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My First Orgasm, in a Bookstore Restroom

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69 likes 12704 views Category: Masturbation Female Solo Tags: first orgasm, reading, aroused, , mom, thong, sister shower, mother daughter, accident, land lady
I discovered masturbation and my first orgasm in a bookstore restroom, thanks to some delightful reading in the sexuality aisle.

I guess I was a bit of a late bloomer, because I didn't start masturbating to orgasm until I was 16, due to a sheltered upbringing with conservative parents and being homeschooled. Anyway, once I could drive, I took advantage of my newfound freedom to go to the bookstore, where I immediately headed to the Sexuality section. (We only had a shared computer in the family room, and this was before smart phones, so I didn't have a way to look up erotica online.)

I was giddy with the number of sex-related books at my disposal, and stood in the aisle reading for awhile. I had gotten horny before, but reading graphic sexual content was a new experience for me in my previously sheltered world, so I got seriously aroused. I was really wet and throbbing, desperately wishing I could experience sex. Luckily for me, one of the books I was looking at was a fun manual type thing that talked frankly about masturbation. I vaguely knew about it, but my church upbringing had pretty much informed me that it was something boys did, but God didn't like it. I wasn't even aware that girls had orgasms, but again, please bear in mind that I had been homeschooled and never took sex education, etc. Now I was starting to understand why I was so wet and throbbing, and had a desperate urge to touch myself.

The book showed a girl masturbating, and talked about all the nerve endings in the clitoris, and what an orgasm felt like. I kept reading for a bit, and finally I couldn't bear it any longer. I put the book back on the shelf and headed to the restroom in the back of the store. I sat on the toilet and reached between my legs, gasping immediately at how good my touch felt on my swollen clit. Remembering the description in the book, I started rubbing my clit, and much to my surprise, began moaning and panting because it felt so good. This was way better than I had even imagined. My arousal only increased when I closed my eyes and pictured the illustration in the book of a boy lying in bed, with his hand on his penis, mouth open in ecstasy as liquid spurted out.

The image enthralled me and I then pictured myself there with him, but with my hand on his penis and his on my clit. I totally lost track of the fact that I was in a public bathroom, because my moans got louder and I started saying "Oh my God" over and over, an expression that was forbidden by my parents, but it just came naturally to me. I honestly thought I would die, the pleasure was so beyond anything I had imagined, and then I exploded with my first ever orgasm.

I sat there for a few minutes, letting my breathing and heart rate return to normal, then cleaned up my wetness with toilet paper, washed up and walked back into the store, self conscious about my walking because I was feeling that oversensitized feeling. Well, I was embarrassed beyond belief, but I finally got up my courage to head up to the checkout to buy a few of the sex books that especially appealed to me, including the fun manual one, which I still have in a drawer to this day and enjoy looking at occasionally.

Needless to say, I never looked back. Masturbation became a daily delight, and 14 years later, it's still the rare day when I don't experience the exquisite release of an orgasm. It's tragic that there are people still teaching that it's wrong to masturbate, when it's something we need, and a healthy way to get release without the risk of STDs or pregnancy. This may not have been a very wild or exciting story, but it's 100 percent true! I hope you enjoyed it! Another day, I'll write about my occasional unexpected orgasm in my sleep.



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