My first time paying for a few additional times.
When I was 18 years old, two buddies and I connected with a really cute twenty-something street walker. We gave her all the money we had, which wasn’t much, and all three of us fucked her. She was only the third girl I had sex with.
Many, many years went by and I was very proud of the fact that I was getting all the pussy I wanted without paying for it. Although in reality, all pussy is paid for one way or another, but what I mean is I never exchanged actual cash for sex.
Then after my second marriage was over, I went through a long dry spell and despite not wanting to have to pay, I found my way to a massage parlor in an area of Los Angeles with many known for providing happy endings. In the same neighborhood there was a XXX-rated video store, notorious for glory holes, that was right next door to a police station. I even went in there once looking to get my dick sucked but didn’t like the looks of the place or the clientele and quickly left.
Anyway, back to the massage parlor. I went in and there was about an 80-year old Asian woman running the place. I paid for a half hour and was fortunate to get paired with an attractive young Korean girl. I won’t give you a blow-by-blow description of what happened since it’s the same in all massage parlors. The bottom line is I got a very nice hand job for my happy ending.
I started going back for weekly visits. I went on Sunday mornings because the place was lightly attended at that time. I also drove a very distinctive car with vanity plates (dumb idea if you want to be anonymous) and was worried about somebody who knew me seeing my car in the parking lot of a massage parlor. Low probability but anything can happen.
I progressed from a hand job to blowjobs and then to all-out fucks, always with the same girl. Fucking was challenging on one of those small massage tables. By now I had a great relationship with the girl and I expanded my time from a half hour session to a one hour session. With an hour to play with, we would start off with a few minutes of massage and quickly move on to a hand job or a blowjob and then after a very brief rest, she would lay on the massage table, spread her legs, and I would pour the pork to her for a second orgasm in a short time. She seemed a bit surprised that I was up for it twice in a relatively short period of time but we had a bit of chemistry that got me extremely horny each time I was with her.
I was working on her to come to my house for paid sex and skip the massage parlor. I thought I had talked her into it and then one Sunday I showed up and she was no longer there.
I was extremely disappointed but did get an interesting substitute. She was a tiny Asian girl, probably didn’t weigh more than 100 pounds. After discussing it, her substitute for a massage was with me laying on my stomach, she literally walked on my back working my spine and back muscles with her feet. It felt fantastic. After fifteen or twenty minutes of glorious torture, she progressed to a happy ending.
But with my regular girl gone, I lost interest and stopped going. Shortly after that, I got into an ongoing relationship.
After the ice was broken on paying for sex, I had a number of other experiences over the years that were quite enjoyable. Looking back on them, they were all an important part of my sexual journey through life and I don’t regret a single one.
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