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On My Own, and Shared Session

Posted by: Age: 65+ 14+ then Posted on: 6 comments
14 likes 8402 views Category: Masturbation Female Solo Tags: Masturbation, first time, friend, mutual
Always Alone Now! But Aroused from the past

I love masturbating in bed - Frankly I have no interest in having a guy in me. That ship has long sailed - but have nice thoughts of those days. Mostly I like to remember my very first time - wondering what would happen. I had vague idea of how babies were made - though the thought of having a boy go inside me was quite awful! But some how, girl friend had heard from other girls (we were all about 14 or 15- and 50 years ago, girls were not getting laid!) I was at an all girls school, and there were always some 'wild girls' who knew about sex. Cut to the chase - my girlfriend told me how to enjoy myself- by then I knew how boys did it - or assumed I did! She told me she had tried- but nothing really happened - but for a while it felt good (neither of us new girls could cum - that was boys!) Anyway- one afternoon I went to a hut by a defunct factory-where people rarely went. It was a rainy afternoon, and I decided to take a pillow (ostensibly to go to my girlfriends). I sat on the pillow - faced the door that gave me good view of anyone around. Then guiltily removed my panties, and casually experimented in the area of my vagina where it felt good (clitoris of course was unknown by name - that came few years later.) I got the pleasure feeling Sue had told me of, but the more I did it, the better if felt. Suddenly I felt this great feeling go all through me, and felt like I had peed! It just felt so good. I worried maybe I had done some harm to myself, and worried if it would stop my peeing!!!! After going home and changing, hid the pillow, then went to Sue's house and told her. She could not understand what I had felt, as she certainly never got that far. I suggested next day we both try. Thus, with some excuses to parents, we went to the shed late afternoon. We have never seen each other naked, we were both very nervous at seeing each others pussy! Neither of us had much hair but she saw I had way more. Having got over that I showed her how I did it the previous day and we both started masturbating. It was awkward at first, having a girl look at my pussy and watch me masturbate (we did know that word I think!) I was pretty excited and after a few minutes knew I was going to get the 'orgasm'. I moaned as I came (I had previous day) - and Sue looked at me. "are you OK " she asked, stopping as she watched my pleasure! "yes, go on - it takes time' I said, as though I was an old 'hand' at it!!! I watched her, and in a few minutes she said "oh oh mmm oh mmmmm" and shuddered as she came - for the very first time! "WOW - I had no idea it would feel so good how did you know?" I told her I did not, it just happened. She said she was very wet and thought she had peed. We found out later by ourselves and together, we ejaculated not sure we squirted. I still come, rather like pee, but orgasm fluid. For many years we used tell each other when we had masturbated and of course had several sessions together. No mutual, and our challenge was to see if we could orgasm together, we sometimes did. I often masturbate thinking of those long-ago days. I think about sex with men too, not interested in that now, don't want a guy fussing to get laid when I am resting! Guess that comes with age. BUT I do have great orgasms still Nancy



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