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My First Time for Her

Posted by: Author: Age: 30 Posted on: 1 comments
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This is a follow up to the first two stories I submitted about our exploration of Masturbation with each other. You can read the other two stories for the backround. This is about the first time I had the courage to masturbate for her.
For the next few weeks, whenever we got together, she would masturbate for me until she came once, and then we would get each other off. I had never touched myself in front of her before, but this one particular night though, things would be different. We had met up late at night, and we were parked in her car out in the woods. We sat and talked for a bit as always, but soon we started to relax. She had her legs up on the dash, and she started to rub her thighs gently. After a bit, her soft hands were venturing around more and more. She had no underwear or bra on under her cloths, and her left hand would occasionally slip up her shirt to gently massage her breasts while her right hand would venture closer to her pussy with each rub. While this was going one, we continued to talk about nothing in particular while the night air continued to relax us. At a break in the conversation, she asked, 'I am feelin' pretty good, would you mind if I carried on and took matters into my own hands?' 'Of course not!' was my response. She placed her right hand on her pussy, and started rubbing it up and down while spreading her legs across the dash. I just lay back in my seat to enjoy the show. After a minute of that, her hand slid into the waist of her stretch pants, and she let off a soft moan as her hand laid to rest on her bare body. Although the car was off, we always had the key in and the radio on, and in the dark woods, the radio's lighted display gave off enough light to see what was happening. I could see the lump of her hand moving up and down her lips as she closed her eyes and started moving her hips gently up and down. Her other hand continued to probe underneath her tee shirt as she ever so slowly increased the speed of her hips. At this point, my penis was growing in my paints, and I could hardly contain my excitement. Suddenly, she stopped for a moment. She sat up, took off her shoes and pants, threw them on the floor, leaned the seat back just a bit, and lay back. With her feet on the floor now, she spread her legs and continued where she left off. Thanks to the light from the radio's blue display, I was able to see her sliding her index and middle finger gently up and down between her lips while slowly pumping her hips up and down. Since her leg was close to me, I placed my hand on her thigh and gave her a squeeze of encouragement as she continued on. Her pace grew slightly faster, and I could see that she had increased the pressure on her pussy as she rubbed. The sounds of her wet fingers moving up and down filled the car, and I felt my raging hard on dripping pre cum in my pants. I wanted to touch myself so bad, but I had never admitted doing that to anyone before, let alone done it in front of anyone before, so I was a bit hesitant about touching myself now. Instead, I told her, 'You are making me so hot!' She smiled and said, 'Good, I hope so!' as she continued rubbing. Soon, her pace increased a lot, and the sense of urgency on her face and in her motions clearly indicated that she was ready to come. I squeezed her thigh as she moved her fingers faster and faster, and her heavy breathing and moans became more intense. She pressed her feet into the floor of the car, raising her ass off of the seat, and rubbed like I had never seen before while her hips moved up and down. She starting moaning loudly 'Oh...Oh......Oh......OH..OH..OH!' as she got off hard on her hand. She sat back down on the seat, and smiled as she placed her hand on mine. Usually, after she would make herself come once, I would get her off a couple more times-I LOVE having a multi-orgasmic girlfriend-and then she would take care of me. As I reached over to put my hands between her legs, she said with a smile, 'Oh no, I am not done yet!' and pushed my hand away. She spread her legs again and started gently rubbing her fingers over her lips again. I was about ready to explode! I told her, 'Honey, you have to stop that, you are driving me crazy!' 'Good, but you are not allowed to touch me,' she said. She continued rubbing, and it quickly became clear that she was working herself up to come again. I took my hand and started slowly rubbing my penis through my pants, hoping that she was too engaged in herself to noticed. As she approached her second orgasm, I again told her, 'I cannot stand this much longer! You are driving me insane! I am feeling so hot!' She just smiled, and gave me no response as she continued on. I pressed down a bit harder on the front of my pants now, and I could feel my precum leaking through my pants and wetting my fingers just slightly. I really wanted to rub myself, but that little bit of apprehension was still there. She rubbed out her second orgasm, this one just as good as the first. Once she relaxed, I again leaned over because I wanted to touch her so bad!!! She again turned me away, as she lay there gently running her hand up and down over her bare mound. I was still rubbing myself through my pants, hoping that she would not notice. It was clear that she was not going to stop, and was going to go for a third orgasm, so I begged her again, 'Honey, I am so hot. I cannot stand it anymore! You are making me crazy!' She looked at me and smiled, and then said, 'Well, you should do something about that, shouldn't you?' She continued rubbing, and started to slowly slide her fingers between here nice smooth lips. I finally decided that I needed to take care of myself. I slid my hand inside my sweat pants and felt my penis. I was quite shocked at how wet I was, and started to gently stroke myself. She looked over my way, looked down at what I was doing, and smiled as she closed her eyes and leaned back. I was not sure if she saw or not, but at this point, I almost did not care. As she got a good rhythm going on herself, her hips rising up to meet her hand, I started rubbing the head of my penis. I watched her for a minute more, and finally, I could not handle it anymore. Feeling hotter then hell from the show that my love was giving me, and too horny to care anymore, all my nervousness disappeared since I needed to come so bad. I slid my pants down to my thighs, grabbed my penis, and started rubbing it up and down. I was so wet from pre cum that I did not need any lubrication, and as I looked over at her to see what she was doing, she looked over at me. We looked in each other eyes, and then she looked down at what I was doing, smiled a nice smile, and then had a nice gentle, but deep orgasm. At this point, I knew that she had seen me rubbing myself, and by her smile, I knew that she was happy. She turned in the seat to face me, and just watched as I continued rubbing. I was slowly increasing my speed, letting my orgasm build from deep inside. She placed her hand on my thigh, just as I had done to her, and gave me a squeeze. I started to moan a bit, and she moaned with me. 'Are you feeling good?' she asked. I said, 'Oh yes, very good!' She said, 'MMMMMMM,' and smiled. I really wanted to come, but I was a bit unsure of myself. I told her, 'I am feeling really good!' She said, 'That's why were are here... To feel good.' I said, 'No, I mean that I am feeling really... REALLY good!!' Kerri then said, 'You need to come, don't you?' I said, 'Yes, I am really close!' She said, 'Well then... Let yourself feel free... Let yourself go and do what feels good... Make yourself feel good!' After hearing that last sentence-it was so sexy-and knowing that I had her approval, I squeezed a bit harder as I rubbed, and I could feel my orgasm building deep inside me. I started to moan, 'Oh....Oh....Ahhh....Ohh!' and with each one of my moans, she would moan with me and squeeze my leg. My orgasm set in... I could feel the head of my penis throb, and my body tensed up as the semen pumped out of my penis, and on to my hand, shirt, and stomach. She squeezed my thigh hard as I came, and as the last few drops of come dripped down my hand and into my pubic hair, she slowly released her grip. I certainly never though that I would ever do something like that in front of another person, but I am glad I did. That was a definite turning point in our relationship. We have now been together for 10 years, and masturbation is a regular part of our fun. We are free with our feelings, and with each other, and can masturbate in front of each other with no inhibitions. If one of us needs to get off, we just get right to it. Whether we are driving down the road, lying on the couch, or watching a porn movie on TV, we feel no reluctance to just start rubbing ourselves out of nowhere. We both enjoy watching each other, and being so comfortable with ourselves and each other regarding masturbation has made for a wonderful relationship, and for tons more of hot masturbation's adventures. Let us know in the comments section if you are interested in hearing more about our adventures, and I will be happy to tell about more of the experiences we have had.



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