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Posted by: Author: Age: 55 Posted on: 1 comments
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Honorable contact
PamAnother true story from me J LMy X was still not giving me enough sex & the morning wank watching her drying her hair was still not enough.We had our own retail business, which we ran together.Be had several staff, mostly female & Pam was one of these, a wife of a friend on mine.She lived a couple of miles away from the business & they only had one car.We delivered to customers & at the end of her shift I would get in the van with her to take her home, delivering as we went. She was safe not having to walk & as the deliveries on the way where to single female pensioners this also gave me protection by Pam being with me. I am an honourable man & would never lay a finger on her, her husband was a friend. We did have some frank talks about my frustration of not getting enough sex at home.The toilet at the shop was upstairs at the back of the stock room & I used to go up there for about 10 minutes each afternoon. You know why!!One day when my wife was on her day off, Pam told me that she was having trouble going to the toilet (# 2) & had not gone for a week.Nothing I could do about it that day, but I knew what was needed.As we delivered the groceries, I asked her to bring a book to work the next day. She was puzzled, but I would tell her no more.The next day, I had a talk with her telling her that she was too stressed up at work (we were busy & you could hear the trade going on in the store downstairs)We all have a natural time each day to use the toilet & she agreed that hers was mid morning.I fed her with 2 cups of hot tea & then explained that when she was ready, she was to go to the toilet, with her book & relax for at least 15 minutes. She did & came down with a big smile on her face & confirmed that the business had been done.I told her that she must do that every day, as she was helping me with the deliveries & it made it even.This worked well, staff welfare is important.One day she came to work without her book & asked if there was anything for her to read. I had a cupboard with all sorts of books & mags just outside the toilet, so I just said help yourself. We had already christened the toilet as 'The reading room'At the far end of the shelf I kept a few porn mags & she must have found them.As I drove her home that afternoon she said that she now knew why I spent time up there & there would be something special amongst the magazines for me after she had been up there the next day.I was expecting a new magazine or two from her husband, she told me not to make a mess, as they needed to go home as leant.But when I went up later in the day after her, what I found was a neatly folded pair of panties tucked between the porn mags.Her aroma was still lingering on them & the easiest way for me was to pull them on over my head leave both of my hands free, whilst the smelly bit was right over my nose.I was off in seconds each day when I got up there.Before we went on the delivery run she went to the toilet & collected them to put on go home.Not a word was ever said & we never made body contact until my last day in business when we had a big hug at the end of the deliveries. She pulled my hand to her thigh & I found stockings & suspenders. We looked at each other, shook our heads & kissed. Then pushed each other apart. With tears in our eyes she waited for me to turn the van round in the road & I wound the window down for a final goodbye.Then she told me that she had 'forgotten' to pick up her panties that last day, but never mind.



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