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My Wife Masturbated in Church!

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10 likes 4323 views Category: Masturbation Male-Female Tags: church, orgasm, vibrator, sneaky
I dared my wife to try this, and to my delight, she did! We are probably both going to hell.

So I bought my wife this little mini vibrator that is whisper quiet when turned on. It mostly gets used when she feels the need for an orgasm (or two, or three) when the kids are either awake somewhere in the house, or are sleeping by her in bed (like if I'm gone on a business trip).

Well, last Saturday night, I had a devilish thought. "I wonder if you could hide this in your vagina and walk around with it." I said. "Hey!" she replied. "Good idea." So we did some experimenting. After a while we found that if she wore a tight pair of panties, that the vibrator would stay inside of her. She played around a little and found she could, while wearing the underwear, force it out of her pussy by flexing her kegel muscle, just enough to push the button that turns it on. "Ok" I said smiling. "How about this. Tomorrow, put it inside you before we go to church, and turn it on while we're in the main sermon." Her eyes got HUGE! But she also smiled. "I'll think about it" she said. "Oh come on! What's to think about? I would DIE to be able to jerk off in church!" "I'll think about it" she said firmly, which meant the conversation was over.

But the next morning, amid all the hustle of getting the kids ready for church, my wife came out of the bedroom with a massive smile on her face, and I knew she had the little vibrator inside her pussy. When we got to church, she made sure to sit on the edge of the pew, with me next to her. This was so none of the kids would be able to sit by her. As the sermon got going, I felt her hip muscles tense, and I knew she was pushing the end of it out. Keeping her jacket over her hips, I felt her squirm a little, and then I heard the whisper quiet buzz of her toy. It was so faint I never would have heard it if I had not known to be listening for it.

For the next few minutes, I was keenly aware of her every move. She shifted her weight a few times to get comfortable and find the best position, and then she closed her eyes and grabbed my hand. I knew it was going to happen. A minute passed, maybe two or three. Then she began to squeeze my hand harder. And then, it came. She lurched forward in the pew just a tiny bit, and I felt every muscle in her body tighten. I could tell she was working hard to act normal, but it wasn't easy. Her face turned red as it always does when she has an orgasm, but she managed to keep her expression fairly normal. Thank-goodness she didn't cuss like she often does when she cums!

After the orgasm subsided she looked at me out of the corner of her eye and winked. "Go for two" I whispered. "I am" she said quietly back. She closed her eyes again. Anyone watching would have thought she dozed off. The second one came more quickly, and despite her best efforts, this time she let out a fairly loud squeak and bent forward a ways. The noise and the motion was enough that a few people near us turned their heads. But she recovered quickly. She sat up, put a hand on her forehead, and then stood up and walked out of the chapel. She came back a few minutes later, and we sat through the rest of the sermon.

When it was over, a few people near us asked if she was okay. "Oh, thank you" said my wife. "Just, you know... cramping." That shut the conversation down in a hurry. (Although, my wife told me later, that a young single girl in her early 20's gave her an all-too-knowing stare down, and a smile. "I'm pretty sure she knew" my wife said.) That evening when we were finally alone, we had the best laugh about it! Wow! She had done it! Two orgasms in the middle of church during the sermon, with 200 people all around us! I suspect it won't be the last time she tries this. It adds a whole new dimension to church! Now if only we could figure out a way for me to cum in church.



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