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Ok. Let's Be Honest

Posted by: Age: 23 Posted on: 7 comments
7 likes 8 views Category: Sex Stories General Tags: Penis, vagina, orgasm, losing virginity

How long did you last…

When Mr. Penis, a virginal 23-year-old finally met Miss Vagina, a very experienced 21-year-old, I lasted 6 strokes. She was on top. She was very pissed and threw herself on the bed beside me. “WTF was that?”

I apologized that it was my first time, and… " Oh, we can fix that; just wait a few minutes.”

Mr. Penis heard that. She held him carefully and felt that he was getting ready. She opened her legs, drawing her knees up in an invitation that couldn’t be refused. Target was acquired with her guidance. Hard fucking, noisy, squishy sex for about twenty minutes. She announced her orgasms with high-pitched shrieks of encouragement. “Oh, don’t stop. Not now. Keep it up.” After her third one, I was exhausted and collapsed next to her breathing like a freight train. Two hours of rest and the cycle was repeated.

Score: Her 6 Me 2 but who’s counting… 



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