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My First Time Swimming Naked

Posted by: Age: 17 Posted on: 9 comments
12 likes 40 views Category: Masturbation Male Solo Tags: cum, masturbation, rain, shower, pool, speedo, foam, erection

As I never had access to a pool and, when I had, I was never alone so I could never experience such thing as the title says. This story is a fantastic episode of another great first time experience.

My intention when writing stories about my memories is to never explicitly say something sexual right at the beginning, so, allow yourselves to dive into my past and let the horniness build up as it did with me back in the day.

During the scorching summers, my family never had a pool for ourselves. In the other hand, my uncle did and we spent most of our weekends there, enjoying. Back in the day he was a great guy, way before political polarization took the best of him. His children were also great, they were my older cousins and by that time, they almost never spent time at their parents house.


At this specific weekend, my family (me + mom + dad) and his (aunt + uncle + female cousin) had lunch together and by the beginning of the afternoon, my cousin went out with her friends. My parents and my uncle and aunt went inside the house to play cards as they usually do and I was left alone, with the pool to myself.


Describing the house, it had a big constructed area in the front and a huge empty patio before a pool area way in the back with three rooms: one for the pool and garden supplies/tools and two bathrooms. In the back, just before the wall where the propriety ended, there was some tall grass and a tree with a swing. Analytical as I ever was, I knew I had complete freedom and simply could do whatever I wanted to.


During the first hour or so, I went back and forth in the pool and sunbathing or reading a book I brought. As the afternoon was passing by, some heavy clouds started forming. Well fuck I knew it wasn't my lucky day so I packed my towel, my book and my shorts and went inside. By the time I let my things in the laundry room, which was the fastest access inside, I could hear the adults really enjoying themselves in the game, laughing and drinking.


At that same time, it started raining. And I don't know what I was thinking but I decided to rush back to the pool. As I was walking, it started raining more and more, a real downpour. I heard a window opening in the balcony and it was my mom yelling at me to come inside (not that she was angry, but it was a great distance between the house and the pool area). I waved at her and yelled back "I AM FINE!". I could barely see her face but it was something like "alright, let him be". She closed the glass window and I could see she closing the blinds before closing the real window.


Well, it was raining a lot, I had nothing but myself barefoot, a speedo and a dream. So I went back to the pool, which was significantly warmer than the outside. Oh man that feeling was great. The warm freedom hit me as I knew I definitely had that paradise all for me. A teenager that never had that much time for himself and never had a pool for himself, only one thing came into my mind and that's exactly why we are here.


I removed my speedo right underwater and started swimming. Comfortably, for real. I was 100% soft and was just enjoying that moment because that was very unique for me, the feeling of water going through my fully naked body. And by that age, I was already shaving my bodyparts and trimming my pubes, so I had almost nothing left. I wasn't very muscular, I was always more to the slim side of the force, per say.


Starting to get tired, I stopped my laps inside the pool and thought again of putting back my speedo and calling the day. But again, I was here for the long run and wanted to experiment everything. Anatomically, when I was 17, I had almost the same penis I have today , with around 7 inches and when soft, my foreskin covered the entire of the head of my dick. I decided simply to pull my foreskin back, exposing the had to the cold water and that hit me like a truck I don't know why. That new tactile sensation made me swim a few more rounds and as I was swimming the water made me go harder and harder as the water was moving around my dick. By the time I stopped again, I was fully hard, a throbbing hardon and I knew it was a day to never be forgotten.



As a parenthesis, I wasn't much of a masturbator back then. I always contained my sexual thoughts to myself and used to cum once or twice a week in the shower when I felt like it. So with hormones at high in my late teens, every time I got horny, it was a very powerful experience.


So there I was, a downpour rain making noise, me with my erect penis with dirty thoughts. So there I went out of the pool, after picking up my speedo, to lay down in a sun lounger letting the water hit me like the natural shower it was. Then I started masturbating, slowly, really enjoying myself. As I masturbated not very often, every touch could be really felt, from the base to the tip of my dick. I kept that same movement for a couple of minutes, sometimes moving my butt, sometimes laying on my side, but always with my hand firmly on my dick.


After that, I felt like I needed to level it up. So I went to the back of the property, raging hardon bouncing on my belly and entangled myself in the tall grass to find a spot to really start to jerk off. So I went, sitting and later laying down, I masturbated like the special occasion it was. Slowing down for a few moments when I knew I was going to cum, but never ever stopping. When I definitely knew there was no coming back, another crazy idea came into my head and I ran again, taking a shortcut jumping over a fence and went right into the pool.


That scene was something I wish I had on record. A teenager was wanking in the grass, fully naked with the hardest penis you have ever seen, running around to go back into the pool after jumping a fence.


Inside the warmer water, I just could not resist. I held onto my penis as hard as I could jerked, jerked, fast and strong until copious amounts of cum were expelled from me. I had a huge orgasm, followed by a huge relief breath. The water making resistance on my hand and some waves of water hitting my balls from the moment, it all resulted in a great masturbation and I felt completely satisfied. I also could barely see all the cum strings on the water because of the rain but I knew some were sticking in my body. I had to take a shower.


With cum still dripping off of my dick, I grabbed my speedo, put it back and went to the bathroom to take a shower. Again, I had nothing in my mind except taking a shower and going back inside, my job was done. When I went inside, the bathroom seemed to be "ready" for weeks, it smelled old but it had a towel, soap, shampoo in place and a huuuge shower with no bathroom box.


Well there I was, taking a shower and letting the hot water relax me. Relax me too much, because I knew that was the farthest place I could be from the adults and with a locked door. Again, a save heaven was forming and damn... I was feeling it, my dick was reacting again and horniness came, fast and strong.


At first I layed down and let the shower hit my right at the tip of my dick, with speedo still on "edging" a little bit, just so I knew I could be at my full hardon again as fast as possible. After that, reviving a favorite moment from another story, while still laying down on the floor, I removed my speedo and threw it away with all my force across the bathroom. And there I was, fully hard again in a steaming bathroom with absolutely nobody around, even if they wanted to.


So I made the typical "shower jerk routine" more interesting. I made a lot of foam with the shampoo on my head and proceeded to fuck my own hand with foam in it. It was a very unique sensation until that moment because, believe it or not, I had never done that before and it was amazing. With more and more foam on my penis, I soon realized it was for the best for me to finish it on dry land.


And there I went, with shower still on, splashed some water with my feet a little farther than where the shower could hit and sat there, with a lot of foam on my hands and cock and masturbated fast, really fast. Like a machine, my right arm was up and down so fast as I was moaning loud because nobody would ever hear me.


Faster than I ever jerked off, the orgasm came with a another big load of cum that hit my chin when shooting. Even after that I wanted to keep going to jerk even more, but to no avail, I was spent. My hand was kind of numb from pressing my hard cock, which was also throbbing a bit.


After that, I finished my shower with my dick refusing to stay 100% down. I knew I had to get off that place so luckily for me, the rain was almost over and after not even drying myself, I ran back inside from the laundry room and grabbed my things the way I left them couple hours ago. I dried myself, put some proper clothes and finally allowed me to turn off my brain from all that horniness.


I remember sitting down in a sofa and being woken up around 40 minutes later by my father, as we were leaving. I never knew if I left a mess in my uncle's pool and bathroom, but since I went there several other times along the years, I guess I did a pretty good job.


For an ending note, that house was a great place for me with great memories, not only from jerking off or even having sex, as I may or may not write a story about it (it's on my personal queue). So four years ago, after my uncle passed away, I talked to my cousins and actually bought the entire property for me, in which I spent the whole covid lockdown.


More adventures to cum.




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