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My Habit: Open Palm Method

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5 likes 67 views Category: Masturbation Male Techniques Tags: Orgasm, early masturbation, fist pumping

My cock: Well, not the smallest. Not the largest as well. I'd love to say well above average but I would be happy with an extra inch or so.

I'd love to say well above average but I would be happy with an extra inch or so. But that's just me. I suppose my problem is that I'm a grower and not a shower - so, until I'm getting an erection, the impression is that I'm quite lacking in endowment. But once the caverns start to fill up, it's a decent piece of sensual equipment. Lightly veined, nice helmet, somewhat flat shaped rather than round around its girth. Cut, very tightly, from birth. My birth records show my having been cauterised down there on the third day. 

My balls aren't as big either. On a normal hour of a normal day they would be the size of a standard thumb. Circumference around that of a Coke twist cap, more the size of a shelled pecan-walnut than that of an almond. They swell up as my arousal builds. But before that a technique that didn’t require an erect penis from my younger days.

My habit:  I began at a very young age.  I remember dry humping for forever. Awesome dry orgasms. Similar to the tingles just after taking a wizz, only a thousand times the buzz.  In bed I would lie on my stomach and rub my pubic bone on my open palm which I supported with a clenched fist of my other hand, palms up. My knuckle would then press against the mattress. This resulted in a mind numbing orgasm, which I could do several times over, quite discreetly, until I fell asleep.  I guess I was one of those bedtime wankers. 



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