up from having watched and felt me coming. His bladder was surely straining by now, and it wouldn't take much to trigger his orgasm. The long lips of his slit gaped, pouring out lube, and I ran the vibrator over them to coat its surface. His prick was so hot and hard it wasn't necessary to constrict his veins, and now I caressed his thick gee-string with the slippery vibrator. It jumped in my hand, and a thick dollop of clear fluid rolled out between the gaping lips. I wrapped the fingers of my left hand around his shaft, stroking up to the end as I momentarily removed the vibrator. My fingers became very wet and slippery as I twisted them around the slippery wet glans, and now I used a full stroke back, squeezing as I went. I pressed the vibrator again into his gee-string, and heard him cry out: "HAH! HAH! HAH!" he went as his cock throbbed hard in my hand and a thick gush rolled out of the slit onto the tissues underneath. His cries increased in pitch as the sensations took hold and his tip gushed another load. He now went "HOOOH! HOOOOH! HOOOOH!" as his pelvis began to thrust, sending his hot hard cock in frenzied lunges through my tight encircling fingers. Another thick, ropy clump of cream poured from between his gaping cock-lips. I kept the vibrator buzzing in his hot spot as his dark tip lunged towards my face, slit lips parted as more fluid gushed between them. Now his frenzy was fading and I removed the vibrator, letting him pour out the last drops. He'd stopped thrusting, and his body was relaxing as creamy fluid seeped slowly from between the gaping lips of his slit. The odor of chlorine was heavy, and I licked at the puddle of salty semen on the tissues. After another minute of recovery and re-orientation, Chris spoke: "I think mine was at least as intense as yours. I think you were using several types of stimulation on my penis." "You're right," I confirmed. "I was using the vibrator on your hot spot, and then used wet friction to stroke your head and shaft, and I was also squeezing your cock. I felt every throb when you came." Now I was milking his urethra, forcing out the residue and catching it in another handful of tissues. "My bladder felt as if it was going to burst," he added. "I was really keyed up and ready for an intense orgasm." "My bladder will burst if I don't relieve myself," I said as I headed for the bathroom. Chris hurried behind me and I turned on the shower. We stepped in, enjoying the warm water's flow over us. As the warm stream sluiced over my prick, I felt my sphincter release. Chris noticed the flow bubbling in a yellow stream through my foreskin nipple, and he gently stripped my hood back to expose the slit. "See how yours flows in a neat stream once the meatus is exposed? Mine's starting now, and we can compare." A thick yellow stream bubbled from the end of Chris's now shrunken cock, and he lifted his and mine to point at the shower wall as he spoke again: "See how yours travels in a shallow arc, Jack? Mine drops down and barely reaches the wall. Now when I pull your skin forward…." His fingers pulled my hood fully forward, and as the fleshy nipple closed over my stream it changed direction and shape, now bubbling downward. We stood under the hot water, relaxing as our flows mixed in the bottom of the shower stall. "It feels so hot," I commented. "Just feeling the flow in my tube makes my prick vibrate." "I enjoy feeling the warm flow too," Chris replied. "It's such a relief to drain my bladder when it's this full, and knowing that it's flushing me out completely is an added thrill." Our cocks were utterly limp now and completely relaxed as they drained. A feeling of profound satisfaction crept over my body. Now our twin streams had relented, and we silently enjoyed watching the final dribbles from the ends of our cocks. Chris reached for my prick, skinning it back to bare the helmet, and milked the last drops from my shaft. I clasped his prick, pressing my finger into the underside to draw the last drops from it and watching them ooze out of his wide slit. Meanwhile, the hot water kept sluicing over our naked bodies, dropping down to rinse our fluids down the drain. Chris ran a finger around my naked helmet, carefully wiping away any residual secretions, then pulled my foreskin forward to encase it, giving my fleshy sheath a final tug to make sure the head was completely covered. I turned off the water and we began drying each other with a big fluffy terrycloth towel. "Usually, I'd be feeling drained by now, but this orgasm seems to have energized me," he said. "I feel the same way," I replied. "I think we could go another round, but first let's have some more coffee." I led him out to the kitchen, where I prepared another pot. We were still naked, and as we sat drinking, Chris commented: "I can feel my bladder distending again. Are yopu feeling it too?" "Oh, yes," I replied. "I think we still haven't drained all the coffee we'd had before. I'm getting horny again." "I can see your penis distending," he said. "I'm beginning to swell again too." I could see his prick swelling between his thighs, and he parted them to give me a fuller view. His prick pointed forward over his large sac, which was spread out on the chair seat under him. The wrinkled shaft-skin was stretching as the core of his cock swelled, and now he was fully hard, without my having touched him. I was close behind him. "You're hard and ready to go," I said. His eyes were on my crotch, and his hand reached out to cup my balls. His other hand grasped the end of my foreskin nipple, gently shaking it from side to side as he'd done earlier. "I love to watch your helmet shaped glans engorge under your foreskin. It's so sexy, so appealing….." "You can play with it all you wish," I encouraged him. "My foreskin loves attention." "Want to do it with the vibrator again?" he asked. "Yes, but let's use my 110-volt model this time. I think that one will really send us into orbit." I refilled our cups and we continued sipping. "I'd love to dock inside your foreskin," he suggested. "I really enjoy the sensation of a warm foreskin enclosing my glans." "I know I can get some of my foreskin over your head, but maybe not all of it. We tried docking years ago. Your tip's pretty big," I countered. "Yes, but your foreskin's stretched and loosened somewhat since then. Let's try now to see if I'll fit." He brought his chair closer so that our cocks were tip to tip, and grasped the end of my thick fleshy hood with his fingertips, widening the orifice. Slowly, he stretched it out, and pushed the big blunt tip of his stubby penis into the channel. "Seems to be going okay," I said as his thick glans probed farther into my foreskin. I felt its blunt nose touch the end of my helmet, the gaping lips of his slit caressing mine, as my prick swelled to full hardness. The foreskin was halfway up his mushroom, and he pulled it farther forward. "Your foreskin's gained more length over the years," he said as he continued stretching it over his massive end. It might reach to my corona and that's all we'll need." I pushed my hips forward slightly to help him, and felt the end of his cock press hard against my helmet. It was seeping heavily, the lube helping my foreskin slide over his naked glans. "I think we'll make it," I said as he pulled the edge of my foreskin up to his rim. He clamped his fingers around it to hold it in place, and now his big mushroom was completely inside me. "Now we know!" he exclaimed as he let go to pick up his coffee cup again. Freed from his fingers, my hood slipped back over his head, until it was half uncovered. I pulled away to refill our cups and we drank quickly, our hard cocks pointing at each other. We returned to the bedroom, where I took my large vibrator out of the bedside table and plugged it in. We lay facing each other and Chris placed a large wad of tissues between us. "You get us together and I'll handle the vibrator," I said. "I'll put it right under our cock-heads." Chris grasped the edges of my long hood with his fingertips, and now we both knew it would be a perfect fit. I watched the big head of his cock slowly push into my outstretched hood, and felt it pressing against the front of my helmet. Now his rim was completely covered, and Chris clamped the end over his circumcision scar. I felt the end of his lubricated glans sliding against mine. "We're in full contact," he said as I brought the vibrator head into place under our cocks. The head was a flat rubber plate that fit onto a stud protruding from the vibrator body, and I made sure it was tight against us before pressing the switch. "Ready?" I asked. He nodded and I turned on the juice. A powerful buzzing filled my cock, and it was much more intense than the battery powered model. Chris's body shuddered as the surge of sensations filled his prick, and I felt my cock become tighter inside its outstretched hood. I watched his face as the intense vibrations fueled his excitement, and saw his jaw clench. He began moaning lightly as the sensations built up inside him. The powerful vibrations filled our cock-heads and traveled down our shafts to their roots. I knew I was hitting his most sensitive spot under the head, and that maybe he'd come first. The pressure in my bladder was intense, and I wasn't able to relax at all to delay the orgasm. "Soon…." Chris whispered. "How about you?" "Any second," I whispered back as my eyes closed. I was on my own now, my mind totally focused on the demanding sensations in my vibrating prick, feeling the head of his cock buzzing against mine. Chris's fingers were clamped tightly around the end of my foreskin, locking it in place over his engorged tip, and I felt the final swelling fill our cock-heads as the intense buzzing swept us towards the climax. My last rational thought was that I was sure his balls were tightly drawn against his body, and then my mind went on "HOLD" as the sensations overwhelmed me. My hot hard glans, pressed against his, ached for the surge of sensations that would spell "relief," and a second later I felt his tip throb hard against mine as he slid into the limbo of orgasm. Liquid fire shot into my hole as his first discharge poured into my urethra because our tips were clamped tightly against each other. I yelped and my cock-root convulsed, sending a hot jet up my prick to wash out his thick fluid and pour into the gaping lips of his slit. His tips throbbed against mine and another surge of fluid filled me, triggering another spasm in my cock-root. I cried out helplessly as I felt the hot fluid filling my foreskin, while the intense vibrations penetrated into the very core of my cock and my being. We both ejaculated again, the pressure building up in my foreskin, and another surge of sensation brought another heavy discharge. I was dimly aware that Chris's fingers had let go because he was so carried away by the fury of his orgasm and the surprise of my jets shooting down his hole. His cock thrust against mine as our mixed fluids poured from around the edges of my foreskin, and we discharged more hot juice into my distended hood. My tip was becoming hyper-sensitive, and I turned off the vibrator, enjoying the residual pulses as our orgasms faded. We were both still seeping, minor throbs filling our cocks, as we slowly came down off the high. We opened our eyes as our breathing slowed, filled with wonder at the intensity of our orgasms. "You shot right into me, you know," I murmured. "You came before I did, but your hot jet shooting down my tube set me off." "Our meatuses must have been perfectly aligned," he responded. "I felt your jet burning the inside of my urethra a split-second after my first one." Our fluids were pouring out of my foreskin, onto the tissues, and my foreskin began slipping off his tip. "It felt like your tip was pounding against mine when you were coming. My cream felt like it was burning each time I shot." "That just enhanced our orgasms," he said. "First I felt my hot burning discharge, then yours spitting right into my urethra." We were still dazed, but able to speak and compare notes. I always found it extremely gratifying to talk with my partner and compare notes; "How was it for you?" etc. "I always have a burning sensation during a particularly intense orgasm. Does yours burn too?" "Yeah, my juice feels like burning lava when I have a really hot one." "I'm sure that when we drain our bladders this time, our streams will feel that way as well, very hot." We got up and headed for the shower again. The hot water sluicing down our bodies was relaxing, and Chris pushed back my foreskin so that I'd enjoy the full effect on my sensitive tip. "Your helmet's still swollen," he said as he uncovered it, locking the thick folds of foreskin behind the rim. The sudden rush of hot water on my naked glans triggered my hot stream, and a second later I saw Chris's cock draining as well. "It feels so hot…." I murmured. "Mine too," he said. "It's both hot and tickling, rushing through my urethra." Our hot streams rushed through our cocks, flushing and draining, until we were utterly empty. We stood with our eyes closed, enjoying the rush of sensations, for several minutes. Now we dried ourselves, wondering if we'd have the energy for another orgasm.



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